Prof. @UofT_Anthro + @AfricanUofT. Land Grabs, Militarization of Borders, Gulf Arab capital accumulation in HOA. Sudan Solidarity Collective. 🌺
Feb 17 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Sudan is experiencing one of the worst humanitarian and hunger crises of our time and yet the Gezira irrigation scheme (2 mill feddans of fertile land between the Niles) could easily feed the entire country and region. Farmer's need the security and support to farm. A 🧵
The Gezira scheme was established in 1925 through the construction of the Sennar Dam by the British to extract cotton for their empire. The fertile clay soil of the Gezira lies between the White and Blue Niles and slopes away from the Blue Nile allowing for irrigation by gravity.
Apr 26, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Here is a🧵 for those considering evacuating from Port Sudan. It’s a long journey but possibly the most affordable and best option for our ppl with visa restrictions i.e. men under 50 and non-Sudani African and Arab citizens. I am really tired so pls forgive typos. (1/10+) 🧵
We left a rural village in sharg el nil early in the morning on 4/23. We had no phone credit or network so we just went with whatever we could find. First stop was Kubri Soba (south of the city) took a hafla (mini bus) for 5000 sdg each. As we drove through Khartoum to (2/10)
Apr 26, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
We made to Jeddah safely after a 24 hr journey by sea. The Saudis literally rolled out the red carpet upon arrival, handing us sweets, flowers and Saudi flags upon arrival and putting everyone up in hotels. I feel conflicted about it but have to hand it to them…#sudan_update
They are the only country to actually undertake a civilian (free) evacuation for everyone regardless of nationality Shame on all the other countries that could have and decided not to, especially the Egyptians for giving ppl a hard time at the border…