Dani Fernandez Profile picture
Chicana 💃🏻 Actress • Writer (Netflix, Max, DC Comics) • Disney Character • norm@mainstayentertainment.com
Jul 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Relationships and friendships are not non-confrontational. I've spoken about this before but I think another reason our generation is so isolated and has such difficulty finding either (friendships or relationships) is because they expect them to be challenge-free we are so used to ghosting people, subtweeting, or gossip, that direct communication can feel aggressive. Direct communication, from a place of love, when you've stepped out of line as a friend or partner, is a form of love.
Nov 20, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
TW: suicide
Checking on your friends is great, yes. But your friends (and likely you) need access to crisis coping skills and an improved quality of life so they don’t think of offing themselves regularly. Suicide happens when your pain has exceeded your ability to cope. As a suicide survivor something I have said often is that most people do not want to kill themselves. They just don’t want to live a single more second of *this* life. If they could have a different life, they would. But they lack access to the ability to get there
Oct 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Unfortunately you’ll see more of this with the recession but if you break down Twitter it’s essentially: I’m in pain and you posting a scrap of joy means you’re not. That you have never suffered. That you have it easy. And therefore you don’t deserve this
I watched the psychology of this pop up during the first year(s) of the pandemic. People were afraid to post their wins. It seemed insensitive. As a suicide and trauma survivor I never saw it as insensitive cause my ass suffered horrifically LONG before this pandemic.
Sep 14, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Latine Heritage Month starts tomorrow: 1. hire Latine talent to speak on all tv and film, not just brown stories.
2. Immigrant/border or family stories are not the only stories we can tell. Im writing horror and sci fi that has latine talent but isn’t about being latine. 3. I notice when yall interview white male directors and writers you rarely ask about their families. You ask about their work. Yall always ask about my family in relation to my work and I can’t decide if it’s cause I’m a woman, Latina, or both
Aug 24, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
The people who need student loan forgiveness are not lazy. You actually can’t be lazy and survive in this country. Trust me I was scarily poor. You can only be lazy if you’re rich. That’s a rich people privilege. “They don’t wanna work!” I mean I don’t know if we were put on this planet to work BUT REGARDLESS whether folks want to or not, they HAVE to. Lower and middle class is a constant fight to not lose access to basic needs. One hospital visit can ruin your financial life.