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Buying 2 RV parks/month & growing my 7 company holdco to $100m. DFW. Listen to The Koerner Office! A top 50 entrepreneurship podcast:
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Jul 14 9 tweets 18 min read
2 years ago my family of 6 saw all 50 states in 60 days to celebrate my daughter's double lung transplant.

It was the best summer of my life.

Here's our route, how we did it and how I'd do it better if I had the chance, either solo or as a family. Copy me!

Let's go! 👇Image STRATEGY

Our 2 goals:

1. See all 50 states efficiently
2. Be together

Anything else we experience will just be a bonus.

If we have breakdowns and experience stress, who cares? We did it together.

This set us up for success no matter what happened.

We also wanted to be sure to do something in each state, even if only a simple hike.

We discussed doing the lower 48 in 48 days, as it costs about as much to do 48 as it does to do just AK and HI, but we figured “Let’s go for broke.”

All or nothing, baby!

The only way to do AK and HI efficiently is to park in Seattle, fly 1 way to Anchorage and then 1 way to Hawaii, then back to SeaTac.

We stayed 1 week in both AK and HI. More on that later.

Flights from Seattle to Anchorage are as cheap as you’ll find, and the other flights weren’t bad either.

More strategy:

- We used a 32’ Class C RV (ours is below). 4 beds, plenty of space. ~$40k. Everything you need to live comfortably is on that rig.

More on this below.

- Stay in RV parks and Walmart + church parking lots
- Mostly home-cooked meals
- Hug the state borders

- Don’t go way out of our way to see something popular (Yellowstone or Grand Canyon didn’t make the cut)

- Don’t stress about missing these popular destinations.

You can’t even see all the National Parks in California in a few weeks, much less a few days, so why stress? NorCal and Tahoe were incredible. Maybe next time, Yosemite!

- Do 1 thing in every state. Maybe that means stay 1 week and maybe that means see a windmill farm (freaking Kansas)

- Take 2-3 day breathers every 10 days or so.
- Lots of hiking
- Limited screen time
- Lots of reading
- Lots of 2003-era emo music (thx dad)

- Church every Sunday (Fairview, TX > Whittier, NC > Saco, ME > Chicago > Glendive, MT > Anchorage > Honolulu > Seattle > Hurricane, UT

- Leave dad some time and space to get some work done. For WiFi we used T-Mobile’s rural internet plan and router. $50/month and was very solid and portable. Worked almost everywhere at 10-50 mpbs

Pics of our home, Big Al:

Oregon coast
Northern AZ
Newport, RI
Great Smoky Mountains, TNImage
May 28 7 tweets 4 min read
Want to shamelessly copy your successful competitor?

Go to the comments. This is the best hack you'll see all week.

All of the dirty little secrets are in the COMMENTS! Here's exactly what I mean, in 3 steps: 👇 Step 1. Find your competitor's most active social media platform and then find posts that got outsized engagement.

See what I mean in the screenshot below? Bottom right.

This is where you'll start. Click into that post or video and start reading comments. Image
May 19 6 tweets 4 min read
You've never heard of my favorite inventor

He figured out how to convert old bread & plastic into billions

In the 80s he was buying old bakery bread, crushing it into crumbs & selling to poultry farms.

Then he thought "Hmm...what can I do with all these plastic bags?" 1/5 Image As luck would have it, he was an organic chemist by trade.

He started shredding the plastic bread bags and mixing with sawdust and thus...Trex was born.

Today, Trex is the artificial decking manufacturer with a $10B market cap.

Back in the day, the color of the planks... 2/5 Image
Apr 17 11 tweets 3 min read
Parkinson's Law has changed my life, and it can be applied EVERYWHERE. From solo kidneys to under-hiring.

Here are some unique way it affects our world, and how you can profit: What is Parkinson's Law? I LOVE this graphic below. My life motto is "There's always time."

Give yourself an hour to get a task done & it'll take an hour. Give yourself a month & it'll take a month.

Note: We all procrastinate. It's not just you. And that's okay. Image
Apr 7 4 tweets 3 min read
This is insane. A new high school outside Dallas dedicated 1/3 of their floor space to entrepreneurship.

