Michelle_BYoung Profile picture
Jul 11 4 tweets 1 min read
This PUSH to drop Biden IS NOT ORGANIC or COMING FROM THE GRASSROOTS. This is a COORDINATED HIT JOB coming from the same BROS (and their allies in the media) who HATED HILLARY! Their misogyny runs even DEEPER than their racism & they want to do an end run around the Dem base 2) They don’t want MVP on the ticket they’re pretending to so when she can’t win a last minute campaign they leave her holding the bag, taking her career, pissing off & alienating the B base of the party & clearing the field for THEM & their candidates That’s their calculation
Jul 7 5 tweets 2 min read
Listen I WANT Joe Biden BECAUSE he’s OLD! Because he remembers the time before & after NATO & knows how important it is! Because after 50+ years of public service he’s one of only a handful of people that can still get BIPARTISAN things done due to his preexisting relationships 2) Because as a Silent Generation White man who was VP to the 1st Black President & has the 1st Black & Asian woman as his VP & appointed KBJ to SCOTUS he UNDERSTANDS the task for White citizens here is to LEARN TO SHARE POWER WITH OTHERS esp Blk people given our unique history
Jun 6 6 tweets 2 min read
Look I KNOW it’s fun to dunk on Boomers (& they make it too easy) but I have mad respect for Blk Boomers they’re the civil rights generation & honestly White Gen Xers vex me MORE than White Boomers. Why do you ask? Well lemme tell you 2) Part of it is I just don’t expect MORE from W Boomers they’re clinging to a specific version of the world they grew up in not ALL of course but enough that they are challenging to deal with politically speaking. Whereas Gen X, my peers, inherited a more modern inclusive world
Feb 10 5 tweets 2 min read
We’ve been OVER this White is NOT a culture it’s an expression of race privilege, something created to discriminate against people of color. Change it to Italian, Irish, etc NOBODY would have a problem with it. Black however is a culture 1) Let’s get into the weeds of this shall we? Whiteness as a category EXISTS to bestow rights & privileges to one group while denying them to another usually Black people. Here’s a slide of the Dred Scott decision

Jan 7 4 tweets 1 min read
I swear W Womanhood seems to be a miserable experience I dunno how yall do it! Between the trad wife uphold the patriarchy nonsense the Mean Girl high school & college experience & the CONSTANT OBSESSION with weight. Do you ever experience ANYTHING resembling sisterhood? Or PEACE Thanks to everyone who participated in this thread with eye opening brutal honesty. That’s the way we start to understand one another. Often we’re coming from really different perspectives yet assuming ours is a universal one & that just creates misunderstandings.
Jul 20, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
What if I told you there are STILL sundown towns?! And they’re NOT just in the South! They’re ALL over the country there are a LOT in rural OH & Indiana so we never take the scenic route just main thoroughfares. Y’all act like this is ancient history when it’s not even history Here’s a map of Sundown towns by state
Nov 9, 2022 31 tweets 8 min read
Gonna start a Dem wins thread as results come in so it will be updated frequently.

Congratulations to Wes Moore who becomes the first Black governor of Maryland

npr.org/2022/11/08/113… Maura Healy just became the first openly gay person and first women to be elected governor of Massachusetts

Aug 5, 2022 44 tweets 10 min read
@tify330 you wanted a thread of Dark Brandon memes. Ask & ye shall receive!
May 3, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I deleted my Nina Turner lost tweet until I can find the verifying source online. When I went to double check I’m not seeing results yet. Sorry about that. I do expect the same result though. Hey y’all it’s early but so far so good. This is from the NPR live count
May 3, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
1) Most folks do NOT GET what Roe v Wade fight is even about! Yes abortion but WHY is the right so focused on THIS ISSUE when there are SO MANY other ISSUES that pertain to LIFE. Because it’s not about that AT ALL! It’s about FEAR OF DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE & forcing WW to have babies 2) Smarter people than me have said this watch this video by noted scholar Jane Elliot

Mar 18, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Let’s talk the CROWN act since it seems like a bunch of U have NO IDEA why it’s needed so lemme simplify it for you


Lest U think I’m exaggerating, check it out

2) Dress codes at both work & school have long upheld discriminatory practices. One teacher was so “offended” by a mixed faced girls hair she cut it ALL off without the parents permission! Again I’m not making this up!

