Iuga Mihai Profile picture
Blockchain enthusiast Software Developer @ MultiversX
Jun 16 20 tweets 4 min read
The next wave of improvements to the #MultiversX protocol is around the corner. This time, the spotlight is on developers, who will be able to enhance their apps with better and more streamlined flows for onboarding, login, and user operations. Week in #multiversxtech recap 👇 Image 1/ [esdt] Added several fixes for the dynamic tokens feature
- Adapted token migration scripts to work in shadow fork setup
- Cost estimations and testing for updating nft tokens in shadow fork environment
[state] Added tests and fixes for the batching of trie updates improvement
Apr 28 25 tweets 4 min read
Getting into the core of Web3 user pain points and solving them comprehensively is #MultiversX's way of moving the industry forward.
Weekly #multiversxtech 🛠️ Image 1/ [Processing] Block execution optimization for block proposer, which in some scenarios improves by more than 5 times the processing time
[Batched Transactions] Finalize specifications for batched transactions
[Releases / testing] Testing (in scope of 1.7.0)
Feb 25 18 tweets 3 min read
MultiversX's sharded architecture is a live demonstration that parallel state instances can bring composability, unified UX, unfragmented liquidity, and unparalleled performance. Sovereign Shards will expand this remarkable utility to the rest of the📷. Weekly #multiversxtech📷 Image 1/ [releases] Testnet T1.7.4.0 preps and release
- Devnet & mainnet releases preps and testing
[stakingV4] Max nodes config provider for api calls to display expected number of auction nodes in step 2
- Lot of debugging/meetings for bringing the feature on testnet
Dec 24, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
The rapidly expanding market for transparent & tamper proof data highlights the remarkable benefits of a truly scalable blockchain.MultiversX architecture design maintains low hardware requirements by optimally balancing the state growth across shards. Weekly #multiversxtech 📷 Image 1/ [releases] Testnet T1.6.7.0 & devnet D1.6.6.1 & D1.6.7.0 releases
- Mainnet v1.6.7.0 release preps
[release v1.6.0] Add shadow fork ntp timer for more flexibility when reprocessing older transactions
- Test VM 1.5 with new ntp timer
Aug 27, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
We are in the early implementation phase of linking real assets, data, and documents to public ledgers.

To move beyond, a trust-minimized & user-friendly environment is needed, for which #MultiversX introduced two components: native tokens & Guardians.

Weekly #multiversxtech 📷 Image 1/ A new version of the MultiversX protocol has been published and is already used by most validator nodes in the network. “Altair Patch 2” brings an updated go compiler and an updated libp2p library.
Aug 21, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
The open nature of blockchain networks will significantly upgrade current digitization efforts.
Beyond operating as a layer of trust, blockchains will spur an unprecedented wave of innovation with each new product built being a composable element.
Weekly #elrondtech 🛠️ 1/ Further enhancements to the guarded transaction feature: a multi-factor authentication service is now integrated which allows users to enable 2FA for their addresses, using any authentication application (i.e Google Authenticator, LastPass, Microsoft Authenticator, etc).
Feb 12, 2022 23 tweets 5 min read
True ownership is essential for any internet user and intrinsic to Web3. This will naturally lead the entire digital landscape to evolve into the new framework and build a better web on top of internet-scale blockchain technology.
Weekly #elrondtech 🛠️ 1/ Smart Contracts that are not “cached” (kept as warm instances) can now be initialized almost twice as fast thanks to our Wasmer fork now having Rkyv serialization added to it, which is great news for calling the 99% of SCs that are not pre-initialized as warm instances.
Oct 31, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
Building the $EGLD Maiar DEX has been a significant concerted technical effort, setting the premise for the launch of a remarkable platform, and new growth engine.
The last 1% is the hardest and most rewarding.
Weekly #elrondtech ⚒️ 1/ Intense testing of the Elrond <> Ethereum bridge revealed opportunities for hardening the security of p2p message exchange by refactoring the p2p broadcaster engine, which was already performed. Added a dynamic ETH gas pricing mechanism.
Aug 14, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
The Maiar Exchange is now live on the @ElrondNetwork devnet, demonstrating for the first time how a truly sharded & decentralized blockchain architecture can be the foundation for a global financial system that can really operate at internet scale.
Weekly #elrondtech ⚒️ 1/ The devnet Maiar Exchange brought in ~5k people testing of the platform, resulting in more than 100k SC calls being executed in a short time frame, with negligible impact on the network performance which is capable of processing throughput orders of magnitude higher.
May 30, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
The @ElrondNetwork protocol & tools are created so any developers with Rust/C/C++/JS/etc can integrate blockchain functionality into their applications’ tech stack.
No new SC language means fewer obstacles, more devs & resources.
All building on Elrond.
Weekly #elrondtech ⬇️ 1/ The Governance Smart Contract has been updated to make it easy for delegators & validators to vote proportionally with their staked $EGLD amounts. Added the possibility to vote with not staked $EGLD, locking it for the duration of the vote.