Oleksandr Mykhed Profile picture
Ukrainian writer. Member of PEN Ukraine. Author of the nonfiction book “The Language of War”.
Sep 14 11 tweets 4 min read
Today is the Ukrainian cinematography day. This 🧵 contains my personal favorite ones.
Let’s start with the most acclaimed. Deep amazing personal story about the siege of Mariupol and Russian invasion. Image One of the greatest debuts in our history. Stunning story about smuggling and father-son parable. Just solid directing and true acting. Image
Jun 9 4 tweets 2 min read
My nonfiction book about the fullscale invasion is already at the bookshops all over UK. @chiggi did a great profile about the book and my story for @observer
Image Here is in print.
The book is available here:
May 23 4 tweets 1 min read
1. This is a morning when I am giving an important interview to a great Western journalist. Another morning discussing daily genocide and a lost generation of amazing Ukrainians.
I tell stories about killed poets, writers missed in action and then appears this message: Image 2.
Russia had 10 missile strikes on Kharkiv this morning. By now we know about 6 killed and 11 injured.
The message is from the director of the Vivat publishing house.
Russia attacked their printing house.
There is fire. There are victims.
They are killing us on daily basis.
Feb 23, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
This is my wife @OlenaMason.
This is our townhouse in Hostomel.
A russian bomb ruined everything we had. This happened during the first week of invasion, March, 2022.
This photo was made in April 2022. 👇 Several dozens of our neighbors stayed in their houses during the strikes and fights for Hostomel.
This is a view on our neighborhood.
Feb 15, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
1. This thread is about a new investigation of @YaleSPH on how Russia kidnappes Ukrainian kids. The scale of this horror is beyond imagination. Key points 👇 2. More than 6,000 children in Russia’s custody. Children from Ukraine ages four months to 17 years who have been held at camps and other facilities since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022.
Jan 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1. The ministry of education of so-called terroristic luhansk people's republic made a list of 365 Ukrainian books that are considered as "extremist". I am honored to be in the list with a perfect "bad company". 2. The list is just a perfect list of the contemporary Ukrainian literature that reconsider soviet ideology and historical narratives.
Jan 21, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
1. This thread is about the first art exhibition shown at the russian terrorist wagner-centre.
The first artist to exhibit at the PMC is Alexey Chizhov.
He was born in 1980 in Leningrad.
Lives in St.-Petersburg.
His is on the left side of this photo. Image 2. The title of the exhibition is "A New Order".
I haven't found the curator's text for it. But I do found the explanatory text for this series of paintings from the previous exhibition. Image
Jan 4, 2023 23 tweets 9 min read
1. This thread is a tribute to Viktor Onysko.
Ukrainian film editor.
Rock star (in all good senses).
A great father and a husband.
An amazing friend.
A brother in arms.
A company comander of the Armed Forces.
He was killed by Russians in Donbas few days ago. Image 2. Since the Russian full-scale invasion Viktor enrolled in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He spend 40 days in the frontline deliberating Kherson region from the occupants. This image was taken there.
His call-sign is Tarantino (regarding his filmmaking career). Image
Dec 21, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
1. Нью-Йорк Таймз зробив мегарід із 6 лонгрідів.
6 авторів, 18 кореспондентів, 3 перекладачів, 6 продюсерів та картограф.
Коли читав, було понад 2000 коментарів. Найчастіший із них – ось як виглядає стаття, що тягне на Пулітцера.
Цей тред про мої найулюбленіші історії звідти. 2. Американці дізналися про приїзд на лінію фронту начальника російського генштабу герасімова. Вони вирішили не ділитися із ЗСУ своїми розвідданими, побоюючись, що українці вхєрячать герасімова, а це призведе до чергової уявної ескалації.
Але ЗСУ...
Nov 4, 2022 35 tweets 5 min read
1. Цей тред про російську брошуру «Живу, сражаюсь, побеждаю! Правила жизни на войне», опубліковану два тижні тому. Цільова аудиторія - мобілізовані росіяни. Автори - типу афганці і досвідчені русобійці. Я її прочитав і ось, що вийшло. Image 2. Для них це «Великая Отечественная 2.0».
"Германия, Польша, Чехия, Хорватия, Норвегия, Дания, Япония, Италия... Все они воевали против нас. Сегодня на Украине они мстят России за нашу Великую Победу... И мы, как наши деды в сорок пятом, обязаны победить".
Nov 3, 2022 14 tweets 2 min read
1. This thread will be about James Joyce's literary tastes. What Joyce disliked in particular. It is based on the research made by Jorn Barger. Image 2. Pushkin
"The Captain's Daughter... there was not a pin's worth of intellect in it... [Pushkin] lived like a boy, wrote like a boy, and died like a boy... [Captain's Daughter] good for its period... people have become more complicated nowadays."
Oct 25, 2022 19 tweets 3 min read
1. This thread is about the report of the UN Independent International Commission about the russian atrocities and violence in Ukraine.
It is hell.
I focus here only on the cases of rape and violence.
Plese STOP russia. 2. March 2022, the Human Rights Council decided to establish Independent International Commission of Inquiry to investigate all alleged violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, and related crimes in the context of Russian invasion.