MollyPeonies Profile picture
question-asker; systems-change strategist @goodworkgroup; recovering journalist; STL-born; neurodivergent; in a Lesbian Bug Hive; AntifaList member 🫡;She/They
Oct 31, 2024 29 tweets 5 min read
Last night I couldn’t sleep (what’s new), so naturally I spent 3 hours going down the Twitter rabbit hole of white women in the suburbs who love Harris but are married to a male Trump supporter.

It’s this whole other world of women of all ages sharing their plans and fears. 🧵 They were talking about keeping it a secret from their husbands; maybe going out of town on election day so their husbands can’t vote (they’ve already voted); not reminding them of Election Day (bc of course it’s *their job* to manage his daily life for him).
Aug 14, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Who is the Strib photographer who took this photo bc I want a framed copy?

While it feels good to see Don lose in even even Republican-leaning areas, it feels *really* good to see someone who traded in all ethics and used dangerous right-wing rhetoric and tactics lose so badly. Image JoeRad chose this election to set the bar for political strategy so low in the depths of Trump hell that it makes me a bit hopeful most good people chose to step over it and vote for Omar.
Aug 13, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
A Plea to Mpls & Suburban District 5:

Please vote for Ilhan Omar tomorrow—and urge others to do the same. Even if you don't agree with everything she's done, it's vital to oppose the dangerous game Samuels/JoeRad are playing with conservative influencers.

Here's the reality: First, despite claiming to be a "Democrat," Samuels' rhetoric and the substantial contributions he receives from conservative donors prove he's more than willing to be a mouthpiece for a Trump agenda—he's willing to represent their interests in Washington.
Aug 10, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
Hi, Paul! Since you're a policymaker who is too busy during the Senate break to read or look at any data or analysis to inform your decisions or thinking as a policymaker—let me help out a very busy man like you!

First, let's look at the economic impact: Research shows universal free school meals (breakfast and lunch for students regardless of income) have 2.5 to SEVEN times the return in human health and economic benefits in comparable high-income countries.

Dang, Paul. That's a huge ROI! LOOK!…
Jun 3, 2024 27 tweets 6 min read
🧵 I wasn't planning to respond to yesterday’s @StarTribune story about “rising attacks on law enforcement” and its deeply flawed, misleading data analysis. But I couldn’t sleep thinking about it. So here we go. Claim 1: “An unusual spike in Minnesota police slayings”

Problem 1: Overly sensational and misleading significance in reporting Image
Oct 24, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
The @StarTribune’s anti-Mary bent feels really strange to me. While amplifying the voices and experiences of crime victims is critical, these stories feel like they are *very intentionally* cherry-picking voices that meet their larger political agenda.… You see stories like these, ad nauseam, in outlets that receive direct funding from deeply conservative orgs. Stories that aren’t even templated he said/she said regurgitations, but just he said he said he said over and over.
Sep 26, 2023 22 tweets 7 min read
Sure, Target, with one of the world's top loss-prevention programs and FORENSIC LABS even the FBI can't match. "Theft and crime" are the main reasons you're closing these stores. Image This is an old story, but it details how their forensics lab works, and how/why they are tapped by law enforcement and FBI to provide support. Did anyone ask for supporting evidence of this HUGE loss they experienced due to crime?…