How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App was not too big a 5.5, but big enough to trigger the alarm sending out onto the street, for the first time here since before Christmas, and it alongside the other (remember that bullseye I predicted in Mexico this year), are the only large ones since xmas here. thing to detail later is how New York will get the tsunami. When I affirmed that the main rupture will indeed be in the west Pacific, I wondered why it indeed seemed like so much emphasis went on 'NY tsunami'. Now I realized it's because the Caribbean WILL produce a tsunami. also aleviates any distortion to the path we are on. I did point out the lack of 7.7+, but also said to expect one within a month, so this does not throw things off."I warn to prepare and take cover. For I see a wave rising out of the sea, a force so powerful and gaining momentum riding on the top of water—within it—DESTRUCTION."