Mar 18, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
It sounds like a conspiracy theory but I’m begging you to connect the threads. The GOP has a CHILD TRAFFICKING PROBLEM! It links this guy & Matt Gaetz, & Epstein, and Betsy DeVos with her evangelical adoption agencies and children of immigrants whose parents were arrested. I swear I’m not making it up! Receipts

Mar 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Hey Gen X (yes Boomers Zoomers & everyone before after or in between can answer) Since we are the MTV generation I’d love to hear your answer to this prompt!

What song has really dark lyrics but a happy, peppy sound?

I’m going w/99 Luftballoons & Walk the dinosaur

Thoughts? Image THIS WAS FUN! So many great songs. I couldn't include everybody's choices but i gave myself a time limit to make the playlist and i included as many as possible before stopping myself at 70 songs. Here ya go!
Mar 16, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1) Heard this story on the news, this TRUE STORY. Amid the war in Ukraine with people dying, fleeing, etc. stray animals are becoming a real problem. So a group of Ukrainian women have been trying to capture as many of the strays as they can & take them to vets & animal shelters 2) One of the women found a particularly ornery husky who was clearly scared, hungry, and just a bit viscous but she still managed to subdue it and take it to the vet. The vet checked the animal, it was healthy, hungry and scared, oh & by the way

Mar 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The task is #53Pickup
The task is to make Mansion & Cinema irrelevant
The task is harm reduction
How does nominating a vigilante who will lose to GOP advance your progressive cause?
How does nominating a Black guy with no $ who will lose to GOP advance Black causes? Listen it’s time for people to stop being emotional about politics cause that’s not what it’s for. If you are in your feelings about elections you need a different hobby. Nobody cares about your fee fees. HARM REDUCTION #53Pickup. That’s the task, period. No more McGraths. FFS
Mar 16, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read

The town was completely ignored while White officials ran it into the ground &stole from it. Now that they have Black officials and are getting an economic boom the “powers that be” are demanding the town dissolve instead! That link to the article wasn’t working so here’s one that will

Nov 3, 2021 20 tweets 6 min read
Y’all are letting the pundits make U “feel some type of way” about the results tonight! Look BEYOND what they’re telling you to look at! Yes VA showed what racist BACKLASH looks like but many MAYORAL races showed you what we’re fighting for, diverse America had many wins. Thread Shontell Brown won Marcia Fudge’s old seat in Ohio

Aug 31, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
1) Almost every problem we have in this country right now is about White people’s FEAR of demographic change & the GOP exploiting those fears for political gain. It’s ALL about race & racism. These dots are OBVIOUS & EASY TO CONNECT. 2) Voting Rights. It’s NOT even they don’t want Blk people 2 vote per se, they don’t want us to have the power to SHIFT an election. It’s ok as long as we don’t DECIDE the election. GOP can’t win if we vote en masse. So they are trying to rig it, that’s their only path 2 win.
Aug 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1) She is absolutely RIGHT! And let’s connect these dots a bit more because I feel like there’s a HUGE STORY NOT BEING REPORTED! Why was PENCE AFRAID of his own Secret Service?! Allegedly 2 different SS agents were having affairs with Trump women! 1 with Laura, another w Tiffany 2) Clearly that’s a violation of their sworn duties. No wonder Pence though the SS would be on the side of the Trump family during the Jan 6th attempted coup. The fact that the VP didn’t think he could trust his own SS agents should be a HUGE SCANDAL of national interest!