The Commonhole White Paper is good news for #leaseholdreform.
Two key missing parts:
* conversion of leasehold blocks where a party to the lease covers a wider, mixed-use estate. (Many such cases)
* mandatory equity loans on converting very short leases.
obviously there are Many Such Cases of people who've knowingly or unknowingly taken a lease whose extension is unaffordable, e.g. due to Marriage Value.
The white paper is an encouraging signal that the government will redistribute MV (wholly or partly) to leaseholders.
Dec 3, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
The Leasehold & Freehold Reform Act 2024 could partially be brought into force. I'm not convinced by the goverment's implied claim that no further measures can be commenced without consultation.
And so I've made a nice colour-coded list of the LAFRA measures
Here's my LAFRA commenceability spreadsheet:
@jcreedy @LKPleasehold @JohnAStephen in their manifesto, what they said is as I described above.
Lisa Nandy said on Sky News (23 May 2023) that Labour would ban leasehold but that this meant banning it on new builds, and reform commonhold for existing flats (rather than mandate it)
@jcreedy @LKPleasehold @JohnAStephen On Question Time on 27 April that year she had said the government *should* ban leasehold, and that the next government would do "something" about it
Dec 27, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Lord Young's analogy between #leasehold enfranchisement and buying out minority shareholders is an apt one.
But of course it's just an analogy ... 1/n
In effect, the freeholder and the leaseholders have shares of two different classes, only one of which can vote ... 2/n