Ash Milton Profile picture
Deep history, long future | Contributing Editor @palladiummag
Nov 27, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
No matter how radical your ideology is, someone will make a startup out of it. Bitcoiners. AI doomers and acc-ers. The Based(TM) ecosystem. Religion.

Is there any escape?

That question inspired my latest @palladiummag… Over the past decade, I’ve repeatedly met a certain type: ideologically radical, personally risk-taking, resistant to social pressure, apparent vision.

Then they show me what it’s all for: a startup, a hustle, a networking opportunity. Same as the rest, with a cooler narrative.
Jan 23, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
"Obviously, it’s not going to be a sailing boat and a Spanish treasure ship. But it’s going to be something...I think the opportunities are always there."

Executive Outcomes cofounder and mercenary Simon Mann (@CaptSFM) in @palladiummag… I spoke w/ Mann about his involvement in the Angolan war, Sierra Leone, his coup attempt with Sir Mark Thatcher in Equatorial Guinea, his time in Africa's worst prisons, and more.

But what really got me thinking was our discussion about upper-class vitality.
Jun 7, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
The medievals held lifelong celibacy as the highest ideal and were also famously blunt about sex and the body. I tend to think these complimented each other. The overall worldview seems healthier than almost anything on offer today. If you take celibacy seriously as a valuable state of life, I think it changes your attitudes toward sex and the body in a way that strips them of pretension and romanticized nonsense. You confront them as they are, human and messy realities.
May 23, 2020 22 tweets 5 min read
Thought I would do a thread on this. So here we go: China, Carroll Quigley, and the civilization of capital. The great American historian Carroll Quigley wrote a book called The Evolution of Civilizations. In it, he critiques lazy "organicist" views of civilizations, which posit that they have life-cycles but do not provide a mechanism for how this works.
Apr 13, 2020 25 tweets 6 min read
This is an excellent paper and well worth reading for anyone observing China. Congrats to @Scholars_Stage as well for the reference to his @palladiummag piece.

Highlights thread.… Tobin notes that observers have overlooked the importance of benchmarks in CCP self-legitimization. It sees itself as leading China on a path to global influence. Unlike US, its system has an explicit end in mind. Calls for research program on how China sees this competition.