Michael Harriot Profile picture
Writer, board-certified wypipologist, last real Negus alive. BlackAF History/Drapetomaniax podcast/theGrio…At the SAME DAMN TIME. Never reneged; Never will.
Ella Sanders Profile picture Bruce O'Donnell Profile picture 🇺🇦☘️Mike McGraw🇨🇦🇺🇦 Profile picture Jay Jernigan Profile picture Ken Tancrous Ⓥ 🌱 657 subscribed
Sep 18 7 tweets 2 min read
To me, this story has nothing to do with a missing cat or immigration or even JD Vance. It’s about something else.

A thread: It’s not about how easy it was for people to believe a —someone has to say it —batshit crazy lady who, INSTEAD OF LOOK EVERYWHERE for her missing pet, with zero evidence, immediately jumped to:

“Well, the Haitians must’ve eaten it.”
Sep 11 20 tweets 5 min read
I’m sure someone is probably fact-checking the debate… maybe… perhaps. But who’s gonna call out the dog whistles and white nonsense?

Lets Blackcheck the debate

A (live) thread: By “They” he means Haitians

Why does Trump mention “Springfield Ohio?” What does it have to do anything?

He’s repeating a racist theory conspiracy about Haitian immigrants eating cats

He’s running for president. Image
Sep 2 37 tweets 9 min read
I'll take this one.

A Black Barbershop is actually a church>
It is also a political headquarters
It is a secret hideout and gathering spot.

The Black barbershop is 1 of the most important, most revolutionary institutions in Black history.

A (relatively short) thread. First of all, Black barbershops have been in America as long as America existed. While we like to think that race-based chattel slavery only benefitted slaveowners, many white businessmen built fortunes from the slave trade, even though they didn't own slaves.
Aug 22 20 tweets 6 min read
I should clarify some things about this:

A thread. Let me start off by saying that I won't cop out by saying that what I wrote has been "misconstrued" or "misinterpreted."

I wrote this. It's MY FAULT if anyone took a different meaning from what I wrote than I intended. There ARE some things I got wrong or didn't clarify
Aug 17 17 tweets 4 min read
I didn’t say “EVERY white person”

But I should have.

A thread He’s technically right - every white person didn’t get the GI Bill.

But that’s not how an economy works. And every white person benefitted from it.
Aug 11 33 tweets 8 min read
What the Raygun memes have to do with Black history:

A thread I’m sure you’ve seen Black Twitter’s reaction to Dr. Rachael Gunn’s performance for Australia in the Olympic breakin’ competition.

Here’s my favorite

Aug 9 12 tweets 3 min read
Fun fact: if you combine the crowd for the Jan 6 rally AND Trump’s inauguration, he STILL wouldn’t make the top 5 biggest Mall crowds.

A (short) thread 1. While everyone knows the “I Have a Dream” speech, the March on Washington was not MLK’s idea, nor was he in charge of it. In fact, he was 12 when A Phillip Randolph came up with the idea for it.

MLK represented 1 of 6 groups in the coalition of organizers

Aug 1 29 tweets 6 min read
A thread I was homeschooled until I was 12, so when I started going to school, I was one of the worst students.

For instance, I got a lot of zeroes for not turning in assignments. To be fair, I was TERRIBLE at math. And sometimes, I'd just get up and leave class without saying anything.
Jul 15 23 tweets 8 min read
Although there have been discussions & articles about Project 2025, VERY FEW focus specifically on Trump's plans for Black Americans

That's why I read all 922 pages of #Project2025 as well as #Agenda47

Here are the top 10 things I found:

A thread:

thegrio.com/2024/07/15/i-r… First of all, when Trump said he had nothing to do with Project 2025, he wasn't lying.

Technically, it was written by 200+ pro-Trump policy "experts," many of whom served in the Trump administration. Trump's official plan is called "Agenda47."

Think of it this way:
Jul 11 20 tweets 7 min read
Whenever there's a national tragedy, a natural disaster or something that affects a lot of white people, right-wing zealots always cite one particular bible

2 Chronicles 7:14

To them, it is a warning from God. But throughout history, it's become a weapon of hate.

