Michael Stiefel Profile picture
Interested in economics and data science. Passionate about opera.
Nov 11, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
When does inequality become a problem? What has capitalism to do with it, and what can be done to create a fairer world?

Looking forward to able to learn from Nobel laureate Angus Deaton about these questions (link to livestream below 👇). .@DeatonAngus begins this year's keynote lecture of the #UBSCenterForum by highlighting the political debate in the US centering around inequality - "the defining challenge of our time" (@BarackObama)
Nov 3, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
Looking forward to the webinar by @Florian_Scheuer
at the #UBSCenterForum today at 4pm (link ). Some insights about his research on the topical issue of the taxation of the superrich are also highlighted in this thread by @SamuelSkoda 👇 . Interesting fact on income inequality differences between Switzerland and the US: While in the US, the top 1% has increased its share of pre-tax national income from 12 to 20% (largely at the expense of the bottom 50%), the top share is more modest in Switzerland with 13%.
Oct 28, 2020 23 tweets 5 min read
Looking forward to this livestream of the #UBSCenterForum this afternoon to learn more about recent trends in income and health inequality and their ultimate causes .@jmackin2 begins the panel discussion by highlighting the different dimensions in which the covid pandemic affects inequality. The effect on income inequality is not obvious, but, by and large, low income (service) jobs are more affected than white collar jobs
Oct 21, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
Going to take some notes of my learnings from this year's #UBSCenterForum Research Slam in this thread: .@SiljaHausermann investigates the causes of voting for radical parties. Voters are forward-looking and care about their future economic opportunities. Confident voters vote for mainstream parties, less confident "apprehensive" voters are vulnerable to radical parties.