Mendi Tackett Profile picture
Speaking out against Christian nationalism. Sharing what I learn.
Nov 9, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
🧵 up early thinking on this election.

This loss is not based on just the economy. This loss is based on a wave of indoctrination.

Indoctrination of ppl in churches every Sunday and indoctrination of (mostly) young men from all demographics through a social media web. 1/ Please do not discount the power repressing women has had in the movement behind Trump. Do not discount the diet of toxic masculinity/machismo men have been fed through podcasts and YouTube videos. Don’t discount the potency of “man camp” style fellowship in churches. 2/
Oct 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
School Boards across TX are beginning to debate and vote on whether to allow chaplains into their districts (SB763).

Before your board votes, be sure they consider the amendments that were rejected, and the goals of the chaplain group who pushed the bill. 1) Here are amendments @jamestalarico put forth, but they were rejected. 2)
Aug 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
At some point TX Republicans’ luck will run out and the weight of their mismanagement will cave in on our state. We already see it happening at the edges. TX is losing ground, even though people don’t totally see that yet and continue to move here. But the shine will wear off. 1/ Eventually, the consequences of the change in climate, the lack of water, and the added population will be too much to curb. The current path isn’t sustainable. 2/
Nov 12, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
1. There are some who think the only way for the Democratic Party to win in Texas is to revert back to being rural Ds from 1976. What did that look like? White ppl who supported govt programs that benefited them, but also held tightly to racism, homophobia & Christian patriarchy 2. Texas Ds have spent the last 3 cycles trying to appeal to rural R voters. That population is not going to vote for Ds. The voting data bears that out time and again. White Christian nationalism is cemented into most of rural Texas. Not to mention rural TX is losing population.
Oct 13, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Here’s what we see happening in conservative politics…broadly, the far-right pushes Christian nationalist extremism into the GOP. Then we see elected Republicans, who may or may not totally agree with that ideology, try to stay relevant. 1/ So those elected Republicans, trying to hang on to their seat and validity, enable the extremist ideology to thrive within their party and our government. Instead of calling it out and saying no, they go along with oppressive, anti-democratic policies. 2/
Apr 27, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Please, please read this article. Brian Birdwell my state Sen. used to be on the speaking circuit for Wallbuilders. Mike Lang my state Rep is funded by the Wilks who have been reported to hv strong ties to Dominionism. This is happen, y’all. I could give a long list of expls. Look at the legislation they have both pushed for. Look at one of the first things Mike Lang’s wife, Katie, did when she was elected county clerk. They were hand picked to push a specific religious agenda. 2)