SLIME MOLD TIME MOLD Profile picture
"If one does not expect it, one will not find out the unexpected; It is not to be tracked down and no path leads us to it." //
3 subscribers
Feb 14 92 tweets 29 min read
There are lots of ways to die.

To avoid biting the dust, many things need to be juuuust right. If you get too hot or too cold, you die. If you don’t eat enough, you die. If you make too much blood, too little blood, if you [other thing], if you [third thing], dead dead dead. Image It’s a miracle that organisms pull this off.

How do they do it? Easy: they make thermostats.…
Feb 7 78 tweets 26 min read
Time for a story about how when you heat things up, they almost always get bigger. Image Take almost anything, heat it up, and it gets bigger. Heat it up enough, it melts and becomes a liquid. Heat it up even more, it becomes a gas, and takes up even more space. Or, cool it down, it contracts and becomes smaller again.…
Dec 6, 2024 47 tweets 38 min read
For @threadapalooza — 100 tweets about 100 scientists (and closely-related philosophers and mathematicians) in approximately chronological order (Inspired by @DefenderOfBasic learning about Mary Somerville:)

Oct 19, 2023 32 tweets 9 min read
Let's say you're eating a twinkie. How much lithium is in that twinkie? How much lithium is in your food in general? Turns out this is harder to answer than you might think. Image Lithium at clinical doses (50-300 mg/day) is a powerful sedative with lots of nasty side effects.

Many effects also show up for subclinical doses (1-50 mg/day), and even trace doses (< 1 mg/day) seem to have some effects.

So you might want to know how much is in your food. Image
Jul 12, 2022 81 tweets 20 min read
Many years since we've done such an exemplary study.

That's right, the first potato diet analysis is out!… Do be warned that this post is about 25,000 words long, with many many figures and images. So if you have questions or comments, we strongly encourage you to read it and see if we address it in the post

That said, here's some topline results!
May 2, 2022 127 tweets 24 min read
Thread for live-ish updates on the potato diet community trial 79 people have filled out the signup form

some of them are waiting a couple days / couple weeks to start but several dozen have been recording data
Mar 27, 2022 50 tweets 14 min read
Ok we also got into the @midjourney beta, time to have some FUN with IMAGES @midjourney landscape 🌊🎾
Jan 28, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
if this describes you and you want help getting started, DM us! Maybe we need a term for this, something better than "gentle[wo]man scholars"? Open to suggestions / brainstorming
Jan 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Scurvy — what does it teach us about diseases of deficiency? what does it teach us about concepts? and what does it teach us about nightmarish graft chimera citrus plants?… Image
Jan 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@erikphoel recently argued for a new way of doing futurism — look at the nascent trends of today and project them into the future

We liked this approach so much we decided to try it ourselves. Our predictions for 2050:… @erikphoel This seemed like a fun topic for collaboration, so we invited a bunch of other bloggers to make their own predictions off of Hoel's model. Here they are!
Nov 8, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Hey remember "produced water", that extremely salty, lithium-rich, often radioactive brine created as a side effect of oil and gas extraction?

Turns out in some places they're using this brine to irrigate crops!… One report says, "For over 25 years, [oilfield produced water] has been blended with surface water and used for irrigation in the Cawelo Water District of Kern County, as permitted by California Water Board policy."…
Jul 7, 2021 140 tweets 36 min read
The study of obesity is the study of mysteries.… The first mystery is the epidemic itself. For most of history, the obesity rate was about 1%, even for people who had all the food they wanted. Today, many countries are 40% obese or more. Even in lean countries like Italy, France, and Sweden, the obesity rate is around 20%. Image
Jun 26, 2021 28 tweets 9 min read
A thread rating the root systems of various plants: Image Carum carvi (Caraway)
- good depth for little plant
- slightly thin
5/10 Image