How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App when I was first getting started, Monster Hunter International had just blown up. I got contacted by my first movie producer. Nice guy. Had a made a bunch of movies I'd heard of in the 90s and early 2000s. anybody did populate a colony ship this way, they deserve to die. know, company whose stock has tanked over the last year, let's pick up and move our facility that's twice the size of Manhattan to some other place that's got a spare 25,000 acres where we can build hundreds of unique buildings with super intricate infrastructure. couple years ago they invited one of the most respected editors in the business to be guest of honor, then revoked it because this Jewish single mom made them feel "unsafe" because they said she was responsible for every rando comment on a web forum her company owned.'ve actually got a chapter In Defense of the Second Amendment where I break down this stupid shit. It's the southern states, each with a big blue city that hasn't elected a republican to office in generations, with some neighborhoods that are murder central. is number 1 in food production, and IIRC the other 9 in the top 10 are red. part about "trying to get him banned" is hilarious if you read the thread I linked earlier. By that he means he stupidly bragged on Facebook about his multiple fake Facebook accounts. also just had the biggest kickstarter in history, and made 47 million selling his own books. same people who say the right doesn't need celebrities are the ones who surrendered the culture war for generations because we didn't need frivolous things like novels, movies, TV shows, or games... off the bat, only a dipshit would call that an “insurrection”. So tweak the question to reflect that and every religion other then Progressivism isn’t gonna care. aMeRiCaNs hAvE a lOw tRuSt sOcIETy!'ve written like 24 books and two collections of short fiction since the last GoT novel came out, and there are writers who work harder than I do. is going to buy this because I think every state now has at least one big blue high crime city. Even blue states aren't actually blue. There are no blue states. They are red states ruled over by big dumb blue cities. was an accountant who worked for companies small, medium, large, and Fortune 100. In that capacity I have been through many audits by various federal and state agencies.