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Art: PFP: AI: Degen:
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May 18 9 tweets 5 min read

Bridging your $WOOL, staking it on @wasabi_protocol for APY and putting it in the Blast Gold Jackpot are the steps you need to do if you want to earn some Gold on @Blast_L2

In this thread I will explain you what, why and how?

Enjoy and spread the word MEHHH 🐏🐑

The first step is going to the official Bridge of @wolfdotgame

Click on Max and Bridge your $WOOL to Blast
May 18 12 tweets 5 min read

And there you have it @wolfdotgame just entered the @Blast_L2 building

I am expecting them to get a HUGE amount of Blast Gold and positioned myself accordingly

In this thread I will share you how to join for now and be ready for when the game starts

Let's dive in Image 2/12

So first of all you need to register yourself, you can do that over here:…
Apr 17 20 tweets 6 min read

If you have $PAC and you want to earn Blast Gold, this guide is for YOU!

In this thread I explain which projects you currently can use for your $PAC to earn Blast Gold, how to do it, the risks and so on.

Useful for all you $PAC holders, so spread the word and EDUCATE!Image 2/20

So before we start to dive in, you will need to go to a lot of websites. I am not going to link them or use any refs here, my goal is purely educational.

To be the most save, click the official X of the project and use the link in their BIO, so that you know your good.
Nov 21, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read

Mega THREAD on BLAST @Blast_L2

The hottest new thing in crypto from creators of @blur_io

Join here:

In this thread we talk about what it is, how you can earn points for the airdrop, the risks and more.

Let's dive in
Image 2/20

Introducing Blast: The only Ethereum L2 with native yield for ETH and stablecoins. Blast raised raised $20m from @paradigm and @standardcrypto

Paradigm invested in BLUR and Blast has been created by the makers of BLUR who have given out MILLIONS in airdrops
Mar 9, 2023 21 tweets 9 min read

What a day! I made the ATH of @batzdu on SR for 10 $ETH and got my 3rd 1/1 now making my set complete!

I wasn't able to bid due to technical reasons so @superpotsecret helped me out, a big thanks!

In this thread I talk about the art, some extras and the whole collection 2/20

So my first encounter with @batzdu was through his Geometric Pepes, I saw them at Twitter and instantly knew this is something I really liked.

I made a few bids and was able to acquire the following two.

Full collection here:…
Mar 7, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read

12 March is the new @braindrops_art AI drop by @huemin_art, in this thread I will share:

* Previous drop from 0.1 to 10 $ETH
* How you are eligible to mint
* Minting date etc.
* The new drop and artist
* Some numbers
* More art

This is a drop you don't want to miss.. 🌕😸 2/15

So the previous drop was from @rainisto and is called Life in West America (LIWA)

It dropped 27 days ago at a mint price of 0.1 $ETH and today the floor is 10 $ETH

The drop has been amazing in terms of art, exposure and also brought a lot of eyes to BrainDrops and AI art
Mar 2, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read

Congrats @rudyadler on picking up 3 new LIWA by @rainisto on @braindrops_art

Rudy has one of the most insane collections of art and is bidding 50% over floor..

It seems like he has been selling some stuff like Gazers and Ringers in order to get more LIWA.. 👀 2/5

Rudy is now up to 6 LIWA, so why did he bid more than 50% over the floor of 8 $ETH and even up to 20 $ETH for one of the most insane ones in the collection?

Most likely because of aesthetics and that he really loves the collection.
Feb 28, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read

Today I became the GM (Game Master) of Odiville @todayodious for 888 Tickets

Silently I have been bidding and collecting tickets, the gateway to all of this and his future art and everything he has up his sleeves, up to 3000 (30 $ETH)

In this thread I will explain why... Image 2/10

It starts with discovering @todayodious as an artist. I found the piece 'honey i'm home' on @SuperRare and instantly was blown away and knew I had to own it.

I won the auction for 6 $ETH and from that day on I knew I had to own more of his work Image
Feb 24, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read

Yesterday I made a thread about byteGANs from @VanArman

The reactions have been INSANE and I loved all the conversations I had on Discord and Twitter and the genuine quest for more information.

Based on that I decided to make a second thread, this time on rarity.. 2/20

First if you haven't heard about byteGANs, here is my thread about it

Feb 23, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read

A thread about @VanArman his latest drop 'byteGANs'

"I think it will be the most important work I have ever made, and will ever make:

So let's dig in why these fully on-chain little creatures are so important and what happened since launch? 2/15

Let's start with a disclosure that I own 93 byteGANs (added 17). I was able to get 76 of them in presale. This might seem like a lot, but there is reasoning behind it.

Read the thread to fully understand

Feb 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

App there is some confusion going on re byteGANs from @VanArman

Me and 'blur' his two biggest collectors got asked by VA to mint 76 of them both, it cost us both 25 $ETH and with that money VA was able to mint the collection as it had really high costs being on-chain 2/6

I told VA I was happy to help out and take the initial risk and pre-fund it. I also came up with my own idea to make that wallet a solely VA wallet, so I created the name bytegans.eth which I thought was cool and also told him I was using it for all his art from now on
Feb 19, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read

So what are these byteGANs we all have been hearing about?

"A new series of bitGANs, called byteGANs have escaped my control and are putting themselves 100% On-Chain."

Created by the legendary AI artist

Let's have a closer look.. 2/10

So first of all to understand let's start with the open door. These byteGANs are ON-CHAIN, which isn't normal behavior and really unique, you won't see that really often.

So what does this mean?
Feb 18, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read

What a day

VIII. Infinite Ceremony by @SamSpratt sold to @WoodmereClubCap for 154.69 $ETH

FOMO by @XCOPYART sold to '1492' for 234.99 $ETH

Clutches by @XCOPYART sold to @SpartanBlack_1 for 250 $ETH ImageImageImage 2/4

VIII. Infinite Ceremony by @SamSpratt Image
Feb 17, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read

How did my 1.1 $ETH turn into 132 $ETH in 9 days?

Thanks to Life in West America (LIWA) by @rainisto on @braindrops_art and got 11 amazing AI art pieces

In this thread I will talk about how that happened and I will show you all of my LIWA pieces 2/15

In order to pre-mint a LIWA piece you had to own a Day 1 set, which includes Genesis from @ClaireSilver12, podGANs from @VanArman and Brain Loops from @genekogan. I think 9 days ago they weren't much far away in total in value than what one LIWA is worth today (12 $ETH)
Feb 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

The game plan for $BLUR

1) Hold for now and wait to see how it evolves, so far everything is growing, liquidity, volume and price
2) Wait for @binance to list it with perps
3) Wait for a lot of liquidity coming in because of that
4) Sell in the liquidity event 2/2

The price isn't really relevant, to me it feels like the Binance listing and perps will bring the real liquidity event and will make a huge increase in price and seems like a good point to sell

And also will be adjusting accordingly if needed
Feb 14, 2023 40 tweets 26 min read

Let's talk about @braindrops_art THE platform for generative AI art.

In this thread we will talk about:

* What is BrainDrops?
* How are you able to mint?
* Collectors perks
* The artists and collections
* Numbers
* AI art

🧵🧠💧 2/40

Let's start with the beginning, what is @braindrops_art, who created it, what is it all about, who were the genesis artists.

All of this you can find in a thread I did about BD in late 2021:

Feb 9, 2023 20 tweets 9 min read

Due to the massive success of the latest @braindrops_art drop of @rainisto I figured it was time for a thread about the drop.

In this thread we talk a bit about BD, the artist and obviously a lot about the art!

The art on this drop is INSANE 🔥🔥 Image 2/20

The collection is called Life In West America and is created by @rainisto

Life In West America is a post-photography project investigating America: the land as a concept, as an ideal, and the stories of the people inhabiting the space.
Feb 5, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read

Almost a year ago @VanArman released the podGANs on @braindrops_art which is the platform for generative AI.

I have been collecting them for over a year now and it's time to shine some new light on them.

To me they are the squiggles of generative AI.

Let's dig in.. 🧵 2/20

First I want to share some more information about @VanArman, who is he, what has he done so far and how did my journey started with him, here is a thread I did last year:

Feb 1, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read

Let's have a chat about OEs also known as Open Editions.

In this thread I will share my opinion on the matter and what I have seen the recent weeks.

I am not a major fan of OEs and never have been, only minted 2 so far, both for the art 2/15

To me OEs remind me of things that have had massive hype, made people a lot of money, a few things succeeded and the majority failed.

To me OEs are like PFP projects, IDOs, ICOs etc. A way to raise funds, this time it's artists that are 'raising funds'
Jan 12, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read

What a day for @DesLucrece with the ending of his auctions on @Sothebys

Sadly couldn't participate because well yeah I am a cat from the moon, no identity and such.

He sold his 1/1s for a total of 173 $ETH today ( $ 250k)

Let's dive in the 1/1s Image 2/10

Return a @SuperRare 1/1 sold for 25.17 $ETH

Nov 28, 2022 5 tweets 6 min read

A thread about art 'utility' tokens

Degen Token by @jakethedegen

Red Lite District by @osf_nft


What do they have in common?

* Limited supply
* Each of them gives you FREE art
* Great art + Artists ImageImageImage 2/5

The Degen token from @jakethedegen:

* Supply of 100
* Floor price of 5 $ETH and last sale of 2.75 $ETH,
* Link:…
* Link for dropped art so far:… /… /… Image