Monidipa Bose - Dey (মণিদীপা) Profile picture
Author || Columnist (History) || Research scholar || My book “Himachal Temples and the Bengal connection” is on Amazon - || 🌺🔱||🇮🇳||
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Mar 8 9 tweets 4 min read
Mother of Frauds - as 🧵 1/6

"Turns out she (Mother Teresa) was a child trafficker, selling babies and funnelling between $50-100 million/year to the Vatican. Mother Teresa's connections include Baby Doc Duvalier, the Haitian dictator, Saving's and Loan criminal Charles Keating, and Robert Maxwell (the father of Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking partner, Ghislaine Maxwell).

And here's the kicker! Mother Teresa opened the D.C. based Home for Infant Children with none other than Hillary Clinton. This orphanage of sorts was quietly closed in 2012."Image
MT's Christianity was based on an obsession with suffering and death and that influenced her 'care giving' work. She saw the struggles of those in poverty as admirable, and believed that it brought them closer to God. She likened their suffering to Christ on the cross and encouraged and practiced it within her 'hospitals' and 'orphanages'
Doctors who visited her institutions were shocked at their terrible conditions. Medical care was administered by volunteers who had no medical training, hygiene was almost non-existent, needles were reused until they became blunt, pain management was non-existent, and the caregiving staff were not able to differentiate between those who were dying, and those who had curable illnesses.
Feb 28 5 tweets 3 min read
📍Another site found, comparable to Sinauli.

Recent Excavations at the Tilwara Sakin in Baraut, District Bagpat, Uttar Pradesh, by the @ASIGoI have found burial remains from the Chalcolithic period.
These findings are giving a more detailed look into the Copper Age burial rites and customs. An important finding includes detailed geometric design engraved onto copper, which shows presence of advanced metal artistry in India during the Chalcolithic era.

This Tilwara site is just 10km away from the Sinauli site, which had earlier revealed Copper Age burial customs and chariots.Image
Some more photos from the site. Image
Feb 11 7 tweets 4 min read
In my previous post that showed the Christian leanings of Max Müller, I was asked to show how Max Müller mistranslated the Vedas, here are two examples ~

📍Katha Upanishad (Chapter 1, Verse 23)
नायमात्मा प्रवचनेन लभ्यो न मेधया न बहुना श्रुतेन। यमेवैष वृणुते तेन लभ्यस्तस्यैष आत्मा विवृणुते तनूं स्वाम्‌

Max Müller translated it as -‘That Self, cannot be gained by the Veda, nor by understanding, nor by much learning. He whom the Self chooses, by him the Self can be gained. The Self chooses him (his body) as his own.’

Now check the translation by Sri Aurobindo ~ ‘The Self is not to be won by eloquent teaching, nor by brain power, not by much learning: but only he whom his Being chooses can win Him: for to him this Self bares His body.’

Max Müller in his translation modified ‘Pravachan’ to represent ‘Veda’, which was corrected by Sri Aurobindo, as ‘eloquent teaching.’

Thus, Müller’s version downplays the importance of the Vedas for self-realization, giving them an inferior position.

📍Katha Upanishad (Chapter 1, Verse 25)

यस्य ब्रह्म च क्षत्रं च उभे भवत ओदनः। मृत्युर्यस्योपसेचनं क इत्था वेद यत्र सः ॥

Max Müller’s translation- ‘He to whom the sages are as meat and heroes as food for his eating and Death is an ingredient in His banquet, how thus shall one know of Him where He abides?’

Sri Aurobindo writes : ‘He for whom priesthood and nobility both are as food and death is as a sauce, who really knows where it is?’

Here Müller adds the word ‘meat,’ when the Sanskrit word ‘Odan’, simply means cooked rice, and has no association with ‘meat.’ Müller’s addition of ‘meat,’ puts in a word that is not there in the original verse.

Max Müller helped the British in slowly cutting off the Hindus from their original religious and cultural heritage. His translations with their subtle distortions alienated the Hindus from their ancient heritage. Since he did a lot of translations, these got widely spread, causing irreparable damages.Image There are two more narratives that were started by him to show Hindu -Indian civilisation as an inferior one -

1. AIT theory, which claimed Aryans came from outside, starting the Aryan-Dravidian rift, and

2. Sanskrit was a foreign language.

Müller’s translations and narratives unfortunately have had a long lasting negative impact on the collective consciousness of the Hindus. Not only was the Hindu society divided, there was created a strong sense of cultural inferiority.

