Cheryl 🍁 in Nova Scotia 🍁🇨🇦🦞 Profile picture
#IndigenousLivesMatter #ArmyBrat #ClimateChange #TheResistance🏳️‍🌈 #WildlifeSupport #LGBTQSupporter #BLM
papillon4444 🦋 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈🇸🇻 Profile picture Gisrah Profile picture timethief 🇨🇦 progressive centrist feminist Profile picture Brandy Stanford Profile picture Liminallife Profile picture 10 subscribed
Sep 16 8 tweets 2 min read
Yes, climate change is real, yes we have always had storms, flooding, fires etc., but what people do not understand is that although we have always had storms, flooding etc., they are getting more frequent & stronger than in the past, this is a result of our climate changing. /1 /2 When we now have Hurricanes, they are becoming more destructive, they are lasting longer and bringing more extreme weather patterns. The same is happening with more frequent heavy rain patterns, rather than getting the usual historical values of so much rain per
Aug 26 5 tweets 1 min read
Six federal properties in Nova Scotia have been listed for housing development with more coming.

At a ceremony in Dartmouth on Sunday, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Minister Sean Fraser unveiled the Canada Public Land Bank, its online tool and the initial /2 56 properties placed on it across the country.

The properties listed Sunday in Nova Scotia include:

34 Acadia Street, Amherst, 0.46 hectares
Baffin Boulevard, Dartmouth, 15.1 hectares
Corner of Park and Jarvis Streets, New Glasgow, 1.58 hectares
Aug 18 11 tweets 4 min read
Programs/Policy that were created or set up by Stephen Harper while in power, that the CPC members blame the current govt and PM for, the hypocrisy and inaccuracy of their statements is outstanding. /1 (thread) 🧵 /2 Carbon pricing - PMJT only created the rebate to give to Canadians

Aug 18 10 tweets 2 min read
When I think about our next election in Canada, what our country needs, this is how I choose democracy over darkness. I will vote ABC, anything but Conservative, why you ask….well I will not vote for anyone or a party who chose to align themselves with extremists, the people/1 /2 who held our country captive by blocking our borders, roads, streets, who cost our country billions in losses because of their hate, the CPC, just egged them on, they laughed and applauded the abuse, anger, hate, the CPC did not call out any of it, they did not have any issue
Aug 16 16 tweets 3 min read
Let's unpack this shall we

#1 He states he wants to create a smaller govt - he already has one of the largest shadow cabinets (over 51 + 20 associates) in the history of Canada - Harper's cabinet (in '14 was 39 ministers) was larger than the current Lib Feb govt (37 ministers)/1 /2
#2 Removing the Carbon pricing will NOT create more jobs, nor will it allow businesses to bring in more employees or create stronger paycheques, the Carbon pricing is .015 %
Aug 7 9 tweets 2 min read
You may or may not like what I have to say here, but it's my opinion, you can choose to make your own as well, so here goes....

PMJT has made some great policy moves over the last few years, some of them help a lot of people, now hear me out, most of these policies have not/1 /2 helped me much at all, but that is ok, I appreciate policies for those who really need it, low income, seniors, families with children, etc. These policies/social programs are doing some good, because the funding is putting money back into families pockets and they are
Apr 16 8 tweets 2 min read
Federal Budget April 2024

Freeland's new federal budget hikes taxes on the rich to cover billions in new spending

With interest rates running high, cost to service the national debt surpasses federal health care spending /1 /2 HIGHLIGHTS:
•Ottawa to spend $52.9 billion more than planned over the next five years.
•Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland projects Ottawa will post a $40 billion deficit this fiscal year.
Apr 11 9 tweets 4 min read
Thread: ⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️ must read. This concerns all Canadians. The Nova Scotia PC govt created and passed legislation (without the support of the NS LIB and NS NDP) to access our Private Medical Documents. Vote here in this video /1

/2 Full article here, this legislation in connection with the sole sourced award given to Think Research (Jenni Byrne) - $49M +++:…
Mar 21 5 tweets 2 min read
Must watch from HOC today, March 21, 2024 — he’s right #Canada /2 more
Nov 9, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
I did a little digging about the so called affordable housing under Stephen Harper and what I found was a lot of talk and little to no action, with very little funding as well.

Copied from article:
Stephen Harper's government has ignored repeated provincial requests to /1 Image /2 meet on how to fund a much-needed affordable housing initiative.
Sean Kilpatrick / THE CANADIAN PRESS

What if someone promises to do something important, then not only does not do it, but fails even to talk to you about it?
In its March budget, the federal government
Nov 7, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Premiers meet in Halifax to discuss how they are blaming the Fed govt for their own failures, let's recap: (thread)

Healthcare Premiers screaming about the failing healthcare system, all the while knowing that Canada spends the most $$ in the G20 for Universal Healthcare /1 Image /2 Healthcare funding received from the Federal govt was NOT going towards healthcare - the Premiers used the funds for other projects or to bring down their deficits - which in turn caused failures within the healthcare system across Canada, thread here

Oct 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Conservatives are spreading a lie that Heat Pumps do not work in the cold -- this is FALSE.

Heat pump technology is efficient, cost effective and environmentally sound, but can a heat pump system perform reliably at sub-freezing temperatures?

Yes — contrary to popular /1 /2 misconception, heat pumps are a practical option in cold climates. In fact, according to recent research from the Regulatory Assistance Project, heat pumps function more efficiently than conventional fossil-fuel heating systems in cold climates.

Oct 27, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
This guy is such a liar, see my thread below as to why, he is the one who has voted against all green energy projects including the greening of Atlantic Canada /1

Poilievre says he’s open to green projects in Atlantic Canada… /2 Poilievre voted against the amendments to the Greenhouse Gas Pollution act

details in this tweet:
Oct 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Must read from this article - re Alberta wanting their own pension plan.

But that isn't to say one should dismiss the remarks of Ontario Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy about a fractured Canada Pension Plan as just another voice in a growing chorus. His intention is to /1 /2 get all his provincial and territorial finance ministers together, plus federal Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, for an "urgent meeting" to discuss Alberta's idea as a pan-Canadian crisis in the making — a meeting she's agreed to.

"As co-stewards of the CPP, it is our
Sep 8, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
How to Defeat Poilievre's Politics of Abandonment

Take every chance to debunk these six false promises destined to make most Canadians worse off. /1

Must read.… /2 Actually, for most ordinary Canadians, it is precisely the government-funded infrastructure of support that Poilievre bashes that enable them the freedom to flourish individually and pursue things outside of simply “working hard.” Publicly funded and universally accessible
Sep 5, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Executives at big real estate companies profiting off and even driving up high real estate prices across Canada are listed as donors to the federal Conservative Party, Elections Canada records show.… /2 According to CBC News, “Toronto-based company Forum Asset Management purchased the building less than two years ago, and has offered tenants in unrenovated units $15,000 to leave.”
Poilievre even tweeted about the viral video, blaming the situation on “8 years of Trudeau and
Sep 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Think about this very carefully, another follower on here pointed this out, Provinces get funding for healthcare and it’s been proven they ARE not using it for healthcare. Canada has the highest funding for Universal Healthcare funding in the G7. On Housing, several funds /1 /2 were put in place along with funding given to Provinces to increase affordable housing stock, why isn’t the funding being used for what it is allocated for. It’s time to question WHY we as taxpayers continually get the short end of the stick from our Premiers NOT doing
Sep 1, 2023 26 tweets 5 min read
Housing 1950's to 2022-
The changes to funding in Social/Affordable housing over the past 70 yrs in Canada, that led to the current shortage of affordable housing. This started long before our current PM - Poilievre fails to tell the truth when he is out bashing the govt. /1 /2 From the 1950's - 1970's the government built dedicated affordable rental stock and public housing.
Lester Pearson stated that everyone deserved decent housing in the 1960's.
In 1973, PM Pierre Trudeau made changes to the National Housing act that would increase social
Aug 13, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Interesting - look what I found - National Housing strategy which incorporates affordable housing for all in Canada / PoiLIEvre and the rest of the party VOTED NO! /1

VOTES here


/2 Text of bill C-97…
Aug 2, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Here are the actual responsibilities by government in regards to #Housing in #Canada:

Municipal Government - Municipal responsibilities are set up by the Provincial government, variations in each Province across Canada. Municipalities are encouraged to be innovative to /1 /2 accelerate the supply and creation of affordable housing - needs assessment, zoning approvals, and land acquisition and assembly. The municipal government is considered the ‘front line’ when it comes to zoning and making the best (and most appropriate) use of land for
Jul 21, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Article from Toronto Star - quite the takedown of PP.

Pierre Poilievre makeover can’t hide the meanness

Poilievre 2.0 isn’t new. Like the rest of us, he is what he is. He is mean. He is a nasty piece of work, can’t help it. /1 /2
Pierre Poilievre wants to look like a hot, strapping man of the people. He won’t. It can’t be done. But the advisers of the federal Conservative Party leader demanded a makeover and events unfolded.

They got rid of his glasses — whether due to contacts or surgery we