Mik Cosentino Profile picture
CEO Ulama Inc. AI-Driven e-learning platform to sell your knowledge online easier and faster -. Co-founded @birdezgang in 2021. My tweets are NFA.
Feb 18, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
Creator's royalties face extinsion - A blessing or a danger for NFTs?

The BRUTAL truth you need to know asap 🧵👇

(1/19) Let's understand what happened yesterday.

Basically, OpenSea announced:

- o% OS fees (for a limited time)
- Moving to optional creator earnings (0.5% min)

In few words, from now on, the seller can choose if he/she wants to pay more royalties than the minimum or not

Feb 17, 2023 22 tweets 7 min read
The 4-step formula to achieve everything you want (even if you've tried almost everything) 🧵👇

(1/22) Let's start by clarifying that I'm not a woo-woo guru or whatever you might think.

I started to apply this formula 8 years ago when i was dead broke.

I had:

*No money
*No skills
*No audience

Today, i built mutiple 8+fig. business and a super wonderful family ❤️

Feb 16, 2023 19 tweets 6 min read
It's War: 3 Brutal Facts why Blur will not overtake OpenSea (and it's not what you think) 🧵👇

(1/19) Before claiming victory and declaring the death of the @opensea giant in favor of the newcomer @blur_io ,pull up your pants, take a seat, and have a mature conversation like adults.

Don't get me wrong.

I'm excited for Blur too, but i'm experiencing a déjà vu.


Feb 15, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Why making 5000ETH royalties and do nothing is good - and what no one wants to hear 🧵👇

(1/16) Let's start by clarifying that, I'm sorry if someone will feel offended.

Everything I will write is the result of an objective point of view.

In the NFT space, there is an unhealthy tendency to want to make money but not want to see others make it

This is bad.

Feb 14, 2023 13 tweets 9 min read
Revisiting the Most Epic Moments of the Web3 Era:

A Nostalgic Journey (some serious, others hilarious.)🧵👇

(1/11) 1️⃣ Did you know that even @BoredApeYC was shilling the BAYC minting, on @CyberKongz discord?


What a memory. Even the most famous company ever, started like many others.

So, my friend, if they did it, you can shill (with permission) too.

Feb 13, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
BTC NFts & Ordinal Punks:

Why will only one of these survive and explode?


(1/17) Image If you have not been living under a rock for the past week, you have likely seen Bitcoin NFTs trending on Twitter.

To be more specific, you've probably seen some people posting some punks with orange backgrounds.

I mean, even, historical collectors like Leonida:

Feb 11, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
Is @doodles going to zero, or is there something we don't know?

In the last 3 days, doodles have topped the chart as the most traded collection.

But the volume is caused by a massive liquidation of these assets by whales & panic.

Why? Let's try to understand something

(1/15) Before you start yelling at me, no FUD.

I personally love Doodles.

They are innovative, visionary (maybe even beyond the limit).

I write more to convince myself to buy some at these crazy prices (lol, selfish).

Because, YES, i think could be a huge opportunity.

Jan 25, 2023 20 tweets 7 min read
🧵CyberKongz took the NFT world by storm!

Things haven’t settled yet, they’ve a lot planned. #OOH!

• VR Kongz Avatars in Sandbox.
• Metaverse vision ;)
• bullishness in the air for @CyberKongz

Here’s a thread on their origins, mint, future & my predictions: 🧵 🔶 Glad you took the first step of opening the thread!

Here’s what we’ll discuss:

• What are #CyberKongz?
• Mint & Beyond……
• The Kongz Family.
• The Present
• The Future
• Why i'm bullish on them

Let’s Begin!
Jan 14, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Here’s why I’m bullish on @AzukiOfficial and #azukibeanz why you should be too).

I recently joined the garden and i want to break down the reason why.

I’ll cover:

- The past
- Successes
- The May Fud
- Why I changed my mind
- The present & Future 🧵 As some of you know…

Their journey to success has been a real-life Rocky story.

Yes, the Italian Stallion.

Just when it seemed like the FUD hit them down , it got back up and got stronger
Oct 22, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
This Thread 🧵 will make you think A LOT about your circle of influence. Trust me.

“Btw, I’m still Giving away 500$ to those who RT, Like, Comment my pinned Tweet”.

So…let’s start this important thread that can help you understand better when trust someone or not. 👇🏻 1- Let the show begins.

There are two macro types of people.

1️⃣ First Trait: Those who, when alone and lost, they do everything to find a place in the world. They study day&night, they work hard, they bring value and unconditional help.

Oct 20, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
The 3 REASONS why you’re not growing your INCOME 💰year after year - even if you’re trying hard.

🛑 I’d be seen as brutal but this how life goes 🛑

Giving away $500 in ETH to one person who follows and Retweet THIS 🧵 1 - Your subconscious mind is the SAME as it was years ago.

Our actions are the results of our subconscious mind that controls US with the autopilot 95% of the time.

Why? Cause brains were made to save energy and run our life. Is a huge thing.But used in the wrong way is BAD.