Mike Chen - LIGHT YEARS FROM HOME is out now! Profile picture
LIGHT YEARS FROM HOME (Now) STAR WARS BROTHERHOOD (May) VAMPIRE WEEKEND (Jan '23) Byline @tordotcom @startrek @nerdist ex NHL guy | Rep @ericsmithrocks | he/him
Jun 7, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
So at #StarWarsCelebration, I kept my Aranet4 CO2 meter with me EVERYWHERE. Granted, I spent most of the con outside, but for folks who gobble up data, here's what CO2 was like at a massive con to quantify COVID risk. A brief primer: CO2 meters measure human exhalation in a space. Outdoors is about 425. The higher the number, the more % of other people's breath you're breathing in. That's a problem with an airborne virus.
Apr 18, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
I got a CO2 meter as a means of tracking ventilation levels for COVID. It doesn't correlate directly to COVID but it tells you if air is lingering (in theory COVID aerosols lingering or cycling out)

For data-driven friends, here are some of my findings. First, I got an Aranet4. It's pricy but portable and the e-ink display means a long battery life. It connects to your phone with Bluetooth and the app records your history.