How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App as if criticism from one’s journalist peers is tantamount to being arrested, jailed, beaten—or being called out by the president by name, doxxed by the far right, swarmed by racists and misogynists online repeatedly (often with no help from newsroom leaders or peers)'s pathetic to watch this massacre covered like this, almost solely through what police "believe" the motivation was. And if you are in Colorado in-person, you have no excuse not to include what the community believes. think this is why it’s a mistake to interpret the midterms as a rebuke of such positions, as if transphobic rhetoric and anti-trans politics were defeated because they were too extreme, because what I suspect was rejected was the packaging, not the content. Title IX is not the comparison I’d reach for, not even sure there even is a fair comparison to be made in this century.)