Declan Michaels Actor Profile picture
My passions are acting and coaching leaders and teams to think differently about their work and collaboration. cishet he/him. #BlackLivesMatter
Dec 15, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Someone challenged me the other day, pointing out that we don't build houses using agile methods.
I just had a house built - there was a lot of upfront design, planning, scheduling etc. There was still some inspect and adapt. It was still over time and over budget. 1/ During the building, we did not change the design, add features, tweak the UI. We did complain about windows framed in the wrong place, some of the craft work quality, and the state of the worksite a few times. 2/
Dec 18, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
So there's a thread about how tech bloggers/speakers don't use citations compared to say law and academia. Several people seem offended that much of what's written is 'opinion' as if law was not exclusively about opinions. 1/ In the law there are thousands of years of history around the opinions and consequences of those opinions. There are entire structures around exploring those opinions and coming to consensus about various aspects of human behavior. 2/