Anastasios Nikolas Angelopoulos Profile picture
I work on black-box statistics, model testing, and evaluation. @Berkeley_EECS Ph.D. and student researcher @GoogleDeepMind. Former @stanford_ee.
Aug 1, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🤖Conformal PID Control for Time-Series Prediction🕹
📝w/Candès & Tibshirani!

Is conformal prediction out of control🤪?

Yes! CP can be thought of as PID control, giving stronger guarantees+algorithms that predict distribution shifts as they happen! A🧵
Image Before I explain how it works, check this result on COVID death forecasting.

The official CDC forecast missed the upswing. Running PID control on top improved the result — by a lot.

Why? Because the errors were predictable, so it just PREDICTED them! Hence, better coverage :) Image
Jan 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
📯Prediction-Powered Inference📯

With the rise of AlphaFold etc., people are using ML predictions to replace costly experimental data.

But predictions aren't perfect; can we still use them for rigorous downstream inferences?

The answer: yes. A 🧵
Left: A picture of a phosphorylated protein. Middle-Right: confidence intervals. The prediction-powered confidence interval is correct, while the imputed one is too small and the classical one is too big. The key idea is to define a mathematical object called

Δ, the rectifier.

We use Δ to "rectify" the predictions in a way that recovers the ground truth estimand.

For means, Δ is a bias, but in general, it is not. We can use Δ to form a prediction-powered confidence set (green).
Aug 5, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
I’m thrilled to announce Conformal Risk Control: a way to bound quantities other than coverage with conformal prediction.

Check out the worked examples in CV and NLP!

The best part is: it’s exactly the same algorithm as split conformal prediction🤯🧵1/5 Conformal prediction bounds the miscoverage:
P(Y notin set)<=α.

Our paper shows that conformal prediction actually works to bound any risk,
for some loss L that shrinks as the set grows.

L(set,Y)=I(Y notin set) reduces to conformal, but you can do more... 2/5