This was later further reinforced by the Marxist-I$lamist ‘academicians’ post independence.
Jan 5 4 tweets 2 min read
Witch hunting in Europe was very much associated with the Church.

From Legal POV (as per UC Berkeley Law) :
‘Historians have identified a number of legal developments that led to the hunting and subsequent trials of w!tches in Early Modern Europe.

1. One was the idea of “heretical fact,” by Pope John XXII (1316-1334), that made heresy to be seen as an act or a deed, and not merely an intellectual crime.

2. Another one was the establishment of a link between witchcraft and heresy, a link that had not existed before the end of the 15th century, which emerged because of a new theory of “diabolical witchcraft” that held that the practice of malefice (such as using religious objects to curse one’s neighbor) involved an active pact with the Devil, and was therefore a heretical act and not just a ritual performed by misguided country folk.

These views of witchcraft was then spread throughout Europe by handbooks like the Malleus Maleficarum.

The first wave of w!tchhunting occurred in the 15th and early 16th centuries, and the second wave came in 17th century. Witch hunts were seen across all of Early Modern Europe, but the area that saw maximum w!tch hunting is said to be the southwestern parts of Germany, where the highest concentration of w!tch trials occurred between 1561 to 1670.’Image The witch hunts in Europe took off in the 15th century and lasted for almost 300 years, resulting in the prosecution of roughly 90,000 people, with nearly 45,000 executions.
Belief in witches and witchcraft had been present in European culture for centuries, but the level of systematic, widespread persecution that occurred during this period was unprecedented. It is said the printing press helped in the fast spread of books like ‘Malleus maleficarum,’ that led to mass scale witch hunting.
Malleus maleficarum was both a theoretical and practical guide for identifying, interrogating, and prosecuting witches.
Nov 30, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
You are lying @kirawontmiss !

Mu$lims DID NOT invent Algorithms or Algebra, or for that matter anything associated with Mathematics.

In 1974, IBM through its Advertisement had acknowledged the historical fact that 1500 Years back three Indians, Bhaskara, Brahmagupta and Aryabhatta, had developed Algebra.

The origins of algebra, however, go further back than just 1500 years. Roots of Algebra can be traced back to the ancient texts known as the ‘Shulba Sutras,’ the earliest of which was compiled around 800 BCE. The four major Shulba Sutras, which are mathematically the most significant, are Baudhayana, Manava, Apastamba and Katyayana. It is in these Shulba Sutras that one finds early forms of algebraic formulas with reasoning, and the problem solving methods.

It is from the Shulba Sutras that the world learned Mathematics, including Algebra.Image
The word algorithm, came from the Arab mathematician/astronomer Al-Khwarizmi who wrote a book copied from Indian mathematicians, and he had acknowledged that too.

In 12th century, Latin translations of al-Khwarizmi's textbook on Indian arithmetic (Algorithmo de Numero Indorum), codified various Indian numerals, and introduced the decimal-based number system to the Western world.

Today Mu$lims are claiming they invented Algebra and Algorithms, and entire Google is filled up these Mu$lim lies!
Aug 17, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
|| An example of Nexus between Criminals and Politicians, and Police Failure in W•B ~ the Murd€r of DCP Vinod Mehta on 18th March 1984 ||

The police in W•B botching up investigations (eg: Kamduni gang-r@pe case), or failing to carry out their normal duties is not new. From CPI-M to T-M-C, the trend continues.

A particularly h0rrific incident that comes to mind was the 1984 murd€rs of Vinod Mehta, a 35 year old IPS officer, then DC (Port) of Kolkata Police, and his bodyguard Mukhtar Ali.

In broad daylight, Vinod Mehta (35), and Mukhtar Ali (36), were dragged into a narrow lane in GardenReach, by a mob. Four hours later, their mut¡lated bodies were discovered.

Vinod Mehta's nak€d body was found in a drain with his eyes g0uged out. His hands and feet had been tied, and the body had multiple burn and stab wounds. Mukhtar Ali’s arms and legs had been sev€red, and what remained of his torso, was only a charred heap.

Vinod Mehta, an IPS officer from Punjab, was known as an honest officer, who could not be bribed.

1/4 … 🧵👇🏼Image

On the morning of 18th March, 1984 (it was a Sunday), after receiving input from the Home Secretary Rathin Dasgupta that trouble was brewing in the Garden Reach area, Mehta immediately rushed to the spot.

The local police station was informed of the DC’s visit to GardenReach (a no-go Mu$lim area), yet the police made delays, and went to check half-hour an hour later.
As they entered GardenReach, they were met with bombs and bricks. As the police stood there, they suddenly noticed Mehta's parked car, but he or his bodyguard were nowhere to be seen.
Few policemen then went to his house to check if he was there. Not finding him at home, finally the police was forced to launch a manhunt in the GardenReach area.
Jul 21, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Re-Reading the 1971 Indo -PK war atroc!t!es on Hindu women.

It is said that the number of mass r@p€s in the 9 month long war is between 200,000 and 400,000.

Most of the r@p€ victims of the Pak!stan! Army and its allies (razakars), were Hindu women. Many of these women di€d in captivity, or later committed suic¡de, while others migrated to India.

During the war, a fatwa was declared in Pak!stan that said Hindu women could be taken as the "booty of war". Imams and MsLm religious leaders of Pak!stan openly declared that the Bengali Hindu women were 'gonimoter maal' (war booty) and they openly supported the r@p€ of these women by the PK Army.

Given below is a documented account of a young Hindu bride (17 year old) who was gang r@p€d by Pak¡stani soldiers -

“Two went into the room that had been built for the bridal couple. The others stayed behind with the family, one of them covering them with his gun. They heard a barked order, and the bridegroom's voice protesting. Then there was silence until the bride screamed ... In a few minutes one of the soldiers came out, his uniform in disarray. He grinned to his companions. Another soldier took his place in the extra room. And so on, until all six had r@p€d the belle of the village. Then all six left, hurriedly. The father found his daughter lying on the string cot unconscious and bleeding. Her husband was crouched on the floor, kneeling over his vomit.” (Bina D’Costa, pp. 121-122)

Almost 200,000-400000 women were r@p€d, giving birth to thousands of war-babies. The Pak!stani soldiers and razakars also kept Bengali Hindu women as s€X-slav€s inside the PK Army camps.

(Image is of a teenage girl r@p€d by a PK soldier who left her war baby with the missionaries of charity for adoption)Image Author Bina D’Costa tracked down the Australian doctor, Geoffrey Davis, who was brought to Dhaka by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and the UN. Davis was tasked with performing late-term ab0rt¡Ons, and facilitating large scale international adoption of the war babies born to the r@p€d Hindu Bengali women.

D’Costa’s conversation with Dr. Davis was published in a Bangladeshi publication. There are details of women being t!ed to trees and gang r@p€d, breasts hack€d off, dumped in mass graves, and held in Pakistani r@p€ camps.

Dr. Geoffrey Davis said that the 200,000 to 400,000 r@p€ victims were an underestimation. The Pakistan army would “keep the infantry back and put artillery ahead and they would shell the hospitals and schools. And that caused absolute chaos in the town. And then the infantry would go in and begin to segregate the women. Apart from little children, all those were s€Xually matured would be segregated..And then the women would be put in the compound under guard and made available to the troops ... Some of the stories they told were appalling. Being r@p€d again and again and again. A lot of them died in those r@p€ camps. There was an air of disbelief about the whole thing. Nobody could credit that it really happened! But the evidence clearly showed that it did happen."
Apr 27, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Hinduism in China.

Hinduism is still present in China, though it is now in minuscule numbers. However archaeological evidences suggest there was once a thriving presence of Hindus in different provinces of medieval China.

In photos is the Kaiyuan temple, in Quanzhou, a province of southeast China. According to the historians, there were more than a dozen Hindu temples, including two big shrines, in Quanzhou and the surrounding villages, which were built by a group of Tamil traders who lived here during the Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1279-1368) periods.

In 1271, a visiting Italian merchant recorded that the Indian traders "were recognised easily. These rich Indian men and women mainly live on vegetables, milk and rice, unlike the Chinese who eat meat and fish."

