🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Viceroy * MRDLaw * @Article3Project * @The_IAP * @UnsilencedOrg | FORMER: Chief Counsel for Nominations, Senate Judiciary Committee * Law Clerk, Justice Gorsuch
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Jul 2 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
This case is toast.

Bragg used evidence subject to presidential immunity.

Merchan must declare a mistrial.

Again, a jury’s finding of guilt isn’t a conviction.

A defendant doesn’t become a felon until the judge convicts him.

Trump isn’t a felon.

And he likely won’t ever be.
Jun 25 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The Biden Justice Department raided their boss’s political enemy.

They turned off the security cameras.

Then they concocted evidence.

That they immediately released to turn public opinion against Trump.

And even filed with the court.

This is a big problem for Jay Bratt.
Jun 24 • 4 tweets • 2 min read

More than 7 weeks has passed since Americans learned Kristen Clarke, Biden’s head of DOJ Civil Rights, perjured herself at her Senate confirmation hearing.

Kristen Clarke lied under oath about her arrest for stabbing her then-husband.

But for Kristen Clarke’s lie, the Senate would never have confirmed her.

And Kristen Clarke has politicized and weaponized the Biden Justice Department to imprison political enemies (like Christians praying at abortion clinics) and to protect political allies (like Hamas supporters terrorizing Jews).

And Merrick Garland apparently hasn’t done a damn thing about Kristen Clarke’s clear perjury, even after more than 7 weeks.

So @Article3Project submitted 4 complaints—a DOJ criminal referral and an OPR complaint, along with 2 state bar complaints.

If Garland won’t hold Kristen Clarke accountable, the Trump 47 DOJ must.

“Nobody is above the law,” right?

Jun 22 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Merrick Garland is prosecuting Trump for presidential records he’s allowed to have under the Presidential Records Act.

While protecting Biden for stolen classified records he shared with his ghostwriter on an $8 million book.

Garland prosecuted top Trump presidential advisors Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon for contempt, after Trump’s valid claims of executive privilege.

Yet Garland blocked prosecution of himself for contempt, after Biden’s legal frivolous claim of executive privilege

And Garland refused to prosecute Hunter Biden for contempt, after he held a drive-by political press conference at the Capitol and refused to comply with a subpoena.

Garland politicized and weaponized the FACE Act to persecute Christians and protect bigots.

Garland sicced the FBI after parents protesting at school-board meetings, while coddling Hamas supporters terrorizing Jews on college campuses and across America.

Garland is prosecuting the leading presidential candidate for lawfully objecting to the last election under the Electoral Count Act of 1887, while Garland wages his own unprecedented, republic-ending lawfare and election interference—Garland’s own criminal conspiracy against rights. under 18 U.S.C. §§ 241 and 242.

Garland belongs in prison.

The House must give him his first taste of that by holding him in inherent contempt of Congress and ordering the House sergeant-at-arms to arrest and jail him. And what Garland has done to January 6th protesters is the most evil.

He’s destroying the lives of political enemies—real Americans in real America—over a lawful protest that devolved into a riot, yet gives amnesty to the much-more deadly and destructive BLM and antifa rioters.
Jun 18 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Colorado just made me wait 72 hours to buy guns.

Does Colorado make women wait 72 hours for their abortions?

Or 72 hours for trans pills?

We must fight every gun restriction.

The left’s goal is to disarm us.

So they can control us.
May 25 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
A sitting federal judge in Massachusetts appointed by Clinton took off his robe, climbed into the political arena, and wrote a political hit piece in the New York Times publicly criticizing Justice Alito while he’s deciding relevant pending cases.

Senior Judge Michael Ponsor publicly weighed in on pending cases with an his extrajudicial statements, including:

“Like the upside-down flag, this flag is viewed by a great many people as a banner of allegiance on partisan issues that are or could be before the court.”

“Flying those flags was tantamount to sticking a ‘Stop the steal’ bumper sticker on your car. You just don’t do it.”

And the timing—in the midst of an obvious, coordinated Biden Democrat campaign to pressure the Supreme Court while it’s deciding Fischer and Trump’s presidential-immunity cases—makes the Clinton judge’s political statements even more problematic.

Before Judge Ponsor publicly lectures a Supreme Court justice about ethics and recusal matters on pending cases, he should probably check his own ethics.

Canon 3A(6) of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges states: “A judge should not make public comment on the merits of a matter pending or impending in any court.”Image Dear Judge Michael Posnor:

Judge Reggie Walton made the mistake of moonlighting on CNN.

You made the mistake of moonlighting at the New York Times.

So look out for a judicial-misconduct complaint from @Article3Project next week.

Similar to this one:
May 25 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Can @washingtonpost get more pathetic?

The Post is now doing a deep dive into the wife of a Supreme Court justice who flew 2 flags at their home:

1. American distress flag (after a neighbor put up a “Fuck Trump” near a children’s bus stop, put up a sign blaming Martha-Ann Alito for January 6th, and even called her a “cunt”)

2. George Washington’s Revolutionary War flag (widely flown by patriotic Americans)

Per the left’s latest bogus theory, because some protesters on January 6th also flew these 2 historical, widely used flags, Justice Alito (somehow) must recuse from Fischer and Trump’s presidential immunity case.

The left is getting very desperate.

And this attempt to cow the Chief Justice will have the opposite effect.foxnews.com/politics/alito…Image
May 25 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Naturally, Jack Smith and Jay Bratt's motion to gag Trump is wholly devoid of required facts and law.

They point to no instance of any threat--let alone how Trump incited any threat.

Their motion is frivolous.

The bottom line is this:

The Biden Justice Department wants to unconstitutionally gag Trump to control their political narrative.

They pretend criticism of government officials equates to threats.

That's a very dangerous mindset.

In America, a defendant--more than anyone--must have the constitutional right to publicly speak out against the judge, prosecutors, investigators, staff, witnesses, biases, and the process.

If a defendant obstructs justice by threatening witnesses, charge him with obstruction of justice.

Jack Smith and Jay Bratt know they cannot do that, as they have zero evidence.

Instead, they are conspiring to impose an unconstitutional--and un-American--gag order on Trump.

The Biden White House and Justice Department pretend their supporters have a First Amendment right to obstruct justice by doxxing and intimidating Supreme Court justices and their families in their homes.

Even after justices and their families went to safe houses.

And even after Justice Kavanaugh and his family faced a 1 am assassination attempt.

But the Biden Justice Department now wants to gag Trump for criticizing the FBI's unprecedented raid on him.

Which Biden and Garland knew included the potential of deadly force when they authorized it.

To get damning Crossfire Hurricane presidential records.

Trump was allowed to have under the Presidential Records Act.

Add all this to the overwhelming evidence of Biden Democrats' criminal conspiracy against Trump.
May 25 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Gag orders protect criminal defendants, not the government.

Jack Smith doesn't want the world to know this:

Biden, Garland, and Jay Bratt (now Jack Smith's counselor) authorized an unprecedented FBI raid, with deadly force, on Trump.

For presidential records Trump was allowed to have under the Presidential Records Act.

Which has no criminal component.

Because Trump declassified and had his copy of the Crossfire Hurricane records.

Which are so damning to Obama, Biden, Hillary, Lynch, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Jay Bratt (led DOJ's Crossfire Hurricane "investigation"), Andrew Weissmann (led Mueller's Crossfire Hurricane "investigation"), and so many others.

They don't want Trump talking about the biggest scandal in American history:

Crossfire Hurricane.

Instead, they want Trump illegally gagged.

Then dying in prison.
May 24 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Let's get this straight.

Two leading Senate Judiciary Democrats are sending an ex parte letter to a judge on pending cases before a court.

Then they leak their letter to one of their political allies.

@SenWhitehouse and @SenatorDurbin didn't follow the normal procedures, including filing a public pleading through the court clerk's office that gets posted to the public docket.

They didn't copy the counsel for the parties.

They're demanding the recusal of another judge.

They're even demanding a private meeting with a judge on pending cases.

And these Senate Judiciary Democrats are threatening the court with punitive actions, if the court doesn't do what they demand.

Sheldon Whitehouse has outdone himself with his insane, unethical behavior.

Dick Durbin should be ashamed he went along with this.

And if Whitehouse and Durbin believe Trump shouldn't have presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for his official acts, do they believe the Trump 47 Justice Department should charge them with obstruction of justice for their highly inappropriate letter to the Supreme Court on the pending Fischer and Trump presidential immunity cases?
May 24 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Many Biden Democrats are feigning outrage over the Alitos flying an "Appeal to Heaven" flag at their New Jersey home.

Like the American flag, George Washington's American revolution flag is too patriotic for too many Biden Democrats who hate America.

Notice how none of these Biden Democrats have any problem with Democrat Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan's daughter raising millions off her father's unprecedented trial of Trump, which clearly requires Merchan's recusal under New York statute.

@JoshMBlackman wrote a great piece, pointing out how Democrats cheered when Ruth Bader Ginsburg wore her "dissent collar" at the Supreme Court the day after Trump's 2016 victory.

She certainly didn't recuse from Trump cases.

Instead, she served as the Democrats' tip of the spear against Trump.

Mar 29 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Let's get this straight.

Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer went to the steps of the Supreme Court and physically threatened the justices, if they didn't rule his way on a pending case.

For months, Biden Democrats threatened and intimidated Supreme Court justices and their families in their homes.

With that same pending case.

The Biden White House and Justice Department encouraged these illegal obstruction-of-justice campaigns, falsely stating they were protected by the First Amendment. (They are absolutely not. They are a federal crime.)

Even after justices and their families went to safe houses.

Even after the 1 am assassination attempt against Justice Kavanaugh, his wife Ashley, and their two teenage daughters.

Biden Democrats constantly attack Ginni Thomas for her lifelong political advocacy--in which she has engaged long before her husband became a judge or justice.

But Trump is somehow "threatening" by pointing out the clear political biases of Democrat judges, prosecutors, attorneys, their staffs, their adult family members, and witnesses?

If anyone on the planet has the absolute constitutional right to do this, it is a criminal defendant.

Especially one going through a criminal process that is so obviously politicized and weaponized against him.
Mar 23 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Absent a compelling reason, it is shameful for Members of Congress to resign.

Their constituents lose their representative--for months.

These Members violate their promises and oaths:

"I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter." And Mike Gallagher (@RepGallagher/@MikeforWI) timed his resignation so his Wisconsin constituents will not have a House representative for nearly 10 months.

Truly a disgrace.

"Gallagher’s decision to leave April 19 also means that there will not be a special election to fill his seat. Under Wisconsin state law, vacancies after the second Tuesday in April are filled in the general election, so Gallagher’s replacement will be decided in November and his seat will remain empty until January."

Feb 28 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Federal judges must release January 6th protesters wrongfully convicted under the Biden DOJ’s politicized, bogus use of a federal criminal statute never intended to get weaponized against political opponents.

Trump 47 DOJ must hold accountable responsible Biden DOJ officials. And every federal judge—partisan Democrat and cowardly Republican—who went along this:

You are a disgrace.

To the Constitution.

You ruined the lives of so many families.

You do not have the judgment to serve.

You should resign.

But you will not.

Because you are a disgrace.
Feb 6 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Today's decision by the Democrat-controlled DC Circuit Court of Appeals is as predictable as it is wrong.

Members of Congress are immune, both civilly and criminally, for their officials acts.

So are federal judges.

Why wouldn't the President of the United States--any President?

Four DC federal judges did not even establish at a baseline level that the President of the United States cannot be thrown in prison by his successor based upon his official acts.

They ignored the Constitution's separation of powers.

Thus, the Supreme Court must take and decide this case.

This case is much bigger than Trump.

This precedent is very dangerous and highly destructive to the presidency--thus, our Constitution and country.

This means the Trump 47 Justice Department can prosecute Obama--along with his aides like U.S. Circuit Judge David Barron, Obama's legal advisor at the time--for capital murder for their extrajudicial drone-striking of American citizens (including a minor).

This also means the Trump 47 Justice Department can prosecute Biden for his illegal release of dangerous migrants into the United States and the natural and probable crimes they commit.

Will the Supreme Court do its job?

Or allow these Republic-ending tactics?

storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco… The DC Circuit creates a special rule for Trump.

(So they can ignore their ruling to protect Obama and Biden.)

If the Supreme Court wants the federal judiciary to keep any legitimacy with half of the American people, it must do its job and fix this dangerously wrong ruling. Image
Jan 16 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Dear @JoyAnnReid:

Iowa has always been a leader on civil rights.

We’ve always been a free state.

The Iowa Supreme Court protected out-of-state slaves in 1839.

We desegregated our schools in 1868.

And allowed Black men to vote that same year.

We allowed women to vote in 1920.

And we’ve been a refugee resettlement state for 50 years.

Iowa is a very welcoming place.

For you to pretend Iowa is a racist state proves you’re shamefully and disgustingly dishonest with your viewers.

But your anti-white, anti-Christian bigotry makes your deranged leftwing @MSNBC viewers very happy. Let me be more blunt:

@JoyAnnReid doesn’t care if poor Black kids are trapped in failed government schools.

She doesn’t care about rampant Black-on-Black murders and other violent crime.

She just wants to make a bunch of money off of deranged white liberals who watch @MSNBC.
Dec 6, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
ICYMI from @joshgerstein in @Politico on November 13, 2021:

FBI raid on Project Veritas founder’s home sparks questions about press freedom

politi.co/3FesP3G "The Biden administration’s effort to establish itself as a committed champion of press freedom is facing new doubts because of the Justice Department’s aggressive legal tactics against a conservative provocateur known for his hidden-camera video stings."

Dec 6, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
ICYMI from @JamesRosenTV in @NYTimes on December 30, 2016:

"Over the past eight years, the [Obama] administration has prosecuted nine cases involving whistle-blowers and leakers, compared with only three by all previous administrations combined."

nytimes.com/2016/12/30/opi… The Obama Administration "has repeatedly used the Espionage Act, a relic of World War I-era red-baiting, not to prosecute spies but to go after government officials who talked to journalists."

Nov 29, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read

Advertiser boycotts are highly effective tactics leftists use to cow media executives to destroy free speech--and control the political narrative.

@MMFA is the driving force behind conservative media getting crushed--and conservative voices silenced.

Cheers to @ElonMusk.
Nov 25, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
“Footage showed several women stripped of their clothing. One video showed a woman, her hands zip-tied behind her back, with blood on the crotch of her pants.” washingtonpost.com/world/2023/11/… “Later came testimony from witnesses and first responders. One witness described in graphic detail a gang rape at the Nova rave site near Re’im. An Israeli reserve combat paramedic told The Post that he found the bodies of teenage girls with signs of sexual assault.”
Nov 3, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read

2 Obama judges and a Biden judge on the DC federal appellate court just put a temporary pause on Biden special counsel Jack Smith and DC Obama Judge Tanya Chutkan's blatantly unconstitutional gag order on Trump. Image Just to keep your expectations in line, this is merely a temporary tactical retreat by the Marxists: