Mang | this house is a zoo | 🔞 Profile picture
🇲🇾 | she/her. kita is best boy, i love him. | dead dove OK | pfp by @starrynightea | ✨suckable✨
Feb 9, 2023 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
#atsukita | reincarnation

Atsumu clutching his lord's dying body, ignoring the clashes of steel and stench of blood around him. His watery eyes locked with Kita's slowly fading ones.

"No, no, you can't-" Kita merely smiles. A shaky hand slowly reached out to lay on top of Atsumu's.

"Perhaps... We would meet in another life," his breathing is laboured as he spoke. Atsumu shakes his head.
Feb 8, 2023 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
#iizusaku #sakuiizu | fluff, getting together

"Iizuna-san, please-" Sakusa was on his knees, glassy eyes looking up at Iizuna expectantly. His former captain blushed, looks away. Sakusa leans in, and Iizuna had to put a hand to his shoulder to stop him.

When he agreed to help carry the seemingly drunk Sakusa home, he didn't expect that the man was
actually faking his inebriation, and now here he is; sat on Sakusa's bed as said
Jan 1, 2023 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
sakuatsu who both fell out of love with each other, but its hard. its hard leaving the person you have spent the most integral few years of with. they had been each other's rocks, comforting each other, be each other's shoulders to cry on. How do you leave someone who was once your everything? How do you become your own person when you had been so intertwined with another that you can barely see when you and them begin and end?

It was difficult. Moving out, dividing finances. It turned into a screaming match at most end of days, but no longer
Oct 27, 2022 • 15 tweets • 3 min read

When Osamu was 16, he came out. It was difficult, and he was scared. What if he loses all his friends? What if he gets kicked out of the team? What if his parents hate him? God, what if Atsumu hates him?

The thought made him queasy, made his chest tighten. He wanted to throw up and run and hide, but the urge to tell Atsumu is strong. There were no secrets between them. As much as they bicker and as much as Atsumu lies to him, there are so secrets.

So Osamu made him sit down on his bunk of the bed. Atsumu already looks irritated
Aug 4, 2022 • 35 tweets • 6 min read
#osaaka | nsfw, royalty au

"Hmm? Are you sleepy?" Akaashi murmurs, soft enough that only the man laying his head on his lap could hear.

Osamu didn't answer, merely whines and rubs his face into the emperor's thighs. Akaashi momentarily got distracted by the silver threads braided into his grey hair, glinting under the warm lights spilling through the large windows of the throne room.

His advisor was still talking, so he held a hand up.

"We shall continue this later." Akaashi says, his eyes not once
Aug 2, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read

After years of leaving volleyball, Osamu had gained some weight. While he does work hard around tge the shop, it's inevitable that his angles get softer.

So he's been self conscious with his weight. A little insecure, especially when he sees Atsumu with diamond cut abs sleeping shirtless on his couch when he comes over (drooling, he might add with a grimace). They used to be so similar, but the fact that his shirts and pants sometimes looks big on Atsumu really hits him.
Jul 22, 2022 • 50 tweets • 9 min read
#aranosa | nsfw, possessive aran

"Aran-kun," Osamu idly pulls Aran to the side, pointing at a dessert cafe shop window. Aran lets himself be pulled, an amused smile on his face as Osamu looks on at the menu.

"Ya wanna eat here?" "Mmm," Osamu nods, eyes still scanning the menu. "Yeah."

Aran finds it amusing and adorable that Osamu will get into some sort of sleepy and agreeable state whenever they're alone together. He points this out once and was replied with a sweet 'its cause i feel safe with
Jul 21, 2022 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
#sunaosa | making out

"Say that again."

"What? I've never been kissed." Suna shrugs. "Big deal."

"Huh," Osamu turns to look into the distance. He hopes his face remained calm as he was screaming inside.

"Have you?" "Huh?"

"Kissed anyone?" Suna shrugs.

"Well," Osamu's cheeks pinked. "Yeah. Like, three people."

"Oh," Suna nods. "What's it like?"


"Mhm. Was it good?"

"Well," Osamu didn't really think the conversation would steer back to him. "My last girlfriend was a really
Jul 20, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Kita is a good hugger. He knows where to exactly place his hands, how much strength needed to squeeze. He's not that broad or tall, but for some reason, he manages to tailor his hugs for everyone.

The first time he hugged Aran was during the boy's birthday during their third year. Aran pauses briefly before sinking into the embrace. Kita smiles, pats his shoulder good naturedly.

Osamu gets one after a rough fight with Atsumu. He's all patched up but his eyes were still watery as he angrily stares at the ground. Kita approached him and
Jun 23, 2022 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Imagine omega Atsumu but like, he's real tough. Gets into fights and wins them, local bad boy, everyone's afraid of messing with him. Then he gets news that he's getting engaged to alpha Kiyoomi and it was love at first sight.

Only alpha kiyoomi is a bit skinnier than him and a little timid. Sheltered rich boy who flinches at a loud sound. Atsumu sees him trying to act tough, yknow, like a 'proper' alpha and he /swoons/. No one had ever tried so hard for him before so he puts up an act.

He plays the vulnerable omega, pretends he's meek and runs to hide
Apr 20, 2022 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
#osaaka | moon god osamu, consort akaashi, possessive osamu

"Osamu-sama, forgive me for interrupting you while you are resting."

Bokuto’s loud and cheery voice was uncharacteristically somber and serious from behind the shoji doors. "Its alright." Osamu says, keeping an eye on his slumbering husband in case he stirs.

"We have some lords claiming ownership over him." Bokuto says. Osamu’s inhales sharply, slightly annoyed that his post coitus snuggle is interrupted.

"Very well. I'm coming."
Apr 20, 2022 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Another miya twins brain rot with sakuatsu...

Cat hybrid Atsumu who only acts out his cat-like features in front of human Osamu. Like he'll snarl if anyone calls him like a cat but if it's Osamu who pspspspspsps Atsumu will answer no matter what his mood is. Osamu will also get mad if anyone holds Atsumu by the scruff other than him, cause it renders Atsumu immobile and he doesnt want anyone to take advantage of that.

He does however picks up Atsumu by the scruff when his brother is being too lazy to get up from his bed lol.
Apr 19, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
No cause what if 10 year gap miya twins? 16 yr old atsumu comes home with bruises from volleyball and 6 yr old osamu breaks down and cries at the sight of him hurt and wont stop sobbing until Atsumu is holding him in his arms, shushing him and reassuring him that he's fine

🥲 Oh osamu must be the most loved child there. Atsumu would bring him to practice sometimes and he'll just sit there, occupied by his picture books, napping despite the noise or just staring wide eyed as his brother plays.
Apr 14, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Uncle Osamu who wears the bracelet his niece made for him when she was 5. 15 years later, now a business mogul and owner of a successful franchise and brand, he takes a picture to commemorate the opening of his 50th branch, decked in a suit and tie, an old but loved pastel heart bead bracelet around his wrist.

It was the first thing she spotted, and it was the first thing she saw when he greets her during her wedding day.

The bracelet, already re-threaded
Feb 10, 2022 • 21 tweets • 3 min read
This is gonna flop but okay 1. Yes! Music depends on what I'm writing. Cute, upbeat love songs for those romcom vibes, sad ballads for angsty scenes and slow and sexy vibes for them nsfw heh
Feb 9, 2022 • 27 tweets • 5 min read
#sunaosa | cocky and flirty suna, oblivious osamu (lol)

"Not there," Suna shakes his head. "Kinda wonky."

"Huh, here then?" Osamu tilted the sign in his hand. Suna hums behind him. They were trying to put up a class cafe sign for the school's cultural festival. Osamu was in charge of hanging it, so Suna decides to help.

Well, not really. All he wanted to do was to stare at Osamu’s ass as the boy hobbles around the entryway of their class.

"Here?" He repeats the question, glancing back at Suna.

"Huh? Not really." Suna smirked, walking