Michelle_BYoung Profile picture
Feb 7 10 tweets 3 min read
This is happening right now about 15 minutes from where I live in Cincinnati. These are the demons that have been unleashed Image They went to Lincoln Heights and got curb stomped! Lincoln heights is the blackety blackest neighborhood Sugar Shack was painted on the corner market (I think the building has since burned down but that’s how culturally Black the neighborhood is) Image
Nov 19, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
This is INCORRECT. READ DYING OF WHITENESS. The problem is WCW would rather BURN IT ALL DOWN THAN SHARE WITH BLK PEOPLE! WCW left the Dem party when the Civil rights act passed. They want to go back to before integration when ONLY THEY got the social safety net. It’s this simple 2) They don’t really think the safety net is “communism” they were fine with it when Roosevelt did “the great deal” because Jim Crow was intact so B people were left OUT of most of the policies. The WCW TURNED ON INSTITUTIONS BECAUSE OF INTEGRATION then it became…
Nov 17, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
This is the heart of it. His election made certain segments of white rolls feel “left behind” post Jim Crow they had to compete with Black people for jobs, college, etc & they thought their innate whiteness would keep them on top Blk excellence flies in the face of that 2) So when Obama got elected and did such a good job he got reelected you CANNOT DENY HIS EXCELLENCE AND IT BROKE THEIR BRAINS. Whole worldview up in smoke & if whiteness isn’t inherently superior and it’s all you have, you RAGE! “Economic anxiety”
Nov 13, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I’ve been grappling with how to say this for a while so it may be inartful but WM in this county are raised with the default of sociopathy. They are raised to think ONLY of themselves & see their relationship to others in society as 1 of DOMINATION & SUBJUGATION esp Evangelicals 2) 1 of the reasons we need more women and Black people in leadership is because of OUR HISTORY we TEND to approach the world & PROBLEMS COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY. We are much more communal because we’ve had to be for survival MOST minority groups have. It’s hard to build w people
Nov 13, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
1) My kid is reading Romeo & Juliet so we were explaining iambic pentameter So I broke out my old drama teacher trick of singing amazing grace to the tune of Gillian’s island (this works) 2) Then googled & found out Taylor swifts shake it off is also in iambic pentameter so we played shake it off while he sang Gillian’s island and I sang amazing grace and it was so fun & blew kiddos mind
Nov 12, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Here’s a nuance people are missing they keep saying “white people aren’t organized” that’s not EXACTLY true the problem is THE WRONG ONES ARE VERY ORGANIZED. White evangelicals control most rural areas they are who turn STATES RED the problem is “white allies” have NOT organized 2) that’s WHAT WE MEAN when we say DO THE WORK! In blue states & cities it’s mostly Black women, the LGBTQ+ community, and the Jewish communities that are doing the work to make & keep them BLUE! Guess who is UNDERREPRESENTED IN RED STATES? ALL of those communities
Nov 8, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
WW still do NOT GET IT! You’re still trying to “not all” & “not me” this demand for INDIVIDUALISM is part of W supremacy every other group gets treated like a collective except yall even when you need to be which is what’s happening right now. It’s uncomfortable to hear because 2) uncomfortable to hear because you aren’t used to it which is the crux of the damned problem. You need to be ACTIVELY DOING ANTI RACIST WORK IN YOUR FAMILIES & COMMUNITIES WE NEED COLLECTIVE ACTION FROM YOU NOT symbols. YOU HAVE TO HAVE HARD CONVERSATIONS & DO CONVERSION
Nov 7, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Trying to put voice to my FRUSTRATION. What will it take for you to see me as an equal? As a neighbor? As a valued member of the community? You love our soul food, you love our music, you feel entitled to our labor, you don’t actually hate me, you’re really quite codependent 2) The truly insidious thing about American racism is that w folks love ethnic foods, Black music, sports figures etc but vote against their actual Black neighbors every time. WHY? Are we neighbors or NOT? You already share OUR CULTURE why can’t we as citizens share resources
Nov 1, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Judging by how the right wing manosphere is having an absolute meltdown about their wives maybe secretly voting for Harris I’d say that ad did EXACTLY WHAT IT NEEDED TO DO 🤷🏾‍♀️ Also WW seem to be in their feelings about the fact that this really only happens with THEIR demo. The majority of minority communities vote for democrats & there’s very little daylight between how the men & women vote & when there IS those men are NOT intimidating their wives
Oct 31, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I don’t think this race is close at all TBH. Polls are close because they are relying on inaccurate 2020 census data and they are being manipulated by bad actors like the media & Nate Silver & Peter Thiel’s Polymarket who make $ off the perception of a horse race. 2) Trump’s ceiling hasn’t moved (47%) but there’s been lots of movement AWAY from him, WW, WM, GOP, Independents, esp college educated W folks, not to mention the Haitians & Puerto Ricans whose populations can carry swing states.
Jul 30, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
I understand the REFLEX some are having about Wfolks leading with Whiteness in their organizing because TYPICALLY that was done for RACIST purposes HOWEVER THIS organizing for Harris is explicitly being done for ANTI RACISM its to rally W folks to CONVERT people in their networks 2) W people are the ONLY ETHNIC DEMO that votes GOP CONSISTENTLY AS A MAJORITY. If we can get those numbers down to under 50% for WM & WW we WIN IN A LANDSLIDE. That’s WHY it’s important to do this work. The task is CONVERSION which is very diff than mobilization Image
Jul 26, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
They’re already writing revisionist history esp the bullies that forced Biden out REMEMBER MVP becoming the nominee was NOT a foregone conclusion the donor class was trying to FORCE Harris out TOO & BLACK WOMEN SAID


Which begat the letter & organizing 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
Jul 11, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
This PUSH to drop Biden IS NOT ORGANIC or COMING FROM THE GRASSROOTS. This is a COORDINATED HIT JOB coming from the same BROS (and their allies in the media) who HATED HILLARY! Their misogyny runs even DEEPER than their racism & they want to do an end run around the Dem base 2) They don’t want MVP on the ticket they’re pretending to so when she can’t win a last minute campaign they leave her holding the bag, taking her career, pissing off & alienating the B base of the party & clearing the field for THEM & their candidates That’s their calculation
Jul 7, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Listen I WANT Joe Biden BECAUSE he’s OLD! Because he remembers the time before & after NATO & knows how important it is! Because after 50+ years of public service he’s one of only a handful of people that can still get BIPARTISAN things done due to his preexisting relationships 2) Because as a Silent Generation White man who was VP to the 1st Black President & has the 1st Black & Asian woman as his VP & appointed KBJ to SCOTUS he UNDERSTANDS the task for White citizens here is to LEARN TO SHARE POWER WITH OTHERS esp Blk people given our unique history
Jun 6, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Look I KNOW it’s fun to dunk on Boomers (& they make it too easy) but I have mad respect for Blk Boomers they’re the civil rights generation & honestly White Gen Xers vex me MORE than White Boomers. Why do you ask? Well lemme tell you 2) Part of it is I just don’t expect MORE from W Boomers they’re clinging to a specific version of the world they grew up in not ALL of course but enough that they are challenging to deal with politically speaking. Whereas Gen X, my peers, inherited a more modern inclusive world
Feb 10, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
We’ve been OVER this White is NOT a culture it’s an expression of race privilege, something created to discriminate against people of color. Change it to Italian, Irish, etc NOBODY would have a problem with it. Black however is a culture 1) Let’s get into the weeds of this shall we? Whiteness as a category EXISTS to bestow rights & privileges to one group while denying them to another usually Black people. Here’s a slide of the Dred Scott decision

Jan 7, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I swear W Womanhood seems to be a miserable experience I dunno how yall do it! Between the trad wife uphold the patriarchy nonsense the Mean Girl high school & college experience & the CONSTANT OBSESSION with weight. Do you ever experience ANYTHING resembling sisterhood? Or PEACE Thanks to everyone who participated in this thread with eye opening brutal honesty. That’s the way we start to understand one another. Often we’re coming from really different perspectives yet assuming ours is a universal one & that just creates misunderstandings.
Aug 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
NICE White ladies hear ME LOUD & CLEAR! We DGAF if you’re “nice” that niceness is UTTERLY USELESS to US! It’s how you uphold a VIOLENT STATUS QUO in the name of “niceness” “politeness” not making waves. It’s also where your White savior BS comes from. Meditate on these slides!
Being anti racist doesn’t mean being extra nice to Black people, it means being MEAN to RACISTS! Making is socially unacceptable to be one! Calling them out, voting against them, actually PROTECTING POC in MEANINGFUL ways not doing superficial things that make U feel good!
Jul 20, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
What if I told you there are STILL sundown towns?! And they’re NOT just in the South! They’re ALL over the country there are a LOT in rural OH & Indiana so we never take the scenic route just main thoroughfares. Y’all act like this is ancient history when it’s not even history Here’s a map of Sundown towns by state
Nov 9, 2022 31 tweets 8 min read
Gonna start a Dem wins thread as results come in so it will be updated frequently.

Congratulations to Wes Moore who becomes the first Black governor of Maryland

npr.org/2022/11/08/113… Maura Healy just became the first openly gay person and first women to be elected governor of Massachusetts

Aug 5, 2022 44 tweets 10 min read
@tify330 you wanted a thread of Dark Brandon memes. Ask & ye shall receive!