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The Prompt Warrior | I share actionable AI prompts and prompting tips for busy creators and entrepreneurs | Join my free AI newsletter
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Aug 19 7 tweets 3 min read
Prompt Chaining gives you higher quality responses — according to research papers.

I found a powerful tool to turn your prompts into prompt chains.

Here's how: Image STEP 1:

Turn your prompt into several smaller prompts.

You can use ChatGPT and a simple prompt like this:

"Turn the steps in this prompt into their own standalone prompts. Make it easy to copy these prompts.

[paste your prompt]
Aug 16 6 tweets 2 min read
Prompt Chaining beats Stepwise prompting.

A recent study compared both methods head-to-head and concluded that prompt chaining results are better most of the time. Image Link to the study:…
Apr 25 7 tweets 3 min read
This Claude 3 prompt optimizer turns simple prompts into advanced prompt templates.

It's the best prompt optimizer I've used so far.

Here's how to use it: Image 1) Getting Started

First head to

(You can use the prompt with other models too, but it works very well with Claude 3 Opus.)
Mar 26 11 tweets 2 min read
How to make AI write in a natural human tone.

Use these 7 instructions in your prompt: Image 1/ Use short punchy sentences


"And then… you enter the room. Your heart drops. The pressure is on."
Mar 16 4 tweets 2 min read
Wow! A glimpse into the future of Claude

Watch Claude give tasks to subagents to perform multiple analyses in parallel

This is possible with the 'functions' feature, which lets Claude interact with external tools In the video 3 functions are used:
- Web view
Lets you access web pages

- Python Interpreter
Interpret and write python code

- Dispatch Subagents
Assign tasks to subagents in parallel
Mar 12 10 tweets 4 min read
Many users now say Claude 3 is better than GPT-4.

If you're new to Claude and want to learn how to best use it...

I created a 7-step roadmap to learn everything you need to know: Image 1. Basics

First off, the free version available on is called Claude 3 Sonnet.

Claude 3 Opus is its most intelligent model and it's available in the $20 pro plan.
Mar 10 8 tweets 4 min read
Anthropic (Claude) has a really neat tool on their website.

It's a prompt optimizer and can turn a simple prompt into an advanced prompt template.

I've tested it and it works incredibly well.

Here's how to use it (in 3 steps): Image A couple of notes to start:

- This prompt optimizer differs from others optimizers in that it's great for creating prompt TEMPLATES, i.e. prompts that allow you to fill in more context
- To use it you'll need an API key, but you can get some free credits
Mar 8 9 tweets 4 min read
I just discovered the official prompt library by Anthropic (Claude).


Here are my 7 favorite ones in there: Image 1. Time travel consultant

Dec 31, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
I wrote over 300 posts about AI in 2023.

In total they got over 80 million impressions.

To recap the year, here are my 10 favorite posts to help you master ChatGPT, implement AI in your business and get ahead on AI: Image 1/ The Lever prompt
Dec 14, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
This prompting technique is insanely useful.

It basically acts like a LEVER that you can crank up and down.

I discovered it a week ago and use it all the time now.

[Short thread] Image Whenever ChatGPT goes 'too far' or 'not far enough' with something, for example:
- tone too formal
- summarization too brief
- brainstorming not creative enough

Just do this:
1. Ask it to rate the output on a scale of 1-10 (define 1 and 10)
2. Then adjust to your desired number
Dec 11, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
You can learn a lot about prompt engineering from the ChatGPT system prompt.

It's written by the people that developed the model, so they must know what they're doing!

Here are the 5 things that stand out to me in ChatGPT's system prompt: First off, if you don't know what a system prompt is, it's basically the initial instruction for the chatbot to guide its responses or actions.

It's hidden for the users and put there by the developers of the model to make sure that the model behaves in the right ways.
Oct 25, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Claude is so much better than ChatGPT at copywriting.

I'm surprised there aren't more people jumping ship.

I did a head-to-head with 5 identical prompts.

Here are the results: Image 1/ Newsletter subject lines

Winner: Claude
Reason: ChatGPT's subject lines sound too clickbaity
Oct 21, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
5 secrets to turn any shitty prompt into a super prompt: Image 1/ The Prompt Champion

This is a prompt that transforms simple prompts into superior prompts through a controlled ITERATIVE process.
Oct 17, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
This is prompt engineering on steroids.

This AI tool runs head-to-head battles to find out which prompt is the best.

Here's how to use this crazy tool to optimize your prompts (in 3 steps): Image Introducing Prompts Royale

→ Go to promptsroyale .com (it's completely open source)

You'll need to enter your OpenAI API key (which you can get on platform.openai .com) so that it can use GPT.
Oct 15, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
I spent over 500 hours in the last 6 months mastering ChatGPT.

Using prompt frameworks is by far the most effective way to level up your outputs.

Here are cheat sheets for the top 5 prompt frameworks to improve your prompts: Image 1/ RTF (by @cj_zZZz) Image
Oct 12, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
I've spent 100+ hours studying what makes good ChatGPT prompts.

One of the most effective things is to define clear formats for your output.

Here are the 3 best formats to use when selling your products and services: Image 1/ PAS

P - Problem
A - Agitate
S - Solution

The PAS framework is highly effective for addressing the pain points of your clients and positioning your product or service as the ultimate solution.
Oct 10, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
I spent 500+ hours in the last 6 months mastering ChatGPT.

The most effective way to improve your output is by using prompt frameworks.

Here are my top 5 prompt frameworks to help you level up your prompts: Image 1/ RTF framework (@cj_zZZz)

R - Role
T - Task
F - Format

This simple framework is good for prompting in general.

You can use it in any scenario to get improved outputs.

"Act like a [role]. Can you [insert task] in [format] format?"
Oct 7, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
DALL·E 3 creates simple logos in seconds.

It even includes your text, which other image generators struggle with.

You don't have to spend hours on Photoshop or Canva anymore.

Here's how to create any logo using DALL·E (for free):
1/ Use DALL·E 3 on Bing

- DALL·E 3 is OpenAI's new image generator
- You can access it on
- Some people also already have access to it on
Oct 4, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
Anyone can now create AI images using DALL-E 3 in Bing.

The AI image generation battle is truly heating up.

So I put DALL-E 3 head-to-head against Midjourney in 7 categories.

The results are mind-blowing:
To access DALL-E 3, just go to .

Some advantages over Midjourney:
- It's completely free
- UI access through browser instead of Discord

In the comparisons below, DALLE is left, Midjourney is
Oct 3, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
If you're tired of shitty AI outputs, this thread is for you.

With this recursive prompt (called the Chain of Density) you can create increasingly better AI outputs.

I'll show you how to use it to 10x your AI outputs: The Chain of Density is a prompt used by Salesforce, MIT, and Columbia.

It’s a highly effective prompt that uses recursion to create increasingly better article summaries.

Here's the full prompt:

(thanks @JeremyNguyenPhD for discovering this!) Image
Oct 1, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
AI generates better ideas than most humans.

But only if you use the right strategies and frameworks.

Here are 5 frameworks to 10x your creativity using AI: Image (Bookmark this thread to refer back to it later ↑)

In this thread, I'll show you how to leverage these brainstorming frameworks to boost AI's creativity:

- Reverse Brainstorming
- Six Thinking Hats
- First principle thinking
- Second order thinking