Tim Montgomerie 🇬🇧 Profile picture
Founder of @ConHome, @csjthinktank, @UK_CCF and @UnHerd. Contributor to @TimesRadio and @TalkTV
Magdi Shalash Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 20, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Important intervention tonight from @csjthinktank calling for Universal Credit to be up-rated in line with inflation. It’s a much better way of targeting help than tax cuts (esp fuel duty) telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/… PS Tories shld be VERY proud of UC. It had teething problems but because of it UK has one of most advanced, integrated, digitised benefits systems in West. More than being proud we should use it, not blunter alternatives. @SebastianEPayne noted this yday ft.com/content/f5fcf3…
Nov 3, 2020 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Trump’s many faults are well known (and close to disqualifying for high office) but - despite what you constantly hear in the UK media - he really wasn’t all bad. In particular, he did seven very welcome things... 1. He was the first major western leader to recognise that continued enrichment of the communist regime in China is not in the interests of the West or democracy. The Democrats recognise as much now too. He woke us up.
Mar 30, 2019 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
One after another after another, Tory MPs queueing up to essentially Tweet that breaking promises on one of the biggest issues in post-war politics shouldn’t have repercussions. Now Michael Gove. Such a party doesn’t have a happy future. 1/2 Pathetic to hear Dominic Grieve blame Ukip infiltration for losing the confidence of his local Tory association. No Mr Grieve - you risk losing your 'safe seat' because you promised to honour an historic referendum result before the Gen Elxn and did 100% opposite afterwards