Mark Suster Profile picture
2x entrepreneur. Sold both companies (last to @salesforce). Now @UpfrontVC looking to invest in passionate entrepreneurs.
6 subscribers
Jan 11 14 tweets 3 min read
I know people are hungry for on-the-ground information of what’s happening in LA. So just to offer you one perspective … 🧵 2/ you probably saw news that Palisades fire was spreading north & east last night. Near Pacific Palisades it seemed worst was behind us. Then you drive just 10 minutes east to Brentwood as I did last night for dinner. And it was dropping ash as though it was snowing
Mar 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ Update on what I know about SVB situation. New info on industry call with new CEO last night.

Their main message, "we are open for business, your deposits are fully FDIC insured & safe"

They understand you will have cash in multiple banks, they would like to be one of them 2/ CEO told us they will honor existing debt (i.e. you don't have to pay back on accelerated rates) and they will honor uncalled debt lines. They are underwriting new debt lines.

His main message, "we are open for business" and want to serve the tech industry
Mar 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ What next at SVB? Nobody knows but here's what I suspect:
- Reports that they can't raise equity, looking for a buyer of the business
- Trading halted on their shares
- We suspect they will find a buyer that will emerge today or over the weekend

What if not? 2/ You can look back to WaMu in 2008 for last example of a bank run
- Fed stepped in
- Forced a sale to JPM
- JPM took over deposits

SVB is a great bank with great customers. Clearly others had their eyes on it…
Mar 9, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ More in the VC community need to speak out publicly to quell the panic about @SVB_Financial ... I believe their CEO when he says they are solvent and not in violation of any banking ratios & goal was to raise & strengthen balance sheet 2/ They announced that they are selling long-term investments at a loss and investing in higher-yield investments that improve their financial metrics. They are raising $2.25bn to stabilize their balance sheet. But they say they are not insolvent & I take at face value
Jun 27, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ Starting a company is hard. It's way more stressful & lonely than most admit. Industry has been a cheerleader for years. But failures will go up exponentially now. I urge temperance in your urge to dunk on founders or funders who struggle. Humiliation + depression is dangerous 2/ I personally backed a founder (as an angel) a decade ago who took his own life when his startup failed.

I have reflected on this for years. I'll never know the full story but always thought humiliation of impending failure played a role
May 4, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Today @upfrontvc officially opened its Santa Monica offices after 14 months. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to begin to collaborate in person with colleagues, portfolio companies, startup entrepreneurs - in person. 2/ I will outline what @upfrontvc is doing in our office re-opening, not to say "we have all the answers" but just to put out thoughts for others planning or considering. Here goes ...
Apr 16, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ I had "strategic" investors at my first startup. I learned first hand what a bad idea this can be, even when they're good people. A thread ... 2/ I use quotes for "strategic" because it's really an oxymoron. Most industry investors are the opposite of strategic. They have vested interests and sadly this plays out on their board and investor participation
Mar 20, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
1/ A thread on "founder types" & how to hire those who complement you

There are no "exact types" of founders but to simplify:
A framework I think most founders broadly fall into:
1. Product centric
2. Tech centric
3. Customer centric

It helps to figure out which you have / are 2/ Many tech companies are "product centric"
- They understand how customers use today's products & where the gaps exist in the market.
- Know how to get tech built by high quality engineers
- Often win through 10x better products
- But often don't truly understand the customer
Mar 19, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Trevor Noah addresses racism against Asian Americans. It's so hard to find the right words to convey but his wisdom sums up my feelings better than even I could articulate. If you haven't seen this please dedicate just four minutes.

We must speak out & speak up 2/ I feel so much empathy for Asian Americans facing hostility and racism in America. We can't create a culture that tolerates this.

You can't stop crazy people, but we as a society can lash out against public figures who think it's acceptable to vilify Asians in any way
Jan 7, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
1/ I saw some of my colleagues argue that the press & some on Twitter overreacted to the events of yesterday. That's seriously misguided. The President of the United States wanted to illegally remain in power & certainly would have if Congress would have allowed him. 2/ There were enough GOP congresspeople immoral enough to go alone with the President's ruse. They knew he lost the election in a landslide but for political reasons said the opposite. This is seriously dangerous
Dec 24, 2020 19 tweets 6 min read
1/ Just realized this morning that it was 5 years ago today that I invested in @densityio ... it has truly been such a great career experience for me. Some notes ... 2/ Density is a privacy-first way to monitor how people or objects move around spaces. Today mostly office spaces. Plus warehouses, schools, retail outlets, government buildings
Jun 13, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ I have read many times over the years. It serves as a powerful reminder: Leaders who have the courage to use peaceful, symbolic protests to raise awareness of oppression are often discriminated against in their times but "history has its eyes on them"… 2/ This article is a great reminder of the courage & conviction of two African American athletes who raised awareness of oppression at their expense of their own continued fame, achievement and financial benefit
May 15, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ We know that Covid-19 has been devastating to some industries: air travel, hotels, live events, physical retail, oil. We know it has benefitted others: supermarkets, collaborative tools, restaurant delivery, athleisurewear. There are some other "future positives" ... 2/ Acceptance of technologies we know will benefit society are accelerating post Covid-19. some examples: Telemedicine an obvious benefit for doctors & patients. Rules, regs & habits being transformed
Apr 24, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
1/ Important PPP Update. The government has just clarified its position with respect to the PPP program today in ways that affect VC-backed startups. I will give you my view on important change, but it is here if you'd like to read:… 2/ Previously I believed the goal of the PPP was to "Protect Paychecks" (read: jobs) at small businesses and I believed the government's goal was to avoid unnecessary increases to unemployment. Today's guidance changes my views in one important way ...
Apr 4, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
For VC-backed startups, the PPP Loan program is still a minefield. Rumors that Mnuchin was going to fix the Affiliate Rule didn't materialize. @nvca published a list of the problem areas. 2/ There are rumors that the PPP Loan program may still fix the Affiliate Rule next week. Until fixed, it's nearly impossible for most VC-backed startups to apply because it would require huge legal lift to amend all of the charters of these companies to change control provisions
Oct 3, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ We can announce officially today that @BirdRide has raised $275 million. Upfront wrote a large check into this. As the article validates - it was all about "unit economics," which have performed very well.… @BirdRide 2/ Where ride sharing companies must pay a driver, scooter companies have the economics of autonomous vehicles today. The person enjoying the ride is the same person driving
May 17, 2019 20 tweets 3 min read
1/ In preparing to speak at a CEO Summit on the topic of boards, I sat down to think about first principles of what makes a good or bad board and how the CEO can best manage this. Below is my first pass ... 2/ Many teams view boards as an administrative body that comes together four times a year to be "updated." Call this the "waterfall board." Like anything in life, you'll get out of your board what you put into it
May 15, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
1/ Say “no” with humility and empathy. It’s the hardest thing somebody raising capital with existential fears ever has to hear 2/ On saying “no” as a VC with grace. Step 1 – do it by phone. If somebody took the time to meet with you and if they’ve asked for feedback you owe it to them to give them verbal feedback.
May 3, 2019 13 tweets 2 min read
How to write an effective email to people who receive a tons of emails (in 12 easy steps) ... 1. Make the subject line short, compelling & specific
Mar 24, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ Of course “ghosting” is such a loaded term it elicits this kind of angsty response. I have suggestions in stead of vitriol 2/ Start by assuming the person you want a response from is a good person. While not always true, odds say this is probably true. So we need to understand why he / she isn’t as responsive as you’d like
Feb 26, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
I love this thread about ADHD by @yashar. As he says, not everybody who had ADD is the same (I don't have the H, for example) but we share similarities. Please read his thread. I've written about how to cope & why it's a superpower for entrepreneurs here:… 2/ I did a short video interview talking about my ADHD to help demystify it. You brain can be wired this way AND be super successful.
Video Part 1:
Part 2: