MJ Profile picture
@remix_run co-founder, CEO
Jan 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I’ve heard from a few folks today that this tweet is misleading.

I want to express my sincere apologies to anyone who was offended or upset by this and set the record straight.

Remix loaders are NOT as capable as GraphQL. Not at all. Probably the closest analogy to a Remix loader in GraphQL is the concept of a “resolver”.

Remix loaders can query any data source and return data from multiple databases in the same app.

This is similar to how GraphQL servers are able to stitch together multiple data sources.
Jun 6, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
Spent 2 hours in a chat w @slightlylate talking about web performance budgets and what we can do to fix things. I think the pace at which web dev has evolved over the past few years has left us with some significant debt. Looking forward to finding ways to make things leaner. @slightlylate Couple things you can do *today* to get started on the path to a better performing website.

First: run your site through webpagetest.org. You'll be able to see everything including time to first paint, interaction, and all of your bundles 👍
Oct 12, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
Web components are a complete waste of time and effort at this point. The champions of web components are too invested to admit it, but there are so many problems with the current spec. They haven't learned anything from the current state of the art of building UI for the web. The web components camp is trying to make them a standard by convincing browser makers to implement them, but this is counter to the way standards have always worked. Usually standards are distilled from usage patterns that are already popular. But web components are not.