Larry Correia Profile picture
Author of In Defense of the 2nd Amendment, Son of the Black Sword, Monster Hunter International, Hard Magic, Dead Six, and Age of Ravens series.
10 subscribers
Feb 18 38 tweets 8 min read
Educating the Stupid on How Audits Work In Real Life - A thread in many parts. :D 1 Watching everybody I know on the left pontificating about the proper way to conduct audits, after getting their accounting degrees from the University of Internet this week, is absolute cringe for me.
Dec 27, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
Okay, I'm gonna expound on this with a thread about my experiences with Hollywood, as limited as those may be. As a working novelist and red state American I'm like an outsider barbarian there.

First, I'm not exaggerating about them being illiterate, let me tell you a story- Back when I was first getting started, Monster Hunter International had just blown up. I got contacted by my first movie producer. Nice guy. Had a made a bunch of movies I'd heard of in the 90s and early 2000s.
This guy actually read books. Little did I know just how odd that was at the time-
Nov 20, 2023 22 tweets 3 min read
The A-Z guide to anti-gun vulture talking points on Twitter-
A. Gun owners are never trained enough so are dangerous and shouldn't be armed at all.
B. Gun owners who do train are crazy psychos living out their wannabe fantasies itching to shoot someone. C. Even though it takes orders of magnitude more effort to become marginally effective with martial arts than a gun, you are better off using martial arts and not having a gun.
D. *Real Men* use their hands. This is why your mom and grandma shouldn't have guns either.
Mar 16, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
Notice that there's nothing about the planet they are going to, the challenges they will face there, or what pertinent skills or knowledge any of these people possess to help the mission.

Just shallow shit.

Which is kind of the whole issue with all this in a nutshell. If anybody did populate a colony ship this way, they deserve to die.
Like the student. She's Muslim. Okay. But WHAT is she a student of?
Gender studies? Get the fuck off my ship.
Spaceship engineering? Welcome aboard!
Mar 2, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I don't know who is stupider.
Keith Olbermann.
Or the idiots who think Keith Olbermann isn't a fucking clod. I know, company whose stock has tanked over the last year, let's pick up and move our facility that's twice the size of Manhattan to some other place that's got a spare 25,000 acres where we can build hundreds of unique buildings with super intricate infrastructure.
Feb 24, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
WorldCon being a bunch of spineless hypocrites isn't a new revelation for anybody paying attention.
1- A couple years ago they invited one of the most respected editors in the business to be guest of honor, then revoked it because this Jewish single mom made them feel "unsafe" because they said she was responsible for every rando comment on a web forum her company owned.
Feb 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Only a disingenuous fuck would look at St. Louis or New Orleans and say that's a republican problem.

But this is the same dipshit who thinks Keith Olberman is onto something with starving the red states into submission. I've actually got a chapter In Defense of the Second Amendment where I break down this stupid shit. It's the southern states, each with a big blue city that hasn't elected a republican to office in generations, with some neighborhoods that are murder central.
Feb 18, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Look at this fucking dork who thinks Keith Olberman is onto something. 😀
Do it, shithead. The red states triple dog dare you! California is number 1 in food production, and IIRC the other 9 in the top 10 are red.
I was raised in that part of California. If Keith wants to go all Holodomor, the farmers there hate their government and have a lot more in common with the rest of the nation.
Feb 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I like that my honest opinions piss off so many different groups on the internet that when a new rando shows up to yell at me for something I've said, I've got no idea which one they're from. I wish there was a form with check boxes to narrow down their category of butt hurt. :D Sad part is, ten different groups are gonna read this tweet and think it is about them in particular.
No. Really. I can't tell. You're all fucking interchangeable! :D
Feb 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Look at this poor dummy.
He tried to slander me, only I had to go and show up and call him on his bullshit until he ran away crying.
My fans are nice though. Like attracts like, as in they are regular people just as sick of NPC bullshit as I am. The part about "trying to get him banned" is hilarious if you read the thread I linked earlier. By that he means he stupidly bragged on Facebook about his multiple fake Facebook accounts.
Well... duh. :D
Jan 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This shrieking harpy of tolerance writes for Tor. Same as Brandon.
“Tolerated him too long?”
The only reason Tor is still in business publishing low selling social justice vanity dorks like this is bestsellers like Brandon and Orson Scott Card. Who is also Mormon. Brandon also just had the biggest kickstarter in history, and made 47 million selling his own books.
Tor needs him way more than he needs Tor.
If Tor had a brain they’d tell this nobody to quit attacking their cash cow.
They won’t, because Tor drinks all the Kool Aid.
Jan 20, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Yeah, anyone who has ever upset a leftist should just slink off and hide in a hole for the rest of their lives. How dare a right winger capitalize on name recognition. That's so uncouth! The same people who say the right doesn't need celebrities are the ones who surrendered the culture war for generations because we didn't need frivolous things like novels, movies, TV shows, or games...
And look how that shook out.
Jan 19, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Oh that number is higher. We just learned a long time ago not to trust the government enough to tell them how we really feel. 😀
Probably something to do with when that same government said it was legal to murder us. Right off the bat, only a dipshit would call that an “insurrection”. So tweak the question to reflect that and every religion other then Progressivism isn’t gonna care.
Oh, and Progs are very much a religion. Freaking out about Jan 6 is a sacrament for them.
Jan 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Oh, so now mishandling classified documents is no big deal again.
Hillary did it, good.
Trump did it, bad.
Biden did it, good.
It is so hard to keep up. If only there was some discernable pattern in who gets a pass. Also, a politician lying about his background is now the worst thing ever and he should resign immediately.
Unless it is Elizabeth Warren, or Richard Blumenthal, or Joe Biden when he got cancer from the sky oil, a drunk driver killed his wife, and his son died in Iraq.
Jan 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
What an idiotic and naive comment. U aMeRiCaNs hAvE a lOw tRuSt sOcIETy!

Well angry liberals burned half of it down a little while ago so who’s fault is that? 😀
Oct 28, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
George R.R. Martin is the laziest motherfucker in publishing. He gives my career field a bad name. I've written like 24 books and two collections of short fiction since the last GoT novel came out, and there are writers who work harder than I do.
Sep 29, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Blue cities that have been run by democrats for generations inside red states... because everybody knows governors control local crime more than mayors, police chiefs, prosecutors, and judges! Nobody is going to buy this because I think every state now has at least one big blue high crime city. Even blue states aren't actually blue. There are no blue states. They are red states ruled over by big dumb blue cities.
Sep 12, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
1. Let the record show @pbump is a chickenshit.
This WaPo reporter puts up a graph showing polls are consistently wrong, and overwhelmingly in democrat favor. 2. When I respond that many pollsters are trying to help dems, duh, that's obvious, and why nobody trust them anymore, @pbump calls that "dumb" and then cries into his crying pillow (it smells of lilacs and shame).
Sep 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
As a really big, bald, goateed dude who mostly wears Carhart hoodies, I don't like that racist, brain damaged John Fetterman is ruining my look. Seriously, fashion is already difficult for us large mammals who shop at the XL Casual Male. Don't pin that stammering dork on us.
Aug 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Merrick Garland is very offended. How dare the peasants question the integrity of the organization that lied to get Russia collusion warrants, tried to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, and stood aside while mobs were harassing SCOTUS judges?
You should be ashamed of yourselves! If we didn't have an FBI who would designate PTA moms as terrorists, and protect us from dangerous hate symbols like Betsy Ross or the Don't Tread On Me flag?
Who else would send 30 agents to investigate a suspicious looking garage pull?
Aug 6, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
You can tell this asshole has never been audited. It isn’t about right or wrong, it’s about months of your life being consumed by a federal colonoscopy. I was an accountant who worked for companies small, medium, large, and Fortune 100. In that capacity I have been through many audits by various federal and state agencies.