How to get URL link on X (Twitter) Appالطبراني: حدثنا المعمري، سمعت خلف بن سالم يقول: كنا في مجلس يزيد بن هارون، فمزح مع مستمليه، فتنحنح أحمد بن حنبل، فقال يزيد: من المتنحنح؟ فقيل له: أحمد بن حنبل، فضرب يزيد على جبينه، وقال: ألا أعلمتموني أن أحمد هاهنا حتى لا أمزح. what's my controversy? "Stop overreacting at silly things and being reactionary." Or did you simply see the response of 10 juh'haal and make them the ppl we should succomb to?! Talk about silo. didn't comment at the time bc the entire debate was FACILE. Bored ppl & just another hype point w/ absolutely NO ramifications. Many Muslims love to debate AIR. God was not worshipped more, no human was practically helped, the hungry weren't fed, nothing was built.'s disingenuous in that I'm sure @drusamahasan knows the context in which many things have been said/done & they're nothing as nefarious as he makes out in the report. Most notably is the misleading way in which he portrays advocacy of *a* caliphate. (Main point of paper)