multiplexer Profile picture
Writer, Gamer, Michigan football fiend, co-author of #SerpentineRPG. I write the Dungeonomics column at @criticalhits. I work on the Internet.
Feb 5, 2020 8 tweets 13 min read
Last night I talked to some badass women of DC, VA, MD at a @womenwhocodedc event. @svthmc asked a spot on Q re: carving out time to stay current. Here’s how I do it…. (1/8) #femtech #madeindc #dctech @WomenWhoCodeDC @svthmc First, I purposefully carve out time on Fridays. I have very little time during the week to absorb information, so I dedicate a part of my schedule to keeping up. (2/8)
Oct 2, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
I've been trying to figure out a good model or set of rubricks that would allow me to generate simple, internally consistent fabricated worlds. I went searching on the net and dug through various worldbuilding forums but there wasn't a thing that was robust enough. 2) This thinking led down a rabbit hole of some current popular thinking like Jared Diamond (which I read years ago) and some other half-baked theories but still saying RESOURCES left me cold.
Mar 4, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
1) I want to talk about this Socialism thing because I find it uniquely annoying.

First, anyone who screams "Socialism!" sounds like some old fuddy from a still from the Great Depression. As a pejorative, It sounds _old_ and the people screeching it sound _old_. 2) In the strict Das Kapital sense, socialism where the government seizes all property and means of production and redistributes it evenly to the workers. There is no strict socialism in the US. There never has been.