Author, Voice Memos Podcast, Dear Dean EMagazine owner, Blogger at Medium. Elon puts warnings on my pictures/videos. Check out my books at link below. 👨🏾💻
Feb 2 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
I once tweeted that too many Americans believe they are the main character of the world.
And that
God follows their directions
They control nature
That history is only about them
And their imagined future is all that matter
And now they have a government that proves it all.
Those who think like that got the government they wanted. Staffed almost exclusively with white men & women, in charge of what they call history’s most lethal military, and with the U.S. Treasury in their personal pockets.
Feb 1 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
🧵 Can I say something as a Gen X?
Growing up in schools that included white kids, being friends & playing sports w/white kids, working and getting along with white peers, bosses, employees & neighbors..
Despite all the “stuff” I thought our future, our now would be better
I’m not naive. I’m a recipient of the Black Panthers breakfast, lunch, & vaccination programs. My school superintendent was assassinated by racists. I’ve lived through Dr King’s murder, Jesse Jackson winning 21 states (19?), Willie Horton & Rodney King.
Jan 23 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
🧵 This administration will be the most unqualified administration in history
A corporate takeover by a confederacy of dunces. A Russian stooge inspired to tear down every institution. It’s more than white supremacy. The oligarchs don’t care about that it’s a means to their ends
They want unparalleled freedom. Twisted unparalleled freedom on the backs and labor of a planet of lessers.
With militaries at their disposal & financial institutions their personal banks.
The shell of government will remain so masses can be placated. Faux control pacifies.
Jan 5 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
🧵Thinking about facebook using Black people as AI avatars & how that decision is so very American
One can draw a line from chattel slavery to the use of digital Black people
Ownership of our bodies, culture, intellectual & real property led to attempts to own us digitally
That it was done in secret from concept, design, approval, to launch is a quick study in corporations are people .. who can be as racist & unaccountable as *certain American men have always been/will always be.
None of the geniuses stopped to think beyond their limited worldview
Nov 15, 2024 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
I think something missed in the election analysis & why folk voted for Trump is:
White Trump voters repudiating white democratic voters
The oldest national dispute
Countless articles are written about the racism & misogyny but none/few about what I see as the main issue
We’re quick to racialize the results because that is the foundation of the nation and because it’s certainly correct
It’s also correct that our society is hyper patriarchal
But we tend to ignore small and in this case the larger issue: whites rejecting other whites
Nov 7, 2024 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
It’s so odd that folk descended from the *actual working class, ie enslaved folk, who fought like hell to get any jobs and who today have a population that is *mostly working class..
Watch as Bernard, media, & so-called democratic strategists only see white men as working class
What the voices-mostly men, are saying, is “please take care of white men, the most important people in the nation.”
The centuries-long coddling of that one demographic is the main reason for every backwards move the nation has ever and probably will ever make.
Sep 20, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Media personalities quiet about Olivia Nuzzi running a smear campaign & her past racism, w/some even rallying around her because she is “young”
These the same folk who went to dinner with Sarah Huckabee when she stepped down as spokesperson after she disrespected them for years
These are the same folk, especially men, who circle the wagons around Maggie Haberman every couple months.
The same folk who never come to the defense of any Black women journalists who are attacked by Trump inc.
Funny how that is, huh?
Sep 8, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
I need to remember that for the debate VP Harris isn’t trying to win my vote.
She’s probably gonna emphasize the broadness of her policies that’ll help “undecided” and republicans who are done with Trump be reassured.
“Winning” looks different than her speaking at DNC imo.
I’d love her to go after him with fire and fury every time she speaks and refutes his bullcrap.
As good as that would make me feel I don’t believe that’s the approach *most Americans want to see in that setting.
I think they want her Presidential- however you define it
Sep 1, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Palestinian’s greatest enemy is Hamas. The citizens won’t progress until Hamas are out of power & cast to the terrorist dustbin of history
Domestic protestors are harming peace progress,& are lackeys for Trump, Putin, Iran
Blaming Israel, Black folk, VP, & does nothing to help.
Netanyahu is worse than Trump right now but effectively showing Trump and the western world how Trump too would disregard international demands and domestic protests to preserve his administration while killing enemies and noncombatants
Jul 20, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I think a major reason the actions by the wealthy elites who are trying bypass VP & have her “apply” for the job against all their favorites..
Is so offensive to Black, brown, & Asian women because this happens every day in corporate America to them.
This is resonating deeply.
They’re operating in an exclusive room where there’s little to no diversity. They, like their republican counterparts, are determined to place additional hurdles for minority candidates and back date those hurdles to the person doing the job.
This is 101 anti Black/Brown woman
Jul 9, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
The Black people, mostly men, who like to blame democrats for <everything> now get to point to elected democrats also blaming the party, president, and vice president..for <everything>
Those elected democrats doing that really tells me they’re only in the party for themselves
They talk like democrats, and fundraise off democrats, but when democratic voters make our choice (s) known, they rebelled and, like their maga friends, they work w/media to usurp our will.
We followed their rules and laws and put Biden/Harris in office & up for reelection.
Jul 2, 2024 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
There’s no path forward for president Biden to exact revenge or worse, violence, with the power the Supreme Court just gave him.
It can temporarily feel good as a democratic voter to suggest it but america’s end hastens if such acts occur.
I think folk intuitively know that.
It can momentarily feel good to express our own anger to suggest he “take out the SC, nuke maralago, send deal team 6 to get folk, etc” but temporary turns into nonstop violent retribution.
Jun 30, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Dems loudly complaining for 3 years that big media ignores President Biden’s daily speeches. They rarely carry him live.
Now after one debate every media stooge, podcast bro, never trumpers, and big Twitter accounts suddenly are the loudest anti-Biden voices.
They ain’t slick
It’s just funny all those haughty people are suddenly overly invested in what democrats should do.
Like, they haven’t cared about what democrats have done for 3 years.
And they certainly haven’t objectively and consistently reported on dem results.
May 18, 2024 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
There’s an interesting divide on the Jasmine Crockett rebuttal to the unprovoked attack on her by Marjorie Green, and it’s one that like most issues in America is divided by race.
Black women and men side with Rep Jasmine, especially BW who are sick of attacks on their bodies.
Attacks by everyone but especially by WW. The co-opting of BW thickness, lips, hips, hair & makeup, while simultaneously denigrating the same features in BW.
The laws against BW hair that necessitated the Crown Act.
And BW proclaiming their preference of the bear & ww anger
Then their supporters come to their defense with “But they’ve done good work” …as if the “now” of their racism is excused by their past works
Nope. There’s too much at stake to give passes to democrats more interested in appeasing repubs than supporting Black & brown voters.
Feb 25, 2024 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Still can't believe a man tried to overthrow a presidential election, had help from numerous federally elected & state elected officials and widely known political operatives
And was supported by multiple foreign agents and heads of state
Is allowed to run for president
Not a single leader of the insurrection is in jail or even tried.
Justice takes time
This is complex
Justice Department has to get it right
They only get one chance to get him/them
Those excuses are white supremacy talking points.
Feb 22, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
You know another vile thing about those anti-Biden folk MSNBC (and other cable news) continue to platform?
They talk about hurting Biden/democrats by not voting for him, but the real people they'll hurt are the people *only democrats help.
Black people
The producers know this
They tell their viewers those folk are the base of the party, knowing that is a lie. They don't tell them their sordid history - one is a communist/DSA stooge, the other a mulism anti-democratic criminal, & another just got a huge grant due to Biden/Harris policies.
Feb 15, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I remember going to welfare office with my mom and watching her have to justify being poor to the white lady who would decide if we could have food stamps. Her sneering questions about why my mom had 3 kids, why she only had seasonal work, and why she didn’t sell her wedding ring
Mom calmly answered every question for herself and my disappeared father who was out on the streets somewhere
The lady’s supervisor, a white man, came to punctuate the insults by telling mom she was pretty enough to keep a man so he couldn’t understand why she needed food stamps
Feb 7, 2024 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
I honestly don't understand why republicans run & elect such awful men.
I am 59 and know, worked with, & lived by wonderful white men & women who could be good candidates
There are millions in the country like them but the gop goes to Trump, Lindsey, Gaetz, Mitch, Tuberville
Why does that party go so low to elect those guys?
We always hear about democrats appealing to rural white voters, soccer moms, and blue collar white men..
But rarely hear why repubs don't appeal to regular Black & brown folk by running a reasonable candidate that appeals to us
Jan 25, 2024 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Nikki Haley is destroying the republican party and it is wonderful to see.
She raised $50M in the 2nd of of 2023-outraising trump, and so he is threatening her donors.
(screenshot by @ cwebbonline).
What will happen as we move closer to the election?
A complete GOP breakdown.
Last election republicans tried to stop the counting of votes in key states and districts. Simultaneously they were working the courts to stop counting democratic votes, and telling state republican officials to declare trump the winner