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RIP Mooch. Earl he/him Tabby and Mooch’s brother. Jules she/her adopted Torbie. “I am not strange. I am just not normal.” Salvador Dali - same on 🧵
Jun 8, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
@Twm1958 When we married and bought our first house, a tuxie cat waited on the porch as we pulled up. She let us pet her, but when we invited her in the house, she moved to the far end of the patio.

When we entered the kitchen, there were stacks of canned cat food and two bags of dry with a large note explaining that they had trapped all the ferals and rehomed them except this one. They explicitly stated the cat came with the house but adamantly wanted to stay outside and escaped all efforts to be trapped. The note begged us to feed her.