Holding Maine's Federal Delegation accountable to the people since 2016. Public statements only come from MFAL accounts.
Aug 14, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
📢📢📢 📭📩🗳️THREAD
Worried about the Post Office and Vote by Mail? We are too but we hold Susan Collins responsible.
In 2003 Susan Collins chaired the Senate committee on Governmental Affairs that appointed James Miller to the USPS Board of Governors.
Who is James Miller? 1/
James Miller was the Director of OMB in the Reagan White House and wrote a pro-privatization paper “it’s time to free the mails.”
In 2001 he became the Director of Charles Koch’s Citizens for a Sound Economy and advanced the privatization of the USPS. 2/
Oct 7, 2019 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1/4.@SenatorCollins over 200 pieces of legislation including protecting for DREAMers, gun control and health care legislation is sitting on @senatemajldr's desk awaiting a vote. He is interfering w/Senate business & you are silent.
2/4An impeachment inquiry was begun because Trump asked another country to interfere in our election and because he is under investigation for a dozen other impeachable offenses. You refuse to comment on the scope of the investigation and his behavior. This is intolerable.