The Kaiyuan temple show many Shaiva motifs, similar to the ones seen on temples in Tamil Nadu of the same period (10th-14th centuries).

In the 1930s, many murtis of Narasimha were unearthed from Quanzhou during an archaeological excavation by Wu Wenliang. Among other Hindu artefacts, images depicting Puranic stories associated with Vishnu and Shiva were also found, showing a style similar to what is seen on temples in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh of the same period (10th -14th centuries).

Besides the Tamil traders, Indians entered China through the Kamrup route (Assam) via Burma into south Chinese province of Yunnan, as well as other southwestern regions of modern China. This is supported by by the discovery of Shiva-linga and yoni in Jianchuan caves, while many other Hindu artefacts were found during excavation of Dali temple in Yunnan.

Another route to enter China was through Kashmir, and it was this route that carried Buddhism to China.

(All images from Google)Image
Apr 21, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
FYI @ambedkariteIND
The first photo is that of the Hindu Devi Sri - Gajalakshmi. The two elephants that are bathing her are the two nidhis- Sankha and Padma. This iconography is clearly defined in the Vishnudharmottara (III. 82, 7 ; and 82, 10).
Sri is also found described in Sri-Sukta of the RV and in the Taitttiriya Upanishad.

The wrong identification of Sri-Gajalakshmi images as Maya, the mother of Buddha, was made by Alfred Charles Auguste Foucher (1865–1952), a French scholar, who had made another wrong claim- Buddha image had Greek origins.

Read Anand Coomaraswamy’s article on “Early Indian Iconography” for correct history and interpretation of Gajalakshmi.Image Two BCE era Gaja Lakshmi coins depicting the Hindu Devi Gajalakshmi

1. Kaushambi: Copper, 300 BCE, Gajalakshmi.

2. 1st c. BCE era Gajalakshmi coin, refer: J. Allan catalogue on coins.

3. Coin of Azilises showing Gaja Lakshmi standing on a lotus, 1st century BCE.

One of the earliest iconography , frequently found on coins, is that of Gaja-Laksmi, i.e., Laksmi standing (rarely seated), being bathed by two etephants . It appears on an uninscribed coin from Kausambi (3rd century B.C.E), coins of Visakha-deva, Sivadatta and probably also of Vayudeva of Ayodhya (1st century B.C.E), and uninscribed coins of Ujjayini (2nd-3rd century B.C.E).

Gajalakshmi was so popular that many Indo-Scythian satraps of northern India like Azilises, Rajuvula, and Sodasa had Her inscribed on their coins.Image
Apr 6, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
The Azad Hind Sarkar was the first 'swadeshi' government of India. Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose had formed this government and taken oath as the Prime Minister on 21st October, 1943. This makes him the first PM of India.

The Azad Hind government was not a token government. This provisional government was recognised by Japan, Germany, Italy, Croatia, Burma, Thailand, Philippines, Manchuria, and the Republic of China (under Wang Jingwei), while a note of congratulations was sent by Eamon de Valera (the then PM of Ireland).

The Azad Hind Sarkar had presented policies-opinions on several important matters pertaining to Indian life. It also had its own postal stamps, bank, civil code, court, currency, territory (Andaman Nicobar islands), and intelligence service. Developing all these things in a short time frame, with limited resources, and with the British still in control was no mean feat.

The Azad Hind government started working from Singapore. It had 11 ministers and 8 representatives from the INA. This government was formed with the objective of freeing India from British rule, and it was necessary to bring together all political and military resources under one government for that purpose. The Azad Hind government also allowed Netaji to hold talks with various countries, while helping in mobilising NRIs to join and support the war of independence.

Image: 10000 Rupee Note issued by the Azad Hind Bank of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.Image FYI @INCIndia not accepting this basic truth, the history that had actually happened, is being a perfect British slave. Of course, it suits you that way. One must not forget that Allan Octavian Hume, a former British civil servant, was one of the founding members of the Indian National Congress.
Feb 1, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
|| 31st January- the 45th anniversary of the forgotten mass*cre of Dal¡t Refugees in WB under CPI (M)- Left rule ||

On 31st January in 1979, the Marichjhanpi mass*cre took place, when the police under CPI (M) led communist government Ki!!ed Dal¡t Namashudra refugees living in Marichjhanpi island in the Sunderbans.

