Michael Gandal Profile picture
Neuroscientist and psychiatrist using systems-level genomic approaches to understand autism and schizophrenia. Assistant professor, UCLA-Semel Institute
Mar 5, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
Very excited to share the 1st (!?) preprint from @GandalLabUCLA & super talented MSTP student Minsoo Kim & excellent team: "Network signature of complement component 4 variation in the human brain identifies convergent molecular risk for schizophrenia" biorxiv.org/content/10.110… Previous work from @s_mccarroll & others showed that increased C4A copy number --> incr expression --> incr SCZ risk, (partially) explaining the largest EUR @PGCgenetics GWAS hit in MHC region ... implicating complement signaling as ?new mechanism for SCZ nature.com/articles/natur…