MJ Profile picture
outdoor person. really good tweets. token libertarian @thebabylonbee
Potato Of Reason Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 23, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
HOLY SHIT im on a united flight and while this dude was actively drinking water, this guy tapped him and was like “hey can you wear a mask i rather not die for your convenience. nose too.” SHOCKED water dude kept his cool but god im stuck next to this mask bitch for 2 hours now i don’t know if he has a clear view of where i’m sitting but if he even so much as speaks to me in that whiny bitch tone when i go to drink my water........ good luck sir. good luck.
Jun 1, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
me dabbing: a thread on the ground dab
Aug 6, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
the reason people are strongly pro-2A isn’t because they are gun fetishists or value guns over people, that’s stupid and helps nothing to try and paint them like that. it’s because they don’t trust the government. but will government accountability ever be the convo? no. it won’t ask yourself. why do people not trust our government? why have human’s over the course of history not trusted governments? then look at governments in history’s body counts and track records. i don’t have an answer to gun violence but in my personal opinion, start there.