Sal Mercogliano (WGOW Shipping) 🚢⚓🐪🚒🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
Chair Dept of History, Crim Justice & Pol Science, Faculty Athletic Rep @campbelledu, Maritime Historian, Mariner, Firefighter & What's Going On With Shipping?
5 subscribers
Feb 18 15 tweets 6 min read
1/Great podcast with @CavasShips, @CSSProvision & @brentdsadler.

One of the key takeaways is this misguided concept set forth by the former SecNav and CNO of @USNavy that we lack shipbuilding capacity in the US.

This is FALSE! 2/First, the issue is the lack of contracts with the current yards and the fact that nearly all shipyards have one sole customer...the @USNavy. Therefore they have to be burdened with a sea of @NAVSEA rules and inspectors. Image
Feb 18 15 tweets 7 min read
1/The damage to USS Harry S Truman (CVN-75) has me thinking along the same lines as when USNS Big Horn (T-AO 198) ran aground off Oman and left the Lincoln battlegroup without an oiler.

What if Truman was damaged in battle and what is the historical comparison that the US Navy can look towards? 2/Much like I compared Big Horn's loss to that of USS Pecos in January 1942, the situation early in the Pacific War may provide a good example for the @USNavy for a potential peer-to-peer conflict in the Pacific.…
Jan 10 10 tweets 5 min read
1/I don't think the author of this article understands how the ocean can be used to fight the #LosAngelesFire #PalisadesFire.

First, what is needed is water to supply fire engines and tenders (tankers). When the fires burned through residential and commercial areas, the water pipes are opened and every structure pulls on the system. 2/Water systems are designed to operate off reservoirs, elevated tanks, pumping stations, or a combination of all. Normally, pumping stations fill elevated tanks during low-consumption periods. The tanks & reservoirs use the weight of the water and gravity to push water through the pipes.Image
Nov 7, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
1️⃣ Shipbuilding & Finance

The US builds 0.1% of the world's ships; China 51.0%.

The issues are not just economy of scale, but how the nation supports the sector in terms of corporation taxes, availability of financing, and depreciation of ships.

Shipbuilding is critical not just for the commercial sector but also the military; in terms of construction and repairs.Image
2️⃣ International Freight

The only US-flag ships in international trade are receiving a stipend through the Maritime and Tanker Security Programs, along with military charters under US Transportation Command.

Most of these ships are owned by foreign companies with US subsidiaries, i.e. Maersk Lines, Limited, APL, or Hapag. Part of the building program should target to replace the foreign-built ships with US-built vessels.

The US can establish a tax discount program for Shippers that allows them to move cargo on US ships and earn tax discounts/rebates.

There also needs to be work with the Dept of Defense to provide priority escort to US ships in contested regions such as the Red Sea with the US covering war risk to incentive shipping on US flag ships.
Oct 2, 2024 13 tweets 7 min read
1/Day 2 of the #PortStrike and a bit of background.

There is a lot of focus on the #ILA & their colorful president, but the issue of port efficiency is at the heart of the matter.

Moving containers through the terminals is key and a main point of the US Maritime Alliance. Image 2/The US Maritime Alliance (#USMX) consists of port associations, direct employers & shipping lines. The majority of the Board are foreign: Evergreen (Taiwan), ONE (Japan), CMA CGM (France), HAPAG (Germany), MSC (Switzerland), Maersk (Denmark), USA Ports (Canada) & COSCO (China).
Aug 29, 2024 10 tweets 7 min read
1/The latest video release by the #Houthis is just amazing.

This was filmed after the large three explosions set off at night, as indicated by the fires on deck, and the recent photos by @EUNAVFORASPIDES as the bridge is still intact in this video. Image 2/This was the original video shown by the #Houthis and has three large explosions on deck.

It is believed that they removed some of the manhole covers on the main deck to start the fires off the cargo tanks.
Aug 25, 2024 19 tweets 8 min read
1/The latest report that @USNavy @MSCSealift should not be a surprise. This is an issue 40 years in the making.

Navy to sideline 17 vessels due to manpower shortage, operating crews will be redistributed: report… 2/Back in 2019, I penned a piece for @USNIProceedings @USNavyCNO History Essay Contest that asked the question... Image
Jul 19, 2024 25 tweets 11 min read
1/It is time to discuss a Tale of Two Carriers, @usnavy @CENTCOM Edition.

The @DeptofDefense just showcased the return of the @TheCVN69 strike group and the award of the Combat Action Ribbon to the ships (although they omitted the ships of the @MSCSealift.) Image 2/At the time of the #Houthi attacks on shipping, USS Ford Carrier Strike Group was in Med and IKE was in the Persian Gulf, with the destroyer USS Carney making its dramatic appearance by shooting down missiles and drones heading to Israel.

Jul 13, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
1/I have been receiving a great deal of info on the #GazaPier and this is what I have been able to put together

1️⃣Weather was a major factor. A Sea State 5 storm necessitated the crews to evacuate to Benavidez and locally hired tugs. The offshore pier broke loose. It took 5 hours to chase down the RRDF platform after it drifted 2 miles off.

2️⃣ Much of the equipment had not been fixed or refurbished from Exercise Talisman Saber 23. There was a dry run before the execution of Gaza and took 3 days. The test found deficiencies in the LSVs.
May 28, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
1/The latest is that a portion of the Trident pier - the section that is grounded in #Gaza - broke loose while being towed to Israel due to high sea states.

2/ As I discussed in my video yesterday, if the US wanted to deliver aid to Gaza The best way to accomplish this 3was to use existing ports in Israel and Egypt and ship it overland into Gaza.

The least efficient is airdrops and then over the shore. Image
May 25, 2024 10 tweets 7 min read
1/So, let's talk about the #GazaPier.

The @DeptofDefense has set the parameters for the op.
1️⃣ No boots on the ground
2️⃣ An unannounced level of aid over the shore.

Joint Logisitics Over The Shore (JLOTS) is designed to support military operations for a finite period of time. 2/To conduct this op, @DeptofDefense activated a total of 11 vessels.

4 vessels activated from @DOTMARAD & @MSCSealift: USNS Benavidez, Lopez, Bobo (which suffered an engine fire & returned) & Stockham

1 chartered: MV Sagamore

3 Army LSVs & 3 Army LCUs

Plus pier & lighterage

Apr 16, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
1/The @Heritage has released Project 2025 which is entitled Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise. Basically it would be the next Trump administration policy guide. In it is a section on Maritime Policy (p.637-638). Let's take a moment and digest it. 2/A little short on history as MARAD came from the US Shipping Board created in 1916 and then via the US Maritime Commission.

What is also omitted is that MARAD was originally under the Commerce Dept and included @FMC_gov it is purview. Image
Mar 15, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
1/The latest on the #GazaPier.

A temporary jetty was constructed from concrete and landfill to extend out from the shore.

It was done under the supervision of the IDF. 2/The Spanish-flagged tug Echo 1 Open Arms delivered the barge of 200 tons of food from @WCKitchen via Cyprus.

Due to the shallow draft off the jetty the tug could not push the barge alongside.

This is why the US Army Trident pier will extend approximately 1800 feet out.

Mar 8, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
1/So the winner is the least efficient means possible to move cargo.

1,000 soldiers of @USArmy 7th Transportation Group will construct either an elevated or floating causeway pier.

2/According to the @DeptofDefense spokesperson it will take two weeks to construct.

Okay...but where are the causeways?

They are either in Virginia or onboard prepositioning ships at Diego Garcia or in the western Pacific.

These will need to be shipped and this takes time? Image
Mar 8, 2024 10 tweets 7 min read
1/ Why is the concept of a #Gaza #pier not a viable option?

First, Gaza is a flat strip of coast with no protected harbors or coves. Thus means that any 'pier' would be completely open to the elements and seas.

Second, there are two ports just a few miles away.
Image 2/Ashdod in Israel is a large port and could handle the cargo, but it would require transport and delivery through Israeli territory.

Jan 31, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
1/A quick snapshot of all containerships over 16,000 TEUs (or Ultra Large Container Vessels). You can see that they are used exclusively between Europe & Asia as US ports cannot accommodate them, either due to water/air draft or crane capacity.
2/Only a few ports can handle them - Tangier in Africa; Algeciras, Genoa, Piraeus, Istanbul, Port Said & Gioia Tauro in the Med; Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Felixstowe & Antwerp in Northern Europe & in Asia, multiple ports in China, Singapore, Columbo & Khalifa.
Jan 27, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
1/MT Marlin Luanda, a 110,000 deadweight ton tanker and owned by a company in the Marshall-Is and flagged in the same, sailed from Greece after loading a cargo of Russian naphtha from tankers via the Black Sea.

The cargo was not sanctioned and sold under the price cap.

2/The ship identified its destination as Singapore but that was probably not its final one.

Over the past year, it has operated over an extensive area, typical of Suezmax/LR2 tanker. Image
Jan 25, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
1/The turning around of the US-flagged containerships MV Maersk Detroit and Maersk Chesapeake should be a warning sign for the @DeptofDefense.

This indicates that even ships with the 🇺🇸 flag can be thwarted by the #Houthi. Image 2/For context, the US has been able to run vessels through the contested seas of the #RedSea, #BabelMandeb, and #GulfofAden in the past.

The most dramatic was the attack on January 9 against four US ships.…
Jan 12, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
Quick history lesson.

1/On Feb 1, 1917, Imperial Germany announced the resumption of Undeclared Submarine war. Two days later, U-53 sank the American freighter Housatonic off the coast of England. Image 2/On Feb 26, following the sinking of a 2nd US ship, President Wilson requested Congress the authority to arm American merchant ships; when Congress refused to act and recessed, Wilson ordered it done on March 9. Image
Dec 28, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1/Merchant ships are being attacked by an asymmetric threat. The damage to ships is threatening the global supply line & leading to economic, political, & military uncertainty. The combined navies lack the adequate forces to interdict this threat and call upon the US for aid. Image 2/But this is not 2023 in the Red Sea, but 1917 in the Western Approaches to the English Channel.

The threat is not the Houthi with UAVs, cruise and ballistic missiles, but Imperial German submarines, with torpedoes, deck guns, mines & bombs. Image
Dec 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The latest @Maersk advisory announced the potential resumption of trade through the Red Sea now that @USNavy has escorted through 3 US-flagged @MaerskLineLtd ships

In the Med, several 8k+TEUs are heading for Suez:
Maersk Detroit 🇺🇸, Hidalgo, Stralsund, Londrina, Tukang, Genoa, Mary Maersk, Gjertrud Maersk, Maren Maersk & Ebba MaerskImage There is no indication that any of the ships from Asia, are resuming their voyage toward the Suez.