Air pollution is the silent killer. You wouldn't give your kids dirty water or stale food but, because we can't see it we expose them to dangerous levels of polluted air everyday. In cities the main source of poisonous air is motor traffic. Doing nothing is not an option. A 🧵1/
Infants are particularly vulnerable to toxic air. They breathe 3x as much air as adults relative to their weight. 6 year olds breathe in 2x as much as adults. An adult eats around 2.5kg of food, drinks 2kg of liquid and breathes 11,000 litres of air per day. 2/
Dec 9, 2022 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
A🧵on congestion and boundary roads.
With new LTNs traffic increases significantly on some main roads. This added disruption is painful for all residents, including those who travel by sustainable modes or who live on those roads. This is part of the design. Here's how it works..
LTNs are behaviour-change programmes designed to reduce the number of unnecessary journeys. We need to do this because the growing decades-long issue of congestion is killing people now and killing the planet. Habits don't change overnight and almost always need a serious nudge
Aug 14, 2021 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Major transformational changes are underway in the Parks service. The pandemic has been a game-changer and our green spaces have never been more important. Climate change is the no1 challenge of our times and we must take bold and far-reaching steps to tackle it...
The Haringey Urban Forest. We are building the business case and the project plan for a massive increase in the Borough's canopy cover, potentially to 40% boroughwide. We will be focusing especially on areas deficient in cover.
Aug 14, 2021 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
We are transforming this Borough. The feet and the wheels are in motion. Sometimes it will feel slower than we wish and other times it will seem like it's all happening at once. As confidence grows we'll accelerate, but right now we need to take in determined stages...
This will become a walking borough. In the next few months we will be installing 11 new crossings across the borough, subject to consultation
May 30, 2021 • 17 tweets • 2 min read
Some thoughts on the road ahead and what needs to be achieved.
An incomplete list. And not in any particular order right now. But all priorities.
And we're going to need some clear & comprehensive environmental key performance indicators with timescales to keep us on track.
Walking is crucial. We need to improve walking access to schools, surgeries, shops and open spaces
May 29, 2021 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
In 2019 77% of trips in the borough were by foot, cycle or public transport, only 23% were by car. With only 40% of Haringey households owning a car who is creating the gridlock on our neighbourhood streets?
Active Travel is a public safety issue.
In 2019 London had 25,000 reported collisions, almost 4,000 were serious with 125 deaths.
The only way to stop this is through collective action.