Ivan Enderlin 🦀🌱 Profile picture
🌱 Ecologist 🕸 WebAssembly polyglot 👾 Hacker/PhD Computer Scientist 🤲 Open source lover 🚀 Developer @element_hq 📜 Ex-@wasmerio @automattic @fruux @mozilla…
Nov 13, 2020 26 tweets 15 min read
I'm about to buy a new MacBook Pro 13" with the famous Apple M1 SoC.

Let's see how ready it is for developers.

A thread ⤵️

Legend: 🔴 = not working, 🟢 = working

#AppleSiliconM1 🟢 Rust is working!

`aarch64-apple-darwin` is part of the Tier 2 platforms, doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/rustc/….

See the PR, github.com/rust-lang/rust….

#AppleSiliconM1 #rustlang
Apr 9, 2019 53 tweets 56 min read
With my wife, we are building an extremely ecological self-sufficient house (made of straw, wood and earth), while being modern too.

The house is out of the grid for electricity & water, and there is no heating system.

The construction has finally started after 1.5 years.

1/3 ImageImage We share our story on a blog, in French only so far (I will translate the story in English later).

Last week was the first day, lamaisonvivante.blog/2019/04/04/car…