A thread Image If you are an evangelical Christian, a Republican or attend a church where the drummer doesn't use a sweatrag, you've DEFINITELY heard this 2 Chronicles 7:14

They literally believe its a biblical directive for us to Make America Great Again

Jul 2 25 tweets 7 min read
If you're wondering how the "race-baiters" are going to make the SCOTUS ruling about racism, well...

Here's what the Trump decision has to do with the history of white supremacy, racial terrorism and even the death of George Floyd.

A thread. It began with the passage of the 13th Amendment. If you don't go to school in Fla, you probably know about the birth of the KKK, White Leagues & other domestic terror cells responsible for racial violence during Reconstruction.

Well, it kinda didn't really happen that way.
Jun 17 22 tweets 8 min read
Theyhe SC Dept. of Education canceled AP African American Studies, @thegrio spoke with teachers, school administrators & superintendents to find out why SC essentially canceled the ONLY accredited HS course in Black History.

THey all had the same answer.

A thread. FIRST we must acknowledge that SC is central to ANY study of Black Americans.

Scholars estimate that 40% of America's race-based human trafficking cargo disembarked in the "slave capital of the new world." Image
Jun 5 21 tweets 5 min read
There are a few problems with Byron Donald’s idiotic statement, notion of Black “conservatives,” and even how WE THINK of Jim Crow

A thread Byron Donald’s statement isn’t that uncommon. Every Black person has heard a version of this, whether it is “integration was the worst thing that happened to us,” or what Donalds said.

Those people are dumb
Jun 2 24 tweets 6 min read
The conversation about Caitlin Clark reminds me of one of my favorite stories about of basketball’s forgotten GOATs and a strange NBA stat

A thread. Regardless of how you feel about WNBA player’s treatment of Caitlin Clark, it is INARGUABLE that she is expected to be a generational talent.

Whenever someone is expected to dominate their sport, teams & player often use a common strategy:

“What if we beat them up?”
Jun 1 10 tweets 3 min read

A thread. Hypocrite @BasedMikeLee Image
May 15 15 tweets 4 min read

A thread After the French Revolution, people who supported the old monarchy, feudalism and a heirarchal sat on the right side of presiding officer of French Parliament and the liberal, non-aristocrats and members of the third estate usually sat on the left.
May 7 18 tweets 5 min read
This is not true. It has never been true. It is based partly on a misunderstanding FBI data and partly based on a widely perpetuated lie.

A thread. First of all, let’s get this out of the way, NO ONE deserves hate. It is wrong

Yet, year in and year out, there are more anti-Black hate crimes than any other category.
And according to the latest FBI data there, are nearly 3 times more anti-black crimes than anti-Jewish crimes. Image
Apr 26 24 tweets 4 min read
A few years ago, while working for one of the greatest sports franchises of all time, I learned a very important life lesson.

A thread Every summer, my hometown's recreation department hosted a "stop the violence" summer league to keep kids "off the street."

It eventually became so competitive that teams would recruit out-of-town ringers, leaving local basketball players shut out of their hometown's tournament
Apr 19 11 tweets 2 min read
Many people don’t know that the phrase “crabs in a barrel” comes from an old Geechie Gullah tale.

A thread: A long time ago, it was impossible to catch crabs. They were too crafty. Even when they got caught in a net, other crabs would come and free them. Then, one day, a fisherman found a crafty old crab in his net one morning. He was just about to eat it when the the crafty old crab said:

“Please Mr. Fisherman, don’t eat me. Please don’t eat me!”
Apr 18 22 tweets 5 min read
7 years ago, I wrote a small piece about a man who was falsely accused of a crime.

A few days later, I got an anonymous telling me to look up the woman they called “the evilest white woman on earth.”

What happened next is the absolute wildest story you’ll ever hear

A thread The story begins in 2017, when an editor asked me to fill in for a coworker and do a quick write-up about Lamonte McIntyre, who spent 23 yrs in prison for a double murder he didn’t commit.

I thought it was weird his conviction wasn’t actually overturned

Apr 16 10 tweets 3 min read
Good question.

A BETTER question is why is Youngkin so determined to give Klan-affiliated white women welfare by stealing money from Black kids?

A thread. Contrary what people who don't read things say, the Virginia legislature is not "targeting" the Klan-affiliated, pro-Confederate hate group that is responsible for the "lost cause" by taking the tax-exempt status from the KKK's little sister.