Mikael Cho Profile picture
Co-Founder/CEO @unsplash. Wife is @stephliverani. Baby is @brooklynbabycho
Oct 27, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
Why digital advertising is broken and how we’re fixing it: (thread) 1/ Attention is a scarce asset. Yet, today’s advertising platforms are built on a model of interruption, forcing brands between you and your intention.
Oct 25, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
How to know when to transition from “doing things that don’t scale”:

when the person who’s “doing the things that don’t scale” breaks from too much demand.

Examples from @unsplash: 1. Submissions. Unsplash started as a tumblr with me picking 10 images every 10 days. 1 year in, we were getting too many submissions, so we invited others to curate. Eventually, we made an image submission tool that sped up the process 10x. 1.5 years after launch.
Jun 10, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
How to design a product that can grow itself 10x in year: The first version of @unsplash was made in 3 hours with $38, @dropbox, & @tumblr.

Launch day, 30k people subscribed from a @newsycombinator post that went #1. That was lucky. But hitting 300,000 subscribers in the months after with no product changes was not.

A few lessons:
Jan 25, 2019 7 tweets 5 min read
Instead of dinner and movie, @stephliverani and I did dinner and a bookstore.

Excited to apply book triage tactics from @patrickc, @naval, Adler’s How To Read A Book.

Let the triage begin: “Life is too short to not be reading the very best book you're aware of at every given moment.” - @patrickc
Jul 20, 2018 17 tweets 3 min read
1/ @kirillz and I recently put up a new version of our hiring page: unsplash.com/hiring

It looks simple but we put a lot of thought into it. Here's some of the things we considered along the way. 2/ We've only been full-time on Unsplash for little over a year. In that time, we've grown nearly 5x, supporting 70 billion photo requests. This scale is usually handled by teams of hundreds of people. We're doing it with 16.