Minna Reilly ✨⚔ Profile picture
she/her. messy mix of ttrpg and fandom activities on here. (fandoms include but are not limited to: star wars, campaign, the untamed, word of honor).
Jan 21, 2020 47 tweets 6 min read
in a completely coincidental pivot (my plan for today genuinely was this audiobook) I'm starting Thrawn 2: Dark Force Rising Here's the roundup thread for my book 1 livetweet
Jan 13, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
So, I finally read book 1 of the original thrawn trilogy. I did it in basically three sittings. ICYMI, here's thread one:

Thread 2
Jan 13, 2020 21 tweets 2 min read
Heir to the Empire read resumed today! Team Han is on its way to Myrkyr, and Karrde is hiding evidence of Luke.

K: Can you fly an x-wing?
Mara: I can fly anything

Hell yes 👀 what's this about jabba's palace backstory?
Jan 7, 2020 15 tweets 2 min read
-did not expect to be so frustrated by Ackbar being *under* cautious
-luke please stop going to dagobah without telling anyone Also icymi I doodled some thrawn last night
Jan 6, 2020 14 tweets 2 min read
rots novelization or heir to the empire.... which brainworms to feed I'M SORRY, RUKH WAS ALWAYS HERE? WE MEET HIM BEFORE THRAWN? at least i understand why he was just thrown into rebels w no explanation. rebels got real nerdy.
Dec 12, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
can we TALK about han solo always coming back to luke skywalker can we talk about how han left the swamps of mimban essentially still a starry-eyed naif, for all his time on the streets of corellia and in the imperial military, still convinced he could get a big break, save the girl, and fly off into the stars
Apr 4, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
TPM Session 4 summary dump begins here.

We open in a hallway in Senator Farr's compound on Rodia with a mysterious hooded figure approaching: "You must be the Jedi..." Maul strikes Qui-Gon before anyone can react and BOY, he rolls a lot of dice on lightsaber attacks. Things immediately begin feeling deadly (perfect). We go into initiative, the Jedi engaged with Maul, Panaka, Sabé, and the guards forming around Padmé and Farr's terrified aide.