The namashudra refugees from East Pakistan had fled the Islam!c persecution, & settled in Dandakaranya & other parts of India, both after 1947 and 1971. During early 70s, the communists had spoken largely in favour of these refugees.

1/n 🧵..Image Hearing the supportive statements by the communist leaders, in early 1978, the Da!it Bengali H¡ndu refugees started moving out from Dandakarnya and settled in the islands of Sunderbans, the main centre being at Marichjhanpi. By June 1978, about 30,000 refugees had settled in Marichjhanpi and started various livelihoods, becoming self reliant.

However by then, having used the sympathy wave for the refugees to win elections in WB, the policy of the communists towards the Dal¡t refugees changed, and they took a complete U turn.
Sep 16, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
|| Hinduism in Armenia and how Christianity destroyed it ||

India and Armenia have recorded historical relations dating back to 149 BCE, which included Hindu settlements in Armenia. This region back then was a part of Turkey and Iran, and two princes from India (Kannauj) had travelled there carrying with them a group of people who were Krishna worshippers, and with the Armenian king’s help they established a city named Veeshap or Odz (a reference to their Indian Takshak ruling house : Takshaka means Naga King, & Odz also meaning snake).

The descendants of the two princes later erected two temples, which held two brass murtis, 5 and 7 metres high, of a god named Kissaneh (Krishna), as recorded by the Syrian historian Zenob Glak in his “History of Taron” written in 4th c. CE.

Under the pagan Armenian government the Hindu colony flourished for a considerable time in Armenia. It was a fairly large one comprising over 15,000 members. The Hindu-Indians in a short period of time built twenty towns, and in each of them they erected their temples. Some of these towns, mentioned by Zenob, retained their names and stood till the middle of the 19th century. Until early 20th century one of the villages in Taron was called Hindkastan. The names Hindubek, Hindu, Hindukhanum, Hindumelik were often used by the Armenians of Taron.


However, things changed when Christianity was brought to Armenia, the religion which was imposed by fire and sword. As per Zenob, the two temples were destroyed in 301 CE by St. Gregory, the Iluminator, after killing more than 1000 resisting Hindus and priests. The ones that survived were forcibly baptized. The followers of Christianity demolished all other heathen temples and erected churches on their site.

On the site of the two Hindu temples in the town of Veeshap or Odz, St. Gregory built a Christian monastery in 301 CE where he placed relics of St. John the Baptist and Athanagineh the Martyr. This edifice still exists and is known as St. Karapet of Moosh (now in Turkey, near Lake Van). It is noteworthy to mention that almost till the end of the 19th century, not far from this monastery there was a settlement, which used to be called Odz.

With brutal Christian impositions, the Hindu colony that had peacefully existed in Armenia for more than 450 years, came to an end.
Sep 12, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
A forgotten freedom fighter- Bagha Jatin.

After retirement Sir Charles Tegart, an Irish police officer who served in British India as the 12th Police Commissioner of Calcutta from 1923–1931, wrote “if this revolutionary was born in England instead of India his statue would have been placed at the Trafalgar Square beside Nelson.”

Who was this revolutionary that Tegart had praised despite being from the enemy camp?

In 1905, to break down the Bengal nationalist movement Lord Curzon adopted the divide and rule policy of breaking Bengal. Bengal youth revolted against it and under Rishi Aurobindo formed a group named Jugantar, which soon spread across India with many branches sprouting at many places. At its head was a young 20 year old man named Jatindranath Mukherjee (better known as Jatin). The slogan at that time was “amra morbo, jogot jagbe”. Translated it means- we will die, world will wake up.”

1/6 🧵

It was the start of a new era in Indian freedom movement known as Agniyug or the era of fire. At various places these young revolutionaries started bomb making factories, and to inspire other young men, attacks were made on the British high officials. At this time Aurobindo along with Jatin was taken into police custody for involvement in the Alipore bomb case. After spending 11 months in jail, Jatin realised such small incidents will not bring freedom. What was required was a pan India revolution on the lines of the 1857 mutiny.

