Michael Gungor Profile picture
Musician, heretic, lover of Life.
Dec 8, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
I’m still going off on this authority/heart stuff because I’m still getting lots of responses to my tweet a couple days ago about the heart being the highest authority. So while the haters are here, I have a few more things to say. 🙂 The reason I care about this is because I used to be a person who believed the Bible was to be trusted more than my own heart. My heart was “deceitful” like it said in the proverbs. My flesh was wicked and fallen and I had to do everything I could to fix it!
Dec 7, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Ooh, came back to Twitter today to see that my post yesterday riled some folks up! Couple thoughts about “authority” One of the things many people do is project their own authority onto others. This is an effective way of placating shame.

“Don’t look at me! He made me do it!”


“I’m not a bigot! I’m just obeying what the Bible says!”


“It must be true, because (authority) says it!”
May 10, 2020 25 tweets 4 min read
Hey everybody, just wanted to fill you in on what’s happened over the last 48 hours with me and the Liturgists because a lot of you have asked and there’s a ton of tweets to search through to figure it out. So here it is: We posted a podcast on Thursday about the topic “Does Fat = Bad?”. On the episode we interviewed an incredible dietician named Christy Harrison about her research and experience in her field in order to try to pull apart the story that fat is inherently bad.
Oct 17, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
A few weeks ago, @lisagungor and I were at the park with our daughter, Lu. At one point, Lu pushed another kid on the playground. Lisa and I both ran up and apologized to the kid and the mom of the other kid.

The mom looked down at Lu and asked “do you want to play with her?” To our surprise, Lu nodded her head yes. Lu said sorry and the two kids began to play together. Lisa and I looked at each other, dumbfounded by whatever black magic this Lu whisperer was operating with.
Jul 6, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
There was some lively and healthy discussion over at the Liturgists Community Facebook page today about my “awakening sessions”. I was happy to see some of your thoughts/concerns/suggestions, and just wanted to clarify a few things for those who feel put off by these sessions. First, I am not selling enlightenment. I am charging for my time and energy to sit with you and basically point my finger at your true Self for 90 minutes. It’s not something most people will or should pay for. It’s the PERFECT thing for some earnest, nondual spiritual seekers.