eve (spelled with a lower case e) Profile picture
Mama, Nana, Artist, Writer. Owner Fairy Nana Land. Believer in common sense, love, TRUE equality. Children and animal lover. TRUMP MUST GO.
Oct 26, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read

The media has NEVER been unfair to you, and only a malignant narcissist and a sociopath like yourself would have the gall to suggest such a thing.

You never even tried to rise above partisanship. You never had the grace to even mention those targeted by 2. ONE OF YOUR RABID MAGA SUPPORTERS, nor did you have the compassion to contact them.

You have NOT “toned it down.” You gave MAGA hats to everyone in the group you hosted today and turned our sacred White House into one of your sick, self serving

You failed every