Michael S. Graham Profile picture
Program Director for The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics. Executive Producer for As in Heaven podcast. Author of The Great Dechurching, Zondervan Aug '23
2 subscribers
Aug 26 5 tweets 1 min read
I want to make a case that evangelism has never been easier. Stay with me for a minute:

1. Late modernity is unlivable.

Tech, politics, education, and materialism have all overpromised and underdelivered.

There's rising anxiety, depression, loneliness, & suicidal thoughts. 2. Christians (esp. in the West) are increasingly caricatured in ways that are disproportionate to reality.

That isn't to say every caricature is unilaterally wrong - just disproportionate.

There's a silver lining to caricature though...
Nov 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I want to tell you about something I’m excited about.

One of the great challenges of our time is how do we effectively communicate our faith in a rapidly changing and increasingly secular society…

(Link at end of 🧵) Image One of the growing fields that helps address these issues is the field of “Cultural Apologetics”

We wanted to put together an all star group of teachers who would give an accessible introduction and practical to this new and growing field…
Sep 22, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
Pastoring is pretty hard right now and I want to unpack one of the more difficult dynamics…

Here’s a thread on why:

Premise 1 - we live in an attention economy

(IOW attention is money) Premise 2 - there is more content in a day than what anyone can consume in a day

Premise 3 - people must do increasingly attention grabbing things because of premise 2
May 21, 2023 26 tweets 14 min read
There have been a number of excellent tributes, articles, and essays honoring @timkellernyc

Here is an ongoing thread with some of these pieces all in one place


thegospelcoalition.org/article/tgc-co… Molly Worthen in @TheAtlantic

Feb 7, 2023 22 tweets 10 min read
Today is the launch day for The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics.

We have a LOT going on in 2023, here is a preview.

The single thing I am most excited about is the 26 Fellows who will produce essays, podcasts, and video content. It is an impressive and humble group: Get a sense of the overall reason for existence from @timkellernyc himself by watching the trailer video:

Nov 26, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
I’ve long had an elder at church who says:

“The ability to handle dissonance is a sign of relational and spiritual maturity.”

A short 🧵 on the implications for hospitality, your pre-frontal cortex, evangelism… As America continues to fracture into every possible permutation and combination…

Standing out should become EASIER.

The key is a quiet confidence that comes from knowing you serve a good AND sovereign God.
Sep 13, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read

I was reduced to utter tears yesterday at what I thought was a new transcript of Todd Beamer’s 911 call from the rear galley of United 93.

I felt like his story was not well known.

However, I didn’t fully vet the provenance…

1/ If you know me at all in real life, then you know I am quite anal about due diligence.

There is a special kind of irony that the only thing that I have ever had go viral was something whose veracity turned out suspect.

Sep 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Short🧵on the 4 Types of Slavery in the Bible:

I have seen a lot of confusion on slavery in the Bible recently on here and in the national discourse. I'd like to bring a little bit of altitude and clarity on this matter to cut down on some of the talking past one another.

1. Foreign Prisoners of War

We see in Dt. 20 (esp. vs 10-11) that in the context of the kinds of wars allowed in the Mosaic Law that it is allowable to make foreign prisoners of war do forced labor as part of a peace treaty stipulations as opposed to destruction (vs 12-20)

2/7 Image
Dec 21, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
EXPANDED THREAD on the fracturing of evangelicalism:

I keep thinking about what I’m observing as I talk to other pastors & ministry leaders around the country and I think that evangelicalism is fracturing into at least 6 distinct groups:

1/14 Image 1. Christian nationalists/neo-fundamentalists

2. Evangelicals - still committed to culture war but not with the same dynamics as # 1s

3. Post-Evangelicals - doctrinally identical to # 2s but uncomfortable w/ political implications of ‘evangelical’ label and diff in phil. of min
Dec 1, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
THREAD on the recent SBC Statement on BFM and Incompatibility of CRT (you can read the full statement from the link)

baptistpress.com/resource-libra… Before I go any further a few caveats:

1. I have a deep admiration and appreciation for the men who wrote this statement and firmly believe both their Gospel commitments and that they had the best intentions
Jun 25, 2019 28 tweets 7 min read
THREAD: On Reparations

There seem to be two main aspects to the conversation on reparations IDEOLOGY and ADMINISTRATION:
1. Is this idea just and/or Biblical?
2a. If yes to #1, who should receive them and how much?
2b. If yes to #1, who should pay for them and how much?

1/23 A good argument can be made from pure logic as @scott_m_coley has enumerated here:
