Musharraf Ali Farooqi Profile picture
Author. Translator. Storyteller. Publisher. Series Editor Founder @StorykitProgram, @Kitabcompk and @UrduThesaurus
. Profile picture M.Usman Tahir Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jan 7, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Why children today have less exposure to stories:

1. Engagement with stories does not fit well in the testing-heavy model of modern schooling, so there is little focus on stories at school.
2. Constant academic testing takes away the downtime children used to have after school. More online entertainment choices are available to kids today, but they are fundamentally different in structure from storybooks. Some of them use characters and story-like structures, but are in fact closer in form and intent to the testing mechanisms used at school.
Jan 8, 2020 64 tweets 18 min read
Yesterday's adventure:

A neighbourhood couple came to visit. They mentioned how their 9-yr-old son was not doing well in studies. They were coming from the school where the teacher had recommended they take their child to see a psychiatrist. They had with them results of a class test in which the young man had mostly written one word for each answer which made no sense.