Fond of leaves in books and autumn leaves. On occasion a tad over-enthusiastic. Coffee is often to blame. Archive conservator @UoYBorthwick (all views my own)
Nov 17, 2020 • 11 tweets • 7 min read
In the spirit of learning from our mistakes, I want to share my experiences of pretending to be a medieval scribe and #makingmedievalink with @sarajcharles and #BeingHuman2020 (spoiler alert, it went wrong, I am not a master scribe, and I totally want to make more ink!)
First step: smash the 20g of oak galls with a hammer. Nearest to a newspaper I could find to wrap them up was a Thomas the Tank Engine magazine. The pages are not robust and after the first few holes there were oak galls flying around the kitchen #makingmedievalink