Marian Pop ⚡ Laravel Magazine Profile picture
🧙🏻‍♂️ Full-stack (Laravel, Vue, React) 🥷🏻 Creator of 🛰️ Sharing Laravel insights & 🎙 Podcast at @LaravelMagazine 👤 Pronouns: vi/vim
Jan 22, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
🔥 #Laravel Eloquent Models - [ 🥷🏻 "hidden" properties ]
We are all familiar with $table, $fillable, $dates and $appends and a few more but did you know there are more undocumented properties that we can make use of in our Laravel models?

Here is the complete list 🧵 👇🏻 1️⃣ You can specify the relations to eager load on every query for that model using $with Image
Jan 19, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
Laravel makes it simple to create background-processing queued jobs. Your application can reply to web requests with lightning speed and give your clients a better user experience by transferring time-consuming operations to a queue.

Laravel Queues [ Pocket Guide ] 🧵 👇🏻 1️⃣ Dispatching and running jobs
You can create a new job running the following artisan command:
Jan 6, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
🔥 Epic Laravel Tips Thread 🔥 [ Part 1 ] I decided to create weekly threads and share epic @laravelphp tips that will lead to a cleaner and more performant code!

Let's go 🧵 #epiclaravel 👇🏻

1/11 🔥 Epic Laravel 🔥 - Tip No. 1 [ Eloquent Global Query Scopes ] Implementing your own eloquent global query scopes can be a quick and straightforward approach to ensure that all queries for a given model are subject to certain limitations:
