cat, chewing your wifi cables 🐱🐈‍⬛🐈 Profile picture
Sep 24, 2024 38 tweets 10 min read

Almost 180 years ago, on 19 May 1845, two ships - HMS Erebus and HMS Terror - set sail from Kent, England. With 134 men on board (24 being officers and other higher ranks), under the command of Sir John Franklin, (1/39) the expedition aimed to solve a maritime problem which had confounded the British Navy for many generations - the discovery of the ‘Northwest Passage’. Today, (2/39)
Jan 15, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Let's do a little short post about VivaFrei.

A man who 'debated' @thereal_truther (aka he shouted, insulted, deflected and generally humiliated himself) and, when the obvious happened, he showed his true colours towards everyone who had spoken to him

He has 560k followers.

Here he is, throwing a tiny account - and decent, patient man - Trent to his half a million followers, because Trent pointed out that Viva's bizarre obsession with 'how many boosters' borders on severe paranoia.

What a charming man! Must have felt good to do this, eh? Image
Jul 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
On Friday NYT got ahold of RFK Jr's SEC filings and did a piece on his income.

Looks like RFK has earned nearly $2.25 million in 2021 for fighting against vaccines:

$1.6 million in consulting fees for his suit against the Gardasil HPV vaccine.

$516k from his 'charity'.

1/? (2)

$125k for his ghost-written conspiracy-laden "books" that are ultimately about promoting RFK Jr among the anti-science crowd.

His 'charity', Children's Health Defense, pulled in a whopping $15.6 MILLION. in revenue in 2021.

2020? $…
Jun 25, 2023 26 tweets 11 min read
Well, looks like it's time for me to do a big 🧵on why autism isn't brain damage, and why vaccines don't cause autism.

Here I've provided a selection of posts from @DrBenTapper1 and @stkirsch, two men I actually debated for nearly 5 hours on this very issue. They learned naught.

@Gish19382 @ghostwolfman @jason_willz1 @DrBenTapper1 @stkirsch citations, and with no author, there's no one to question on jt.
May 28, 2023 18 tweets 8 min read
Hello everyone. I'm making a LENGTHY @stkirsch thread. Please feel free to share this post to him, or screenshot it and repost to his followers. He wants a debate. And that's EXACTLY what I discussed with him, in DMs, last week.

In this 🧵I'm going to share the DMs. All of them. Image Last week, (18th/19th May) I got a DM from Kirsch, after I had already been a pest on his posts & had asked for a discussion on why his stance regarding vaccines causing autism is so damaging. I was more than happy to put myself out there, as an autistic woman in STEM. ImageImage
May 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
So, @stkirsch is worse than I realised. Anyone who refuses to condemn the abuse of children in this way needs to be publically shamed.

Chlorine dioxide (MMS) is bleach.
Sodium hypochlorite is bleach.

Autism is not an injury to be cured.
STOP. ABUSING. AUTISTIC. PEOPLE. Please go to the original post by Debunk to see the DMs.