Joie de vivre. Serial village idiot. Daniel Ek has an assistant, but it’s not me.
Mar 9 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
So, things are looking a bit grim. We might have to look at the dystopian science fiction literature to learn a bit about potential future scenarios for 2035. So here is a short thread.
0. The Oasis Overload. Ready Player One-scenario. A world where climate collapse and economic disparity drive most people into a virtual reality "Oasis" to escape reality. VR dominates life, physical world neglected, corporate control of digital realms. Likelihodd 7/10 (Rising VR tech, economic gaps)
May 13, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Of course we will have blowups in certain coins, certain NFTs etc - but make no mistake, cryptocurrency and blockchain is an innovation with potential for higher impact for mankind than the Internet as such. And the Internet is not a small thing.
Think fully autonomous cities and companies. Direct democracy. Real elections. Corporate governance where clients and shareholders can easily partake. We’ve seen nothing yet. Whom to follow on crypto&society: @lexfridman, @EricRWeinstein, @TechWithX, @MCHammer, @VitalikButerin
Jan 30, 2021 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
As Robin Hood continues to be downloaded at no 1 it will soon need another capital injection following the 1BUSD it took last week, just to cover trading volume due to the fashion it is construed with Citadel as broker. Remember: seven million subs in subreddit WSB now.
Should probably not be an issue, considering this is quite risk-free money, and money is in abundant. Investors in Robinhood are going to make a killing, no matter what your views on the matter is, as long as the company can keep increasing its trade volume.
Jan 30, 2021 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
(Sw) Undviker hockeyn, då brukar de vinna. Kollar istället storslalomen från Åre 1979. Stenmark leder över Phil Mare. Vet inte var Steve håller hus. Det snöar kraftigt. Luscher vinner världscupen på 174 pinnar (Ingemar 144). Phil Mare 131. Dåligt år för giganten Bojan Krizay (72)
Om Phil Mare lyckas och kommer minst tvåa går han om Ingemar. Ingemar har vunnit alla sex tävlingarna i slalomcupen. Sverige håller andan. Älskade Göran Zachrisson kommenterar.
Jan 30, 2021 • 23 tweets • 4 min read
The stock market exists so that not only wealthy heirs or states can start and run companies. External investors get liquidity through the marketplaces and dare therefore to invest. Dark pools, shorts, frontrunning, HFT have very little to do with this.
Modern credit facilities were invented in lieu with the industrial revolution. Allright, the Medicis started the precursor to modern banks in Florence as early as the 15th century, but our kind of limited risk financing did not exist at scale before the industrial revolution.
Jan 30, 2021 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
(Sw) Börsen finns för att inte endast ärvda förmögenheter eller stater skall kunna starta och driva bolag. Externa finansärer får likviditet genom marknadsplatserna och kan därför investera. Dark pools, shorts, frontrunning, HFT har väldigt lite med detta att göra.
Moderna kreditfaciliteter kom i samband med industriella revolutionen. Visst, Medicis startade föregångaren till moderna banker i Florens redan på 1400-talet, men den typen av begränsad riskfinansering fanns inte tidigare.
Tony Hsieh changed forever my view on customer support. It may sound like a small thing, but trust me, it is not. He was one of biggest visionaries around in this flawed, beloved ”industry” of entrepreneurship. Very sad to learn of this major loss to his family and the world .-(
If you don’t know about Hsieh or Zappos, do read Delivering Happiness. It is one of the top business books ever written. Hsieh did not ”revolutionize the shoe business” as being tossed around now. He changed the view of what online shopping and leadership could be altogether.
Nov 27, 2020 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
(Sw) Subtweetar ej, men efter 24 år (herregud!) i diverse startups har jag noterat att entreprenörer underskattar vikten av IR (informera dina investerare, befintliga och nya) och överskattar vikten av sofistikerad mätning (mät enkelt, välj de stora talen). Tips från medelmåttan!
Man överskattar också nätverk inom startup-världen vad nu det är och underskattar nätverk utanför den, t ex i industri- och finansvärlden.