In 1912 when the German prince Wilhelm came for a visit to India Jatin met him, as an enemy’s enemy, and explained why the revolutionaries needed arms and other assistance against the British.
Aug 14, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
|| Partition aftermath and a lesson for the Hindus from the life of Jogendra Nath Mandal ||

Jogendranath Mandal, a leader of the lower caste Namasudras, decided to support the Muslim League during the Partition. He firmly believed that the lower caste Namashudras will be……

Initially things worked smoothly for Jogendranath Mandal. Jinnah paid him for his services by making him the first Law and Labour minister of Pakistan.

However, after the death of Jinnah in 1948, political scenario in Pakistan rapidly changed. Hindus were seen as enemies, and……
Aug 10, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
|| The Tengpora Durga : From Kashmir to Manhattan to Germany and back ||

The image is of a 18 armed Devi Durga murti which disappeared from a temple in Kashmir in the early 1990’s. The tale of its disappearance involved Kashmir militancy era, antique smugglers, museums,……
Image As the stolen murtis started appearing in various foreign locations, Mr.Rakesh Kaul, a Kashmiri, suddenly came across the stolen Tengpora Durga in 1999, at the Madison Avenue Gallery of Mr.Subhash Kapoor, a well known antique dealer/smuggler. At the same time Dr.Pratapaditya Pal,……
May 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The word Hi(n)du was first found mentioned twice by the Achaemenian emperor Darius (522-486 BCE) in 2 of his inscriptions dated 518 & 515 BCE.

Emperor Darius was Persian, not Arabic. Persia or ancient Iran is not Arab, & old/ancient Persian language had nothing Arabic in it.…… Image Now to think Irfan Habib once wrote our history text books, & of course one must not forget he was among the leading figures who had turned Saraswati River into a mythical one using distorted facts (check Michel Danino’s paper on this subject).
May 8, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Sankarsana Vishnu and his manifestations. Gahadavala dynasty, Delhi. 1147 CE.

1. The full image showing the complete murti and his avtaars on top.

2. Closeup of the face showing his crown, necklace details, sri vatsa, sankha, & padma in his two hands.

1/n 🧵

@LostTemple7 ImageImageImageImage 3. Close up of the left hand carrying the stylised lotus, showing carving details that include depicting realistic finger nails. Shiva peeps out from behind the lotus.

4. At the base of his feet is an inscription detailing the Hindu samvad year (1204, in the month of Magh and on……
May 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Chakra-dana murti.

Here MahaVishnu is worshipping Shiva, who later presents him with the Sudarshan chakra.

Inside carving in one of the devakulikas at Airavateshwara Temple in Kanchipuram, early 8th Century CE, built by the Pallava King Narasimha Varma-ll, popularly known as…… Image According to the Linga Purana, Lord Shiva gave Sudarshan chakra to Vishnu to fight the asuras .

According to the story (as given in the Amar Chitra Katha)- The devas had been defeated by the armies of asuras, who had the power to heal their battle wounds, and so Vishnu decided……
Apr 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Since it’s Poila Boisakh tomorrow, a reminder to all left j!hadi propaganda makers -
Akbar DID NOT start the Bengali New Year.

It was Raja Sasanka who first established Bongabdo.

My article on Firstpost gives details on why it’s Sasanka & not Akbar 👇🏼… Sunil Kumar Bandhopadhyay in his scholarly essay “Bangabder Utsho Katha” stated that “as per the solar science based mathematical calculations the start of Bongabdo was on 12th April 594 CE”. This coincides with the coronation ceremony of Raja Sasanka (reign: 594-637 CE).
Apr 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
It was a good decision to remove Maulana’s name. It was during his tenure as the Education Minister that the process of removing stalwarts like Mazumdar & the Islamisation of Indian history started.

His name if kept at all should show his affiliation with the Khilafat movement. Image Why is Sardesai grieving now? He was pretty okay with all the previous distortions in Indian history “guided by politics.” If he was pretty okay then, it’s pure hypocrisy to complain now.
Apr 13, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday was the birthday of Rakhaldas Bandhopadhyay.

An erudite man whose achievements range from the uncovering of the Mohenjo daro site to identification of many of the Pala-Sena era murtis, to his works in many archaeological sites across the Indian subcontinent.

1/n 🧵 ImageImage Yet this great scholar was sidelined both by the British, & later by historians in post independent India. The British sidelined him because he was documenting Indian history separately (as personal work for which he used other writers), which did not match the British narrative.