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Building calm, resilient, and conscious humans. modern science × ancient wisdom. breath is the gateway.
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Feb 5 9 tweets 2 min read
You’re not nervous. Your body thinks you’re in danger.

That’s why your hands get sweaty before a big presentation.

It’s the same 200,000-year-old survival survival response

Here's the explanation: 🧵 Image Your autonomic nervous system (ANS) prioritizes one thing: survival.

It doesn’t distinguish between:

>Professional threats
>Physical threats
>Social threats

To your nervous system, stress is stress.
Jan 27 13 tweets 3 min read
You are NOT addicted to work.
You're running from stillness.

‣ Desperately checking notifications.
‣ Booking back-to-back meetings.
‣ Making up urgent tasks at 11pm.

Anything to avoid being alone with your thoughts.

The real reason you can't stop working: 🧵Image I am not saying you shouldn't work hard.
or you shouldn't work late
heck, if you have to work all the time

But there's a difference in working because there's work to do...
AND working because you 'just' have to. because you must.

There's a difference...
Jan 7 15 tweets 3 min read
You think you're 'just' stressed about work.

You're wrong.

That meeting playing in your head?
Those comebacks you rehearse in bed?

It's not 'just' about the meeting.

It's about something deeper: 🧵 Image Picture this:

It's 8PM. You are ready to call it a day...

When your phone buzzes.
One new email: Your boss.

"Can you clarify the numbers from today's presentation?"

And just like that... Your peaceful evening GONE.

But why?
Jan 6 14 tweets 3 min read
Why does EVERYTHING feel harder on Monday morning?

Your coffee isn't working.
Your brain feels foggy.
Your body feels heavy.

No, it's not just "Monday blues."

A thread on the body-brain gap that's really causing this:🧵 Image Here's what most people think:

- You're just lazy
- You need more motivation
- You hate your job
- Your routine is wrong

But the truth lies deeper in your biology...
Dec 8, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
The biggest threat to your mental performance isn't:

⁍ Lack of focus
⁍ Poor time management
⁍ Or even burnout

This invisible factor is destroying your brain's capacity.

Here's what it is (and how to protect yourself): 🧵 Image It's called Allostatic Load - the cumulative burden on your brain and body.

Science shows there are 4 ways your system responds to this load:Image
Dec 7, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
Stress is not the enemy.

It's a signal your system is sending you.

Most people try to manage stress.
That's why they stay stuck.

The real reason you're overwhelmed (and the permanent solution): 🧵 Image Stress is your body's biological warning system.

When activated, it triggers a series of physiological changes designed to protect you.

The way it is supposed to be:

Tiger approaches → Stress response activates → You run → Threat passes → System resets

Physical danger → Fight/flight activates → Situation resolves → Body recovers
Jul 21, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
67% of men chose electric shocks over sitting alone with their thoughts.

Imagine being so afraid of silence that you choose pain.

But could you do nothing for 'just' 10 minutes?

Here's why I do nothing everyday:
(and you should too)Image I was sitting by a window, staring outside, when a piece of chalk flew past my ear.

I turned and saw my teacher's stern face – a silent reminder that I was still in class, not in my daydreams.

This was maybe 20 years ago...

Fast forward to today and daydreaming seems like a dream.

In fact, a study revealed:

67% of men and 25% of women would rather give themselves electric shocks than just sit and do nothing.

Can you believe it?

Would you shock yourself over sitting with your thoughts?

Well, you need to try it to really know.

But before you do nothing, read this to find out-

why embracing nothingness can make you more creative, productive & calm.
Sep 17, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
You see, think, feel. But who's the 'you' behind it all?

There's an unseen force inside you: Consciousness.

Understand the nature of your true self with these 5 points:

- A thread-
Image In the previous thread, I wrote about the 4 states of consciousness.

Today let's look at the nature of consciousness through its 5 aspects.

Why bother knowing about this? I'll tell you at the end
Sep 16, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Staring at screens for more than 6 hours a day?

Your eyes are paying the price, even if you don't feel it yet.

Here's how you can protect your most precious sense:

- Thread-
Image I started wearing glasses when I was 6 years old and wore them till I was 20 I think.

I hated wearing prescription(+4.75) glasses

So now I take extra care of my eyes,

These are a few simple tweaks that can help you take care of your eyes:
Sep 8, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Do you know why meditation makes you calm & sharp?

The secret lies in these 7 brain-boosting effects of meditation.

Here's how meditation impacts your brain chemicals:

- A thread- Image Have you ever wondered how meditation seems to work?

That makes practitioners feel peace, calm, and mental clarity.

The answer lies within the intricate dance of brain chemicals and processes that meditation sets into motion.
Aug 28, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
You are responsible for your inner peace.

But most people let these 7 sneaky habits destroy their calm

Identify & destroy them to build an inner sanctuary:

- A thread- What is peace anyway?

Sitting on the Himalayas alone or meditating on the roof of your house?

If you feel at peace in the mountains it is because of the mountains and not you.

Before you blame others, try fixing these habits to make you feel more centered:
Aug 27, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Meditation: It's probably not what you think.

These are the 7 myths that most beginners believe.

Breaking them can transform your inner journey.

- A thread-
I believed meditation was a magic pill.

Once I have it everything will be fine.

The power of expectations!

Misunderstand them and even the right path feels wrong

Read this to find out what meditation is NOT:
Aug 26, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Most people quit before meditation reveals its secrets.

Because of these 3 reasons.

Understand these to build a life-long practice

- A thread- Image 1. Unreal View:

When you meditate your mind should be blank.

You will enter a thoughtless state and feel unparalleled peace.

or I will see a light or a thousand petals of lotus.

And whatnot.

This is not meditation this is imagination.
Aug 25, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
Do you know something extraordinary happens in your brain when you start meditating?

Science shows that meditation reshapes your brain

Here's what happens in your brain when you start meditating :

-Thread- Image Yes, you read that right.

There are countless studies being done on the impact of meditation on the brain.

These are some of the ways how meditation can help you unlock superpowers in your brain :
Jul 14, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
There are 3 invisible forces inside you that drive your every action.

Understanding these will help you decode your inner world.

(Lesson from a 5000 years old book)

A thread: Image It has been some time since I last wrote a thread, show me some love and RT the first tweet :)

These 3 forces are qualities that are inherent to everyone.

Each one of them plays a role in your psyche.

These 3 qualities are:
Jun 8, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
Where do you feel stress?

Inside or outside?

Here are 9 difficult habits to manage stress: Image I lied.

I do not want you to manage stress.

I want you to DESTROY it.

I want you to understand that stress is NOT a part of your life.
May 12, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Dr. Quimby treated physical diseases by addressing underlying mental beliefs.

He once cured a woman out of a wheelchair.

Here's how you can apply his principles to unlock your mind's potential : Image Dr Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, developed a unique method of healing, popularly known as "Quimby's Method".

His process aimed to heal physical ailments by addressing the underlying mental and emotional beliefs that he said were the root of disease.
May 4, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
But why is it so easy to think negative?

I also thought the same.

So, here's the science behind negative thoughts: Image You are in a group chilling with your colleagues or friends.

Suddenly when someone says something bad about you.

May be you reply to them. May be you do not.

But what is certain is that, you keep thinking about that event, those words. All day long.

Apr 14, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Spiritual seekers understand these 5 powerful principles of ethical living to deepen your spiritual journey.

Lessons from a 2500 year old scripture :… Image Have you heard of Patanjali ? No ? I am sure you would have heard of Yoga.

Patanjali was the sage who complied the knowledge of yoga in the scripture known as Yoga Sutras.

Now before you start thinking of yoga as the art of stretching your body.

Understand this-
Mar 14, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Do you know there are SIXTEEN dimensions of your mind ?

These 16 dimensions are divided into 4 categories.

Accessing the Chitta(4th) will lead you to discover infinite possibilities : As per the yogic science, the human mind is made up of 16 dimensions that fall into four categories:

> Buddhi- Intellect
> Manas- Memory
> Ahankara- Identity
> Chitta- Cosmic Intelligence

If you manage to touch Chitta, you will realize possibilities you have not imagined.
Mar 1, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Do you know the way you breathe can cause anxiety ?

Here's how:

And a breathing technique to reduce your anxiety in 5 minutes or less a day : Image Shallow breathing is one of the culprits that aggravate your anxiety.

Aka chest breathing is when you primarily use your chest and upper part of the lungs to breathe.

Instead of using the full capacity of the lungs. These are short breaths that don't fully expand the lungs.