The 1st floor is a mall, where 15+ local businesses set up shop so students can be mentored, apply for jobs & learn how to run a biz.

There's also a:

- recording studio
- photo studio
- makerspace innovation lab
- coding lab
- eSports lab
- 10,000 square foot theatre
- 7,000 seat arena

The on site businesses get a cheaper lease if they mentor students.

Floors 2-3 have normal HS classes

The school is becoming a template for other schools and is called Opportunity Central.

Better yet, this school cost a whopping $100 million LESS than a normal new high school.

The superintendent sounds like a hero. Imagine if more administrators had common sense like this:

You can be the most knowledgeable veterinarian in the world but if you can’t run the veterinary hospital and the business side to it, you’re not going to be very successful long-term.

This makes me proud to live in Texas. Would love to see this become more common.

I want to be a part of this somehow. Fun fact: This high school is only 2 miles away from this exact Crumbl I posted about below last year. I think some 16 year old might put them out of business now. 😂

Would appreciate a follow @mhp_guy if you love reading about entrepreneurship

Mar 23 8 tweets 2 min read
There's a website with 30 million monthly visits that is a GOLDMINE for customer acquisition.

You've heard of it, but I promise you aren't using it.

Here's exactly what it is and how to use it to find new customers: Remember meetup . com? Yeah, they are actually thriving! It's a site to build communities centered around a topic.

330,000+ groups and 60,000,000+ members!

Why sell to 1 when you can sell to 1,000 with the same amount of effort? Here are 2 different methods:
Mar 6 6 tweets 2 min read
I'm asked weekly: Is it better build or to buy a business?

I've done both and I have the answer.

In fact, I built a scoring system to measure exactly which route to take. For $0, allow me to introduce you to...

The SPLITS framework: SPLITS stands for:

Simplicity - How simple or complex is the business?
Product or service - Which is it?
Leadership & sales experience - How much do you have?
Industry expertise - Again, how much do you have?
Time to launch - How long will it take?
Startup costs - High or low?
Feb 8 12 tweets 4 min read
I know how you can make $85k this year with a side hustle.

• The gig: Renting luxury wedding bathrooms
• Average revenue per job: $1,950
• Time commitment: ~2 hours per job

Here's how it works: 79% of weddings are outdoors. There's your market for outdoor marriage supplies.

No one wants gross porta-potties at their wedding.

That's where you come in. These bad boys cost $30k, can be resold and I'll tell you exactly where to find trailers & customers below. Image
Feb 5 13 tweets 4 min read
Finding dirt cheap off market real estate & business deals is all about finding the right person's contact info.

Here are 11 lesser-known tools I use to do exactly that: Lead Sherpa is the Patagonia vest wearing cousin of the skip tracing family.

Outreach tools are bundled together, which is fine if you need them. But the data is about 83% accurate in our experience.

Not bad. FYI, Skip Tracing = finding someone's contact info. Image
Jan 24 4 tweets 3 min read
Should I start this biz?

I have a shop like this on my property. Full HVAC, 2,100 sqft, and my $2,500/mo tenant is moving out soon.

There's insane demand in my area for youth personal sports training here, from middle to high school.

I'm considering filling it with equipment, lining with astroturf and renting it out by the hour to 2-3 trainers at a time.

My area is somewhat rural - no gyms, but upper middle class with overachieving rich families and top tier schools. Lots and lots and lots of youth sports.

Several local friends have told me this biz would crush here.

Furthermore, one of Texas' largest high schools is 10 mins away - 5,400 students across 3 grades. You've probably heard of it...

I don't want a monthly memberships because I want to control the flow of people at any given time, even if less profitable.

I'm optimizing for quality of life here, and not trying to manage a 6th biz or massive headache.

I'm thinking:

- $40 per hour time slot
- 10 surge hours per day at $40 per
- 10 low demand hours per day at $10 per
- 4 down hours per day for cleaning
- 2-3 max people per slot

That's 1,800 slots per month.

At 3 trainings per week on average you'd need 150 students to be at max capacity.

I could sell bundles of time slots together at a discount.

There are at least 10,000 middle - high schoolers within 10 miles...

And ~3,000 sets of parents with too much money to spend on sports.

ON PAPER, at full capacity thats $45k/month top line.

Much better than $2,500! Not bad for 2,100 sqft.

Maybe add an hourly employee and some vending machines with drinks and snacks.

Make it really nice inside. It would require some upfront build out cost.

I could see this biz going up almost anywhere. Rent out someone else's shop with permission to do this.

Buy (rent) by the acre and sell by the foot. The WeWork for youth sports.

Should I do this and build it publicly? Finances and all.

Poke holes in this please. It seems asymmetric to me. If it doesn't work out I resell the equipment and move on.Image I think I'm already convinced. Gee ouch...AHH! Stop twisting my arm into starting another business! It hurts!

Will post about the progress as I go. Follow me for updates @mhp_guy

Keep the feedback coming! My kids aren't elite athletes so I don't know this world very well haha
Jan 19 6 tweets 1 min read
I've started over 20 companies & collected over $100M in profitable revenue.

I use 1 system to identify what business to start.

The BO framework: Everyone knows to start businesses that have:

• High margins
• Growing market
• Low competition
• Low startup costs

But how do you know if it's WORTH the HEADACHE to start a certain business or not?
Dec 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Every time Buc-ee's announces a new location we start a new FB Group called

"Fans of Buc-ee's (new location name)"

This organically brings us tens or hundreds of thousands of members, to which we'll sell many thousands of dollars worth of products to.

Don't sleep on FB groups Image Our biggest group has 124k members and we have around 250k across 20+ groups.

We cross promote across all groups to create a flywheel.

Everything funnels back to , but we promote very rarely and let the members drive 95% of the engagement.
Sep 21, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
I'm consulting a guy buying land for an RV park outside of a state park, and I thought I'd put our whole process out there for the world to see.

This works for glamping sites too. Here is our exact process, with Texas as an example:

1. Get a list of all state parks by annual visitors. Just Google it and paste the results in a google sheet.

2. Now use a scraping tool to scrape all RV parks from Google Maps in the state. There's a link to my favorite cheap tool in the first comment below.

You want to do it by the cities or counties near the state parks you're targeting, or all of them, depending on how much time you have.

You'll want to remove duplicates but search both "campground" AND "RV park" terms.

If I were you I'd do all of them in the state. Actually, maybe I'll just send my email list this compiled data when my assistant is done. (mhpguy . com to join).

3. Now find the population sizes of those same areas.

You want this because your RV park needs long term tenants too, not just nightly. Put those numbers in another column. You can get this from wikipedia, copy/paste.

4. Now go to Airbnb and Hipcamp and search for camping and/or glamping sites in those same areas.

Yep, add it to another column.

5. Now for the fun part: find the averages and then find the supply/demand imbalances.

Let's say there's 1 RV park for every 10,000 visitors as a baseline.

Or 1 glamping tent for every 5,000 visitors.

Find the underutilized areas!

Ideally you find an area that is underutilized for both so you can have RV on one half of your property and glamping on another.

Make your own formula and run with it.

6. Now find some property to buy. If you want to look off market, I have a bunch of old threads on that on mhpguy . com

But if you buy in the right area, it won't matter so much that you save 5-10% on your basis.

Want to mitigate risk? Do a lease purchase agreement and start with glamping only. If demand is weak then you aren't on the hook.

If it's strong then you buy the property and triple down.

Be sure to check for zoning before pulling the trigger, but it usually isn't a problem in these far flung areas.

There are 6,600 state parks out there. Room for everyone!

7. Call up the parks in your target areas and ask for pricing and capacity.

Are they normally full or empty? When? Is it seasonal?

It's shocking how many questions people are willing to answer. Keep pushing.

Waitlist? Bingo.

But just because a park is full doesn't mean it's because of demand, it may be because their prices are too low.


Look for news articles talking about the fastest growing state or national parks.

AKA the velocity of park visitors growing year over year isn't the same as just the number of visitors.

Find land on a main road with lots of trees. It's cheaper to take out trees than it is to plant them and wait a decade.

Visitors want trees, and water of course. Super extra bonus points if there's even so much as a creek. Pay 20% more for that and shout it from the rooftops in your marketing.

Get your website and ads cranking before you close. Starting gathering emails.

Be sure to differentiate between an RV campground vs an RV park.

Campground = higher touch, more amenities but often more profitable.

RV = lower touch, low amenities but less profit.

It all depends on what you're optimizing for.

You can use this same logic to buy an existing park.

This whole process will take an afternoon and can make you millions. Worst case you own land. Best case you have a cash flowing asset for years to come.

Follow @mhp_guy for more gems like this because I'm insecure like you and want more followers.

I use Outscraper for my scraping. It's about 95% cheaper and faster than a VA.…
Sep 9, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
It's quite simple.

30 years ago, boomers bought cheap acreage inside the red circle with 9% rates. Today they're wealthy.

Today, millennials could buy cheap acreage inside the yellow circle at 7% rates, wait 30 years and be wealthy.

You can be a victim or be patient. Image $20k - $30k an acre. Go look on Zillow. Boomers had to commute, we don't. Whitewright is quite beautiful, I plan to buy some land there. Image
Jul 11, 2023 10 tweets 10 min read
How to see all 50 US states in 60 days MEGATHREAD.

Bookmark this, it took me hours!

Route - strategy - budget - vehicle + more

The best summer of our lives.

Let’s go: 50 states. 60 days. 4 kids. Why?

Because it’s awesome!

Also, to celebrate my daughter’s successful double lung transplant

Below I’ll discuss:


For a much deeper dive, join my free newsletter at
Jun 26, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I've done a dozen threads about "how to start X business," and they usually do well.

Those have all been 6-8 figure ideas that require little capital.

BUT, if you wanna go big, here's a 9-10 figure idea if you don't mind raising capital: A while back I did a thread about my time undercover as an Amazon employee (below)

This is where this idea comes from.

Elevator pitch:

Amazon employs over 1m warehouse workers that have no decent food options on their lunch break. Here's the solution:

Jun 23, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
You've heard of Buc-ee's, yes? The Texas-sized 120 pump gas station with a cult following?

In 2020 I walked into Buc-ee's, spent $3,000, and walked out with an unofficial partnership to sell all of their products online.

Time for a story: Buc-ee's is a phonenomon.

Pristine bathrooms
8 figure/year stores
Cult, loyal following (think Disney)
Iconic beaver mascot apparel
No online sales

Wait, what?

Yep, I was shocked too. Their site gets millions of hits & you can't buy anything!
May 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
457 days ago, 7 year old Sam tragically died from a seizure.

His parents donated his lungs to my 9 year old daughter, and it saved her life.

Tomorrow Sam would have turned 9, so I’m donating my kidney to a stranger to honor his memory on his birthday.


The call from the…… ImageImage Weeks later, we were back in our rental home. Avery’s surgery went amazingly and she was discharged 5 days early. The surgeon said her lungs were the best he’d ever seen. It’s been 15 months since that day and Avery is thriving.

Shortly after coming home, I was chatting with……
Apr 18, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
Real estate agents are walking dead!

Within 2 years AutoGPT will put most of them out of a job. Period.

As much as I LOVE paying $25k to someone with a $500 certification to unlock 7 doors for me, it's high time this industry was disrupted.

Here's exactly how it'll happen: Image ChatGPT = Your nerdy HS friend with no social skills but ended up a millionaire because he had an encyclopedic knowledge.

AutoGPT = A whole functioning team of that guy above, except:

- Always internet-connected
- Perfect memory
- Integrates with EVERYTHING

Here’s a scenario:
Apr 10, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Google is quietly screwing business owners. If you ever want to use Gmail to have a custom @domain email address, bookmark this and save hundreds $$: @domain Backstory: I own a small startup incubator. We partner with college students to launch products and services.

Most fail, some succeed.

This means we are buying domains and creating firstname@customdomain . com email accounts on a regular basis.
Apr 6, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Not trying to be "that guy" but ChatGPT has really been transformative for our real estate and cold outreach biz.

I can't keep this info to myself!

Here's a few ways we've been using it to save about 8 hours/week: We'll never write another rental listing description again. And hey, we're kinda funny now.

Side note, of all things, GPT-4 sucks at word count.

"Clever and snarky" seems to be the winning prompt to standing out in